Arriving at truth

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    Hear what the spirit says in the truth: Jesus is all and in all.

    I could not find a single scripture that says that ;but I found one that says that, but it is of God instead of Christ.

    Please stop seeing physical cities, peoples, thrones, and kingdoms. Be born of spirit to see, hear, and understand with spiritual hearing and understanding.

    the truth of God is spiritual and as to be understood;not dreamed


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: Everything you know, think, believe, understand, mis-understand, contemplate, think on, meditate, ponder or wonder are all dreams. Dreams are spiritual pictures in the mind. Words create spiritual pictures. Words create dreams. Jesus taught in dreams/parables. It says Jesus taught nothing without a parable. If you believe God is spirit then God is your dream. You choose words that describe what you believe God to be like, accept them and that is the picture of your God in your heart/mind.

    There is only ONE God, in truth, but we create individually what we believe to be our God to be. The more man/religion a person has heard the harder it is to find pure truth. You have to dig a bit for the Gospel/good news. Jesus the precious stone is where diamonds are, not on the surface.

    If you will notice as you read the Bible if you read looking for gospel, good news only, peace with God, love and all the fruit produced by the spirit of God you will find and create in your mind that very God to serve.

    If you hang on to lies and destructive words of the old testament, from someone misguided or in error/sin, you will continue to see God in that dark understanding. You are in charge of choosing for yourself, either the gospel of God for your life or the wrath of a god who punishes, kills, destroys, and is a harsh taskmaster with judgment and condemnation. Its all in the same book, but if you make Jesus/the word of God, your lord and follow him, you will build your spiritual house on peace, love, joy, happiness, kindness, meekness, gentleness, no condemnation, righteousness, worthyness, and perfection before God! Thats our choice. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ May 04 2011,04:46)
    Pierre: Everything you know, think, believe, understand, mis-understand, contemplate, think on, meditate, ponder or wonder are all dreams. Dreams are spiritual pictures in the mind. Words create spiritual pictures. Words create dreams. Jesus taught in dreams/parables. It says Jesus taught nothing without a parable. If you believe God is spirit then God is your dream. You choose words that describe what you believe God to be like, accept them and that is the picture of your God in your heart/mind.

    There is only ONE God, in truth, but we create individually what we believe to be our God to be. The more man/religion a person has heard the harder it is to find pure truth. You have to dig a bit for the Gospel/good news. Jesus the precious stone is where diamonds are, not on the surface.

    If you will notice as you read the Bible if you read looking for gospel, good news only, peace with God, love and all the fruit produced by the spirit of God you will find and create in your mind that very God to serve.

    If you hang on to lies and destructive words of the old testament, from someone misguided or in error/sin, you will continue to see God in that dark understanding. You are in charge of choosing for yourself, either the gospel of God for your life or the wrath of a god who punishes, kills, destroys, and is a harsh taskmaster with judgment and condemnation. Its all in the same book,  but if you make Jesus/the word of God, your lord and follow him, you will build your spiritual house on peace, love, joy, happiness, kindness, meekness, gentleness, no condemnation, righteousness, worthyness, and perfection before God! Thats our choice. IMO, TK


    if you believe what you say,then you have not come to know God and his son.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: Why do you think God said, I have set before you life and death,(a choice of beliefs in the scriptures, to find your personal God, not your life on earth) now you choose, and then he even recomended we choos life so we may live. Anything God says aligns with his nature. The fruit of his words to believers is goodness, kindness, meekness, gentleness, love which sums it all up. The words of God are love to man. Isn't that gospel? Any words God would say through Jesus that are for believers are of love, patience, kindness, meekness, joy, happiness and good news. The gospel in not bad news. It means good news!

    In what possible way is what I have written not of a loving God and a loving Son. If I respect their love nature then how is it you say I don't know them? This amazes me. Had I spoke of death and destruction, tribulations, trials, holding on, yada yada, you probably would agree. What would you believe if you feel you know God. Clearly one of the two of us is wrong here!

    If I have come to know the Father/Son/Spirit as evil or harsh or bad, its my free will choice to believe those illusions. They are not the truth, they are illusions of the truth. I do not choose them because they are apart from love!

