Arriving at truth

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  • #241028

    Not all will be the elect. And the Jewish people always were Gods People. The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not. Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned. We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.
    Also the multitude are from all nations. How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ? Time will tell. Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 29 2011,19:10)
    Not all will be the elect.  And the Jewish people always were Gods People.  The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not.  Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned.  We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.  
    Also the multitude are from all nations.  How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ?  Time will tell.  Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    the great multitude are the true Christians with true faith in Christ.



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Mar. 28 2011,21:24)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 26 2011,17:26)
    For one thing, the 144000 are all Israelite's.

    Rev 7:4   And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.  

    And, what do you thing it means to have the Father's name written in their forehead?

    Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.  

    The great multitude does not.

    Rev 7:9 ¶ After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;  

    And then it says, the 144000 were virgins.

    Rev 14:4   These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.  

    Remember, woman is symbolic for church, or religion.
    These, and the great multitude, are the first fruit, they all have come out of great tribulation.

    Rev 7:14   And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  


    George: Interesting quote but since in the Kingdom of God there is neither Jew, nor Gentile, nor bond, nor free, nor male nor female, there also are no Israelite's or any kind of chosen or rejected by God. Anyone who accepts and believes Gods words is chosen. Only if one rejects Gods words is he rejected. Your interpretation could be in error. IMO, TK

    When you talk about thinks you don't understand, you make yourself look dumb.



    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 29 2011,12:32)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 29 2011,19:10)
    Not all will be the elect.  And the Jewish people always were Gods People.  The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not.  Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned.  We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.  
    Also the multitude are from all nations.  How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ?  Time will tell.  Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    the great multitude are the true Christians with true faith in Christ.


    The same goes for you, Pierre.



    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 31 2011,13:30)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 29 2011,12:32)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 29 2011,19:10)
    Not all will be the elect.  And the Jewish people always were Gods People.  The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not.  Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned.  We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.  
    Also the multitude are from all nations.  How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ?  Time will tell.  Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    the great multitude are the true Christians with true faith in Christ.


    The same goes for you, Pierre.



    to bad,



    To All,
      Try this. Maybe the revelation is an expression of the entire gospel that Jesus gave the world through his life, teachings, and sacrifice. Think about the book of revelation in context of the one having the revelation. John's life. John's condition. John's upbrining (It was Judaic.(OT based.)). It was John's vision. Think about this. What if God were to choose you for such a revelatory vision? What imagery and symbology would God use so you could understand things. Just a thought. You folks should just kiss and make up or words to that effect.

    Ephesians 4:29  
    Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

                                                  With Love and Respect,

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Wispring @ April 01 2011,12:28)
    To All,
      Try this. Maybe the revelation is an expression of the entire gospel that Jesus gave the world through his life, teachings, and sacrifice. Think about the book of revelation in context of the one having the revelation. John's life. John's condition. John's upbrining (It was Judaic.(OT based.)). It was John's vision. Think about this. What if God were to choose you for such a revelatory vision? What imagery and symbology would God use so you could understand things. Just a thought. You folks should just kiss and make up or words to that effect.

    Ephesians 4:29  
    Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

                                                  With Love and Respect,

    Wispring: Wow, another first. I have always said that the revelation of John was an “overview” or an “uncovering” of the word of God, Jesus! It must be spiritually discerned. Ch.21:1… It ends with the new heaven and new earth coming from heaven/spirit/God as a bride adorned for her husband. Wasn't Jesus the bridegroom? He who has the bride is the bridegroom that what John said. The bride is the Holy spirit from God.
    V3…and behold a voice saying, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them…! Isn't the Temple of God within us. God dwells in us now. God and Jesus were symbolically married and moved in to their new home/abode/temple/church/kingdom/us!!

    It goes on and on in spiritual pictures of God people overcoming adversarial thinking of death or wrong thinking and adhering to the eternal life from the truth of God.
    All IMO, TK


    Hi Gene,
      What was the first first?

    With Love and Respect,


    I meant Tim not Gene….sorry about that.


    Wispring, I hope people are treating you ok here (on the forum).

    Let me know if they're not. I can go beat them up.

    If you are ever ignored by me, it would be because I never read your post, I usually get distracted and I do miss a lot.


    Everything is ok. I have a bucket of fish here I haven't even touched yet!:D

    With Love and Respect,


    :) It has it's moments, trust me.


    Quote (karmarie @ April 09 2011,11:31)
    Wispring, I hope people are treating you ok here (on the forum).

