Arriving at truth

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    Down on my Luck:

    We have fallen on hard times since my business was taken away 3 years ago but last month found me and my family sleeping in our car, with temperatures down in the 20's. In our daily search for food a kindly lady gave us a loaf of bread and we ate off of it for days. We then found ourselves going through the trash to meet some basic needs. Then I came down with food poisoning and the only bathroom nearby was locked, I was miserable.


    Last month we returned to a Walt Disney World resort for the second time in as many months. We attended dinner shows, ate international cuisine, and enjoyed special privileges including; front row seats at an orchestra, spending some time with well known actors and actresses from Hollywood and riding in a stretch limo to a concert.  We even got special passes from Disney that allowed us to go to the front of the line on any ride in the park. We had a great time.

    Both of these statements are 100% true yet they describe the same event.

    The Whole Truth:

    Yes we went to Florida twice, once to help my mom fix up her house to sell and a second time to move her to North Carolina. She lived near Disney so we spent a few days there since we were already in the area. It was our 36th anniversary while we were there so we did go to a dinner show the “Hoop-de-doo” but we bought the cheapest seats they had. As to the international cuisine, 4 of us split a single meal from a Moroccan self serve restaurant in Epcot. The time with actor/actresses was sitting in the audience at a concert that they had given us passes to after I got food poisoning at one of their restaurants. The stretch limo, It's a ride in the park (rockin roller coaster), and the special passes for the rides, they give those to every person that gets stuck on one of their rides, but they were only good for one use.  

    As to the “down on my luck” version, yes we have gone through some hard times, but unless you count the camping we did at Disney World we have always had a roof over our head and it may have been Mac & Cheese or hot dogs, but we haven't gone hungry. We slept in our car because it's too hard for me and my wife to get off the ground, and it was a van with air mattress. The bread was given to us from neighboring  campers when they were packing up to go home, and as far as going through the trash, was when we were throwing away our trash, we retrieved a discarded piece of indoor/outdoor carpet we found to keep us from tracking sand into the tent. It did get into the 20's, 29 to be exact (so we just turned the electric heaters up). As to the locked bathroom, I just put my resort ID in to gain access, and yes I was miserable, but it passed in a few hours.

    I took a number of facts from the same event, just as people will take a number of verses from scripture, to arrive at a distorted view. Once the whole story is taken into account, then the truth comes out. Yes I believe the scriptures as given reveals truth, but only if we consider all of them, verifying interpretations, until we find harmony with all scriptures,

    My opinion – Wm



    yes you are right on that one,

    God bless



    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 08 2011,02:51)
    Down on my Luck:

    We have fallen on hard times since my business was taken away 3 years ago but last month found me and my family sleeping in our car, with temperatures down in the 20's. In our daily search for food a kindly lady gave us a loaf of bread and we ate off of it for days. We then found ourselves going through the trash to meet some basic needs. Then I came down with food poisoning and the only bathroom nearby was locked, I was miserable.


    Last month we returned to a Walt Disney World resort for the second time in as many months. We attended dinner shows, ate international cuisine, and enjoyed special privileges including; front row seats at an orchestra, spending some time with well known actors and actresses from Hollywood and riding in a stretch limo to a concert.  We even got special passes from Disney that allowed us to go to the front of the line on any ride in the park. We had a great time.

    Both of these statements are 100% true yet they describe the same event.

    The Whole Truth:

    Yes we went to Florida twice, once to help my mom fix up her house to sell and a second time to move her to North Carolina. She lived near Disney so we spent a few days there since we were already in the area. It was our 36th anniversary while we were there so we did go to a dinner show the “Hoop-de-doo” but we bought the cheapest seats they had. As to the international cuisine, 4 of us split a single meal from a Moroccan self serve restaurant in Epcot. The time with actor/actresses was sitting in the audience at a concert that they had given us passes to after I got food poisoning at one of their restaurants. The stretch limo, It's a ride in the park (rockin roller coaster), and the special passes for the rides, they give those to every person that gets stuck on one of their rides, but they were only good for one use.  

    As to the “down on my luck” version, yes we have gone through some hard times, but unless you count the camping we did at Disney World we have always had a roof over our head and it may have been Mac & Cheese or hot dogs, but we haven't gone hungry. We slept in our car because it's too hard for me and my wife to get off the ground, and it was a van with air mattress. The bread was given to us from neighboring  campers when they were packing up to go home, and as far as going through the trash, was when we were throwing away our trash, we retrieved a discarded piece of indoor/outdoor carpet we found to keep us from tracking sand into the tent. It did get into the 20's, 29 to be exact (so we just turned the electric heaters up). As to the locked bathroom, I just put my resort ID in to gain access, and yes I was miserable, but it passed in a few hours.

    I took a number of facts from the same event, just as people will take a number of verses from scripture, to arrive at a distorted view. Once the whole story is taken into account, then the truth comes out. Yes I believe the scriptures as given reveals truth, but only if we consider all of them, verifying interpretations, until we find harmony with all scriptures,

    My opinion – Wm

    Very good post. Wish I'd thought of it.


    Thanks, I thought it was a good demonstration of how Christians, who all read the same scriptures, can arrive at totally different, even opposite opinions, despite each side having “truth” (although select) supporting them.

    My opinion – Wm


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 08 2011,02:51)
    Down on my Luck:

    We have fallen on hard times since my business was taken away 3 years ago but last month found me and my family sleeping in our car, with temperatures down in the 20's. In our daily search for food a kindly lady gave us a loaf of bread and we ate off of it for days. We then found ourselves going through the trash to meet some basic needs. Then I came down with food poisoning and the only bathroom nearby was locked, I was miserable.


    Last month we returned to a Walt Disney World resort for the second time in as many months. We attended dinner shows, ate international cuisine, and enjoyed special privileges including; front row seats at an orchestra, spending some time with well known actors and actresses from Hollywood and riding in a stretch limo to a concert.  We even got special passes from Disney that allowed us to go to the front of the line on any ride in the park. We had a great time.

    Both of these statements are 100% true yet they describe the same event.

    The Whole Truth:

    Yes we went to Florida twice, once to help my mom fix up her house to sell and a second time to move her to North Carolina. She lived near Disney so we spent a few days there since we were already in the area. It was our 36th anniversary while we were there so we did go to a dinner show the “Hoop-de-doo” but we bought the cheapest seats they had. As to the international cuisine, 4 of us split a single meal from a Moroccan self serve restaurant in Epcot. The time with actor/actresses was sitting