    I have not chosen to see my God as evil, I have chosen good/love. I do know my Father in heaven. I met him in his son Jesus. His words are expression from the Father, which is love and all that goes with love. So now it is easy to know the truth. When it aligns with love I have heard it correctly. If I sense death or destruction it would be against sin or error of thinking. It is never bad news against a believer. Please explain your post! TK


    you say;

    If you hang on to lies and destructive words of the old testament, from someone misguided or in error/sin, you will continue to see God in that dark understanding. You are in charge of choosing for yourself, either the gospel of God for your life or the wrath of a god who punishes, kills, destroys, and is a harsh taskmaster with judgment and condemnation. Its all in the same book, but if you make Jesus/the word of God, your lord and follow him, you will build your spiritual house on peace, love, joy, happiness, kindness, meekness, gentleness, no condemnation, righteousness, worthyness, and perfection before God! Thats our choice. IMO, TK

    first God never changes ,what was applied in the old testament is the same than the new,you talking about love ,good is this mean stupid as well ?God as always blessed the righteous before and punish the wicket ,and will do it now, Christ came to say that the time for reconciliation is here,and it is the love of God that produced the grace trough the sacrifice of Christ. end of story.

    God as never forced anyone to serve him ,he always ask and recommend it,and it still is today and yes we can make a choice.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: There were many gods and many lords of the old testament. The most high God that Jesus revealed is the God of Love! Love does not fight or war for its way, love does not punish or take into account a wrong done to it. Love does not kill and destroy and pilliage cities and take their spoils. Love does not favor one person over another person or one group over another. Love does not conspire with a group of chosen people to protect and bless them if they will worship and follow what it says to do. Like the Mafia of today. So if God never changes the old testament(in many cases) followed a wrong god!

    Jesus was sent to a dark, misguided, sinful world to save it from its wrong thinking about God. Jesus came to bring the truth to those (Jews) who were in error. Jesus came to save the lost. All that were in darkness, wrong thinking, error, sin, they were lost from God, yet these were the highest religious people in the world at that time.The Jews(self proclaimed chosen ones)! Those professing knowing God were the ones lost. The old testament was comprised

    of light/good and dark/evil. You can find either there. The New Testament brings the truth/pure light to mankind. Jesus the new testament is the light to guide the path of the true way to God. If there is a true way to God there is also a false way that seems right to a man but in the end it is death. OT religion was an illusion of a way to God. Jesus is the only way.

    Jesus brought Gods words to mankind. Jesus brought the spirit/Gods words to mankind, full of truth/light/and life! The truth words of Jesus washed away the sin or wrong thinking of man. The truth words of God, through Jesus, cleansed mankind from all sin. Made man

    whole again, ONE with God. Made man righteous and perfect unto God. The word of God did this. Totally apart from anything a man was doing or could do. The old dead testament was built on rituals, works, deeds, sacrifices, tithes, offerings, washings, cleansings all established by man as the way to God. That created the darkness and sin they were in. Darkness came from lies, devils, deceptions from darkness in high places (the hierarchy of the temple).

    The new testament of Jesus gave the words of the most high God to cleanse,purify,make whole, make righteous and make perfect sons of God. God did this for mankind and effectuated it through Jesus unto the world. THOSE WHO BELIEVE GOD DID THIS AND ACCEPTS WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN MADE, WALK IN THE PURENESS AND PERFECTION GOD HAS GIVEN!! Without doing a thing but believing!

    If a man thinks he can add anything to, or take anything away, from the perfect salvation provided by God, by doing good or bad works, he severs himself from the faith that was the only way he could connect in the first place.

    Serving and/or following God through Jesus is by faith or believing God has provided the way as an eternal gift of total salvation.

    Making a choice in the Bible is either following the ot works,deeds, effort way which produced predominately darkness and sin or following the NT way of receiving perfection from the most high God through the gift of Jesus by faith alone. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ May 06 2011,03:50)
    Pierre:  There were many gods and many lords of the old testament. The most high God that Jesus revealed is the God of Love! Love does not fight or war for its way, love does not punish or take into account a wrong done to it. Love does not kill and destroy and pilliage cities and take their spoils. Love does not favor one person over another person or one group over another. Love does not conspire with a group of chosen people to protect and bless them if they will worship and follow what it says to do. Like the Mafia of today. So if God never changes the old testament(in many cases) followed a wrong god!