    Let me know if they're not. I can go beat them up.

    If you are ever ignored by me, it would be because I never read your post, I usually get distracted and I do miss a lot.

    :D :D :D


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 29 2011,12:32)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 29 2011,19:10)
    Not all will be the elect.  And the Jewish people always were Gods People.  The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not.  Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned.  We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.  
    Also the multitude are from all nations.  How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ?  Time will tell.  Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    the great multitude are the true Christians with true faith in Christ.


    Let me say this, the great multitude are standing in front of the Throne of God and worship Him day and night.  They have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb.  Who will be chosen from these, since many are called, but few are chosen, we will see who that will be.  The Elect are the once who lost their lives in the first three centuries, for Jesus…I believe they are the Saints…..who will be kings and priests and will reign with Jesus a thousand years…IMO
    Peace and Love Irene….
    PS don't mind Georg, He is a big pussycat….


    Quote (Baker @ April 15 2011,14:26)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 29 2011,12:32)

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 29 2011,19:10)
    Not all will be the elect.  And the Jewish people always were Gods People.  The 144 thousand will be the Elect whether you like it or not.  Pierre you are right as far as Romans is concerned.  We had a good Bible Study some time ago and they will be grafted in.  
    Also the multitude are from all nations.  How many is not revealed….Since they have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, I wonder, are they the born again Christians ?  Time will tell.  Many are called but few are chosen….
    Peace and Love Irene


    the great multitude are the true Christians with true faith in Christ.


    Let me say this, the great multitude are standing in front of the Throne of God and worship Him day and night.  They have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb.  Who will be chosen from these, since many are called, but few are chosen, we will see who that will be.  The Elect are the once who lost their lives in the first three centuries, for Jesus…I believe they are the Saints…..who will be kings and priests and will reign with Jesus a thousand years…IMO
    Peace and Love Irene….
    PS don't mind Georg, He is a big pussycat….


    yea this is it to my understanding ,but for the saints the elect ones that it is from the first 3 centuries this i do not know for sure.


    Tim Kraft

    To arrive at the Truth of God one must start out knowing what he is looking for. If he has heard of God and has an urge to know God better he is being called of God. If he has been predisposed to being an unclean, unworthy, low life sinner that needs God to forgive him of his trashy life so far and save him from a horrible punishment from God of eternal death in the fires of Hell, he will start his pathway to God built on fear of hell, not faith in God.

    AS he cowers and bows his head he goes into the man made chruch to hear man made sermons from man certified preachers who are self called to an easy life of work maybe three times a week (except during revivals) that attempt to wake up sleepers.
    He goes in and hears most of the people saying oh God help us, we are just trudging through this sinful life hoping to be good enough to make it into heaven when we die!

    From that point or any point similar, that man is doomed to find evil, hatred, distruction, anger, suffering and on and on. That is what he finds because that is what he thinks hes is looking for. This is not what Jesus said we should do. Lets follow Jesus!

    Jesus said, to come to the Father you MUST believe that he is AND that he is a REWARDER of those who diligently seek him.

    This distorted situation has covered the Truth of God for over two thousand years. Those with distorted truth that were in man made darkness have passed down more and more darkness until there is very little light avaliable.

    There are star patterns and alignments today that are producing extraordinary energies of higher frequency that are beginning to obliterate the darkness with purified light from God. The gospel/good news is beginning shine on those looking for the truth/pure light!

    To arrive at the truth of God one must follow the criteria set forth by Jesus. The Truth is Gospel/Good news! When a person hears good news it generally makes them feel good. The good news of God is extremely exhilerating!! You can always tell when someone or sombody is teaching or telling the truth of God because it feels so good deep inside. Once a person has that witness within of pure joy at the truth then they thwart any temptation to disbelieve or not accept. Then one is on track to hear the Truth of God, his spirit within giving witness to the good news. That will direct a person to the truth of God. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 28 2011,05:02)
    To arrive at the Truth of God one must start out knowing what he is looking for. If he has heard of God and has an urge to know God better he is being called of God. If he has been predisposed to being an unclean, unworthy, low life sinner that needs God to forgive him of his trashy life so far and save him from a horrible punishment from God of eternal death in the fires of Hell, he will start his pathway to God built on fear of hell, not faith in God.

    AS he cowers and bows his head he goes into the man made chruch to hear man made sermons from man certified preachers who are self called to an easy life of work maybe three times a week (except during revivals) that attempt to wake up sleepers.
    He goes in and hears most of the people saying oh God help us, we are just trudging through this sinful life hoping to be good enough to make it into heaven when we die!

