Be born again

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    John chapter 3 verse 1 – 21

    1There was a man named Nicodemus who was one of the Pharisees and an important Jewish leader.

    2One night Nicoddemus came to Jesus and said “Teacher, we know you are a teacher sent from God, because no one can do the miracles you do unless God is with him.”

    3Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, unless one is born again, he cannot be in God's kindom.”

    4Nicodemus said, “But if a person is already old, how can he be born again? He cannot enter his mother's body again. So how can a person be born a second time?”

    5But Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, unless one is born from water and the Spirit, he cannot enter God's kingdom.

    6Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from Spirit.

    7Dont be surpised when I tell you, 'You must be born again.'

    8The wind blows where it wants to and you hear the sound of it, but you don't know where the wind comes from or where it is going. It is the same with every person who is born from the Spirit.”

    9Nidodemus asked, “How can this happen?”

    10Jesus said, “You are an important teacher in Israel and you don't understand these things?

    11I tell you the truth, we talk about what we know, and we tell about what we have seen, but you don't accept what we tell you.

    12I have told you about things here on earth, and you do not believe me. So you will not believe me if I tell you about things in heaven.

    13The only one who has ever gone up to heaven is the One who came down from heaven—the Son of Man.

    14″Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, the Son of Man mult also be lifted up.

    15So that everyone who believes can have eternal life in him.

    16″God loved the world so muchthat he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.

    17God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him.

    18People who believe in God's Son are not judged guilty. Those who do not believe have already been judged guilty, because they have not believed in God's one and only Son.

    19They are Judged by this fact: the Light has come into the world, but they did not want the light. They wanted darkness, because they were doing evil things .

    20All who do evil hate the light and will not come to the light, because it will show all the evil things they do.

    21But those who follow the true way come to the light, and it shows that the things they do were done through God.”

    I invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life by praying thus:

    “O Lord God I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your word says, “…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).

    I ask Jesus to come into my heart to be the Lord of my life. I receive eternal life into my spirit
    and according to Romans 10:9 “That if thouh shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved; I am born-again; O am a child of God! I now have Christ dwelling in me, and greater is He that is me than he that is in the world! (1 John 4:4). I now walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah

    Read and believe

    but you need to speak it out loud
    and believe in your heart

    Tell me how it goes

    Peace and Welcome to the Family


    Hi RM,
    Is this popular new idea of salvation really shown in scripture?

    Jl 2 quoted in Acts is for the Jews and Romans was written to those who already had been through the door of Jesus.
    Making such intellectual commitments without repentance and rebirth of water and the Spirit is a dangerous and false way that is not shown in scripture.

    Jesus is Lord but it is those whom he and his Father know that are saved.
    No magic.


    I don;t know to whom I should address this post, Nick or f J?

    There is a difference between born from above, and born again.
    Born from above is when you receive God's Holy Spirit, that changes you from the inside out.
    Born “again”, is just what it implies; what happened when you were born the first time? you received life, born again is receiving life after you died by a resurrection.




    I am tired of arguing with you so say what you want

    Either believe it or not

    Read it out and believe in your heart if you truly believe

    and if you are not born again you would see the results

    Peace and God bless you all


    Hi FOJ,
    Peter showed what rebirth was about at Pentecost.

    nothing has changed.

    'Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus… and you will receive the Holy Spirit…”


    Like I said I am tired of arguing with you

    So I would not believe your lies no matter how much of them you tell


    Hi FOJ,
    Scripture lies?
    Where do you find truth?


    Often people misinterprate the word of God

    previously you said

    The coming of Jesus and his teachings has not washed clean mankind.
    You must be born again.

    the Bible said in 1 John 8. If we say we have no sin we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us

    you said

    Jesus is Lord but it is those whom he and his Father know that are saved

    But if you read Psalm 139 you may see that God knows everything

    EVERYTHING. Even those who are still in Darkness yet to be saved

    Often people believe they can 'figure' out the Bible with their own wisdom

    Instead of asking God for wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:30

    There is many things that we 'think' we understand

    Even if one knew every word of the Bible from Genesis to Revalation, there is still much to learn from reading it

    Proverbs 3 verse 5: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

    Regardless what you may believe God has been leading me

    Even if I was to know all that I human can know

    I would still follow the Lord

    Nobody can force you to believe

    God does not force himself on anyone


    Hi FOJ,
    You must be reborn of water and the Spirit,
    But it is your choice.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 16 2009,09:36)
    Hi FOJ,
    You must be reborn of water and the Spirit,
    But it is your choice.





    Hi Georg,
    Carnal men are not sons of God but sons of rebellious Adam.
    Only those cleansed and filled with the eternal Living Spirit of God are sons of God.
    Reborn from above they have already passed from death to life and for them there is no condemnation if they walk in the Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 18 2009,06:15)
    Hi Georg,
    Carnal men are not sons of God but sons of rebellious Adam.
    Only those cleansed and filled with the eternal Living Spirit of God are sons of God.
    Reborn from above they have already passed from death to life and for them there is no condemnation if they walk in the Spirit.

    Mmmmmm Don't you have it backwards? I always thought when you receive God's Holy Spirit that you are born from above, which is God's Holy Spirit. That makes more sense to me. Born means when you take on a new body, does it not?


    Hi Irene,
    Jesus is the firstborn from the dead and the sons of God will only be known later, in the first resurrection.
    But if we have obeyed the command and walk in the earnest of the Spirit then it is certain.
    So Peter says in the first chapter of his first letter we are born again.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 18 2009,07:23)
    Hi Irene,
    Jesus is the firstborn from the dead and the sons of God will only be known later, in the first resurrection.
    But if we have obeyed the command and walk in the earnest of the Spirit then it is certain.
    So Peter says in the first chapter of his first letter we are born again.

    O.K. I except, and apologize, 1Peter 1 does explains it well.
    Funny I even have it underlined.


    hi foj
    the Bible said in 1 John 8. If we say we have no sin we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us
    do you understand what it means?
    it means that you fooling youself because you reject the sacrifice of Christ so you will have no hope for salvation,and you died in you sins.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 18 2009,06:15)
    Hi Georg,
    Carnal men are not sons of God but sons of rebellious Adam.
    Only those cleansed and filled with the eternal Living Spirit of God are sons of God.
    Reborn from above they have already passed from death to life and for them there is no condemnation if they walk in the Spirit.


    That I agree with.



    hi all
    to me born again mean just that,when Jesus said to nicodamus you have to be born again it was a jew ,now jew were walking by the law of Moses,this law was spelled out to them wath the do who to do it ,not so with Jesus,now you have to change not only the outside but the inside as well and more so,you have to be able to do it to the point of giving up your own live,this was never herd of before,and yes it was all new to the jews under the law.
    for everyone else just the same


    Hi T,
    We cannot clean the inside of the cup any better than the pharisees could.
    God washes us in the blood of Jesus[1Peter3]


    Hi T,
    We cannot clean the inside of the cup any better than the pharisees could.
    God washes us in the blood of Jesus in response the plea of water baptism.[1Peter3]


    hi to all
    i can understand why Jesus said to Nicodemus that he at to be reborn,for this reason,Nicodemus was a jew under the law,for him is perseption has to born again,from the law(perishable) to the spirit of th law(Christ imperishable),so it would able him to understand God spirit and worship.

    Jn 3:3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’”
    Jn 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’
    1Pe 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.
    Peter show the fact that if we are not born through the living enduring WORD of God we have a perishable faith.

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