    Jesus was sent to a dark, misguided, sinful world to save it from its wrong thinking about God. Jesus came to bring the truth to those (Jews) who were in error. Jesus came to save the lost. All that were in darkness, wrong thinking, error, sin, they were lost from God, yet these were the highest religious people in the world at that time.The Jews(self proclaimed chosen ones)! Those professing knowing God were the ones lost. The old testament was comprised

    of light/good and dark/evil. You can find either there. The New Testament brings the truth/pure light to mankind. Jesus the new testament is the light to guide the path of the true way to God. If there is a true way to God there is also a false way that seems right to a man but in the end it is death. OT religion was an illusion of a way to God. Jesus is the only way.

    Jesus brought Gods words to mankind. Jesus brought the spirit/Gods words to mankind, full of truth/light/and life! The truth words of Jesus washed away the sin or wrong thinking of man. The truth words of God, through Jesus, cleansed mankind from all sin. Made man

    whole again, ONE with God. Made man righteous and perfect unto God. The word of God did this. Totally apart from anything a man was doing or could do. The old dead testament was built on rituals, works, deeds, sacrifices, tithes, offerings, washings, cleansings all established by man as the way to God. That created the darkness and sin they were in. Darkness came from lies, devils, deceptions from darkness in high places (the hierarchy of the temple).

    The new testament of Jesus gave the words of the most high God to cleanse,purify,make whole, make righteous and make perfect sons of God. God did this for mankind and effectuated it through Jesus unto the world. THOSE WHO BELIEVE GOD DID THIS AND ACCEPTS WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN MADE, WALK IN THE PURENESS AND PERFECTION GOD HAS GIVEN!! Without doing a thing but believing!

    If a man thinks he can add anything to, or take anything away, from the perfect salvation provided by God, by doing good or bad works, he severs himself from the faith that was the only way he could connect in the first place.

    Serving and/or following God through Jesus is by faith or believing God has provided the way as an eternal gift of total salvation.

    Making a choice in the Bible is either following the ot works,deeds, effort way which produced predominately darkness and sin or following the NT way of receiving perfection from the most high God through the gift of Jesus by faith alone. IMO, TK


    I am not sure if you understand what Gods love is ,means,
    wen I talk about God I only talk about the only true God ;and his son.

    1Th 4:1 Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.

    just remember that even Satan will disguised himself in a angel of light ;do you understand what that mean?

    the word of God is all we have the old testament and the new,we can not choose witch one we accept this would mean we judging the word of God,only people who as not come to the understanding of the truth of God act this way.

    The new testament of Jesus gave the words of the most high God to cleanse,purify,make whole, make righteous and make perfect sons of God. God did this for mankind and effectuated it through Jesus unto the world. THOSE WHO BELIEVE GOD DID THIS AND ACCEPTS WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN MADE, WALK IN THE PURENESS AND PERFECTION GOD HAS GIVEN!! Without doing a thing but believing!

    this is also true with the old testament look how many became apostles,and believer,and many had righteous lives.

    Making a choice in the Bible is either following the ot works,deeds, effort way which produced predominately darkness and sin or following the NT way of receiving perfection from the most high God through the gift of Jesus by faith alone. IMO, TK

    the choice we have to make is to accept Christ sacrifice by witch the grace of God is given, so this can not be a choice that produce sin and darkness,

    it seems you have not reach the light of Christ,your heart is still in doubt,

    but we all have to surrender totally to God.


    Tim Kraft

    The TRUTH came in Jesus. The only reason for there to be a need for the truth was mankind was in error/sin. If the old testament was working or the old religious church and was teaching people correctly who they were in God there would not have been a need for Jesus to come and give the truth, and show the way, to the life in God. Why did Jesus need to come to earth? What was the reason.

    Were the former religious people in good stead with God or were they lost in sin? Did the people know God and where he is and what he wanted them to do? If so then they were not lost in sin! If the law was keeping people clean and free from sin then there was no need for Jesus to come.

    If the law of Moses and the Jewish Temple worship was failing to keep the worshipers clean unto God then why do you or anybody go back to what was not working before, to learn from? Please tell me how that makes sense.