    From that point or any point similar, that man is doomed to find evil, hatred, distruction, anger, suffering and on and on. That is what he finds because that is what he thinks hes is looking for. This is not what Jesus said we should do. Lets follow Jesus!

    Jesus said, to come to the Father you MUST believe that he is AND that he is a REWARDER of those who diligently seek him.

    This distorted situation has covered the Truth of God for over two thousand years. Those with distorted truth that were in man made darkness have passed down more and more darkness until there is very little light avaliable.

    There are star patterns and alignments today that are producing extraordinary energies of higher frequency that are beginning to obliterate the darkness with purified light from God. The gospel/good news is beginning shine on those looking for the truth/pure light!

    To arrive at the truth of God one must follow the criteria set forth by Jesus. The Truth is Gospel/Good news! When a person hears good news it generally makes them feel good. The good news of God is extremely exhilerating!! You can always tell when someone or sombody is teaching or telling the truth of God because it feels so good deep inside. Once a person has that witness within of pure joy at the truth then they thwart any temptation to disbelieve or not accept. Then one is on track to hear the Truth of God, his spirit within giving witness to the good news. That will direct a person to the truth of God. IMO, TK


    well said and true ,but the ear the gospel is only the beginning of becoming a servant of God ,

    truth of God as to be in you, in your heart in your mind ,in your behavior, on your lips, so we become one with Christ and his father.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre; Jesus said,…I no longer call you servants for the servant know not what the master does. Hereafter I call you friends. If Jesus call me friend then I am not a servant of God. I am a son of God by his declaration, not mine. This sonship has been given to all who will accept and believe. If you wish to be a servant of God then so be it. I will sit at the table with the rest of the family of God and you can serve us. I'd rather you would sit with me at the table but if you choose to lower your God given status to that of a servant, so be it. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ May 02 2011,03:48)
    Pierre; Jesus said,…I no longer call you servants for the servant know not what the master does. Hereafter I call you friends. If Jesus call me friend then I am not a servant of God. I am a son of God by his declaration, not mine. This sonship has been given to all who will accept and believe. If you wish to be a servant of God then so be it. I will sit at the table with the rest of the family of God and you can serve us. I'd rather you would sit with me at the table but if you choose to lower your God given status to that of a servant, so be it. IMO, TK


    that is true ,but he also says that they will be with him in heaven ,

    and Christ also say that he has a other pen to gather ,
    so there are as per Revelation 144000 sealed this mean no less no more for heaven.

    those are the bride of Christ,the heavenly Jerusalem ,the city of God.the temple where God reside

    and this is the city that comes down to earth wen all is restored by God.


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (terraricca @ May 02 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ May 02 2011,03:48)
    Pierre; Jesus said,…I no longer call you servants for the servant know not what the master does. Hereafter I call you friends. If Jesus call me friend then I am not a servant of God. I am a son of God by his declaration, not mine. This sonship has been given to all who will accept and believe. If you wish to be a servant of God then so be it. I will sit at the table with the rest of the family of God and you can serve us. I'd rather you would sit with me at the table but if you choose to lower your God given status to that of a servant, so be it. IMO, TK


    that is true ,but he also says that they will be with him in heaven ,

    and Christ also say that he has a other pen to gather ,
    so there are as per Revelation 144000 sealed this mean no less no more for heaven.

    those are the bride of Christ,the heavenly Jerusalem ,the city of God.the temple where God reside

    and this is the city that comes down to earth wen all is restored by God.


    Pierre: You need to let go or at least be willing to let go of manmade doctrines created from the revelation of Jesus.

    Hear what the spirit says in the truth: Jesus is all and in all.

    Jesus came “down”from Heaven (lowered his frequency to manifest the density of physicality). Jesus is the heavenly “spiritiual” Jerusalem, the new spirit city of God with the new spirit Temple, where now, he and the father and the holy spirit all, one, dwell! Jesus, the kindgom of God, the temple of God, the body of Christ all dwell within the church which is his/your body.

    Please stop seeing physical cities, peoples, thrones, and kingdoms. Be born of spirit to see, hear, and understand with spiritual hearing and understanding.

    God restored all things through Jesus two thousand years ago.
    Stop waiting for something else to be done. It is finished. It is time to awaken and arise to the new spirit life of peace and joy and perfection through Jesus. IMO, TK

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