    Everything we need to know about God is in the NewTestament from Jesus. The NEW WAY OF SPIRIT BAPTISM! There was no word/spirit baptizm in the old way. The old is finished. Obsolete! Done, gone, by by, finished, through,!!! Why return? Why go backwards? It makes no sense and it really messes with the New Testament because the new way is by faith/believing that God has done his work for you and given it to you as a gift. If you follow the old testament you will die in your sin!! There is salvation in only one, Jesus Christ. IMO, TK



    Everything we need to know about God is in the NewTestament from Jesus. The NEW WAY OF SPIRIT BAPTISM! There was no word/spirit baptizm in the old way. The old is finished. Obsolete! Done, gone, by by, finished, through,!!! Why return? Why go backwards? It makes no sense and it really messes with the New Testament because the new way is by faith/believing that God has done his work for you and given it to you as a gift. If you follow the old testament you will die in your sin!! There is salvation in only one, Jesus Christ. IMO, TK

    you talking about the law regarding the ceremonial and so on,right I agree there but there is more than the law ,even though the law is not bad in it self,Psalms,Job,Jeremy,Ecclesiastics,Proverbs to mention a few,

    and the law was there to show that the people could not be saved unless someone could cover there sins so that they would look righteous in God eyes,but their hearts where not in to do Gods work,

    so if this is what you try to say to me ok otherwise i have to disagree with my friend,

    the old and new are a benefit to the ones who learn from it,and it is not going backward by doing this ,only if you try to put the tithe back,and want to rebuild a new temple in Jerusalem in place of the old one,and that you want to apply the law a eye for a eye,then you would be wrong ,and going backward.

    this is what Christ was saying to the Jews that by OBSERVING THE LAW THEY COULD NOT BE SAVED,


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: Jesus said if even a jot or tital of the law is removed, then one must follow the whole law. Jesus removed the sacrifice by being the final sacrifice for mankind forever. But if you believe the sacrifice has been removed then you must reject the whole law.

    I would have to ask why? Why go back and study what failed to produce anything but darkness and sin. The lack of God/good fruit alone I would think people would not go back for rotten fruit. Sin prevailed in the old testament. Salvation comes as a free gift in the new testament. When someone gives you a gift at no cost should you go out and walk an old lady across the street or do some sort of work?

    Sin and death from the old. Life and freedom in the new. I cannot argue choice with people. It is your choice. If you want death and destruction, unclean, degraded, unwholyness, pain and suffering to no avail, stay or spend time in the old testament. Then step into the new testament and try to stop old testament events like multiple wives, concubines(mistresses) drinking alcohol, wars, all forms of destruction. Its your choice. I could probably play with a posionus snake and maybe not get bit but its dangerous and risky unto life, so why do it??

    In some cases a human being acts like an animal that has been caged for many years. When set free he fears the freedom and returns to the cage. The cage restricted him but it also protected him. His cost for protection was his freedom. Jesus came to undo the chains of religion that bind mankind. He broke the fetters in twain. He set the captives free. I hope this reminder helps someone not to return to the dark old testament. Reading the stories doesn't hurt as long as you don't follow the religious ways.

    The old is darkness/sin and death with bondage for all and the new is light/truth/peace with God/love for all, freedom!

    I have given you my heart felt truth. Completely for your own benefit! It is for you, my brother, from God. IMO, TK



    Sin and death from the old.  Life and freedom in the new. I cannot argue choice with people. It is your choice. If you want death and destruction, unclean, degraded, unwholyness, pain and suffering to no avail, stay or spend time in the old testament. Then step into the new testament and try to stop old testament events like multiple wives, concubines(mistresses) drinking alcohol, wars, all forms of destruction. Its your choice. I could probably play with a posionus snake and maybe not get bit but its dangerous and risky unto life, so why do it??

    the LAW of Moses was and is nothing like you describe it ,Christ quoted the base of it all by quoting the first and the second commandment,

    if you love your fellow men how is it that you can do or practice all you mention,it is the wickedness in people who does,
    the new testament will not prevent that to happen ,but if you apply those two commandment in your live you will prevent all those things and render to God the true sacrifice needed for saving you live.

    and for your info the new testament was only written 40 or 50 and 60 years latter and out of the old testament ,would you so conclude that all believers previous to those years have not the true faith and so have wasted their time and will not be save at the end???



    Ho Lord what have they done to your message ?
    Ho Lord what they have done with your love ?
    Ho Lord what have they done to your words ?
    Ho Lord what will be now the out come of all this ?



    Ho Lord what will be now the out come of all this ?

    Explained in 1Corinthians 15:20-28

    20 (Yet now Christ has been roused from among the dead, the Firstfruit of those who are reposing.
    21 For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead.
    22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.
    23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence;
    24 thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power.
    25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.
    26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.
    27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.
    28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)


    this also

    Mt 20:1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard.
    Mt 20:2 He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
    Mt 20:3 “About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing.
    Mt 20:4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’
    Mt 20:5 So they went.
    “He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing.
    Mt 20:6 About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’
    Mt 20:7 “ ‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.
    “He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’
    Mt 20:8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
    Mt 20:9 “The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius.
    Mt 20:10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius.
    Mt 20:11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.
    Mt 20:12 ‘These men who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
    Mt 20:13 “But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius?
    Mt 20:14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.
    Mt 20:15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
    Mt 20:16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”




    we are waiting for the return of Christ ,but what do we do in the mean time ?

    are we prepared?
    can we prove what we believe ?
    are we ready to die for the love of God ?

    is God first in our live ?

    those are some of the questions as a Christian we should be able to answer ,right?



    If Christ is in you, the hope of Glory then how can anyone say Christ isn't here? One cannot possibly call himself a “Christian” which originally meant “Christ like” if Christ is not here dwelling in us now. How could you be like Christ if Christ is out somewhere?
    When you say Christ is in you, it is the same as saying, Jesus is in you. Did you accept Jesus in your heart? Then is he there? Then he is HERE!!

    Jesus said, hot or cold, one or the other, lukewarm so called “Christians” that deny Jesus the Christ is here in us he will “SPEW” FROM HIS MOUTH! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 14 2011,16:52)
    If Christ is in you, the hope of Glory then how can anyone say Christ isn't here? One cannot possibly call himself a “Christian” which originally meant “Christ like” if Christ is not here dwelling in us now. How could you be like Christ if Christ is out somewhere?
    When you say Christ is in you, it is the same as saying, Jesus is in you. Did you accept Jesus in your heart? Then is he there? Then he is HERE!!

    Jesus said, hot or cold, one or the other, lukewarm so called “Christians” that deny Jesus the Christ is here in us he will “SPEW” FROM HIS MOUTH!  IMO, TK


    explain how is Christ in US ?


    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ July 14 2011,10:27)

    Quote (ftk @ July 14 2011,16:52)
    If Christ is in you, the hope of Glory then how can anyone say Christ isn't here? One cannot possibly call himself a “Christian” which originally meant “Christ like” if Christ is not here dwelling in us now. How could you be like Christ if Christ is out somewhere?
    When you say Christ is in you, it is the same as saying, Jesus is in you. Did you accept Jesus in your heart? Then is he there? Then he is HERE!!

    Jesus said, hot or cold, one or the other, lukewarm so called “Christians” that deny Jesus the Christ is here in us he will “SPEW” FROM HIS MOUTH!  IMO, TK


    explain how is Christ in US ?


    Hi Pierre,

    Are these verses not in your bible?

    Romans 8:8-9 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
    But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God
    dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 14 2011,18:19)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 14 2011,10:27)

    Quote (ftk @ July 14 2011,16:52)
    If Christ is in you, the hope of Glory then how can anyone say Christ isn't here? One cannot possibly call himself a “Christian” which originally meant “Christ like” if Christ is not here dwelling in us now. How could you be like Christ if Christ is out somewhere?
    When you say Christ is in you, it is the same as saying, Jesus is in you. Did you accept Jesus in your heart? Then is he there? Then he is HERE!!

    Jesus said, hot or cold, one or the other, lukewarm so called “Christians” that deny Jesus the Christ is here in us he will “SPEW” FROM HIS MOUTH!  IMO, TK


    explain how is Christ in US ?


    Hi Pierre,

    Are these verses not in your bible?

    Romans 8:8-9 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
    But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God
    dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    the fact that you not answer my question means you do not know the answer ?

    I well know that scripture and many others but you do not answer the question

    so please do answer my question


    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    Was not your question:   'explain how is Christ in US ?'
    The answer is in spirit form, and I also gave scriptural reference.
    It's not my problem if you don't like the answer! It is yours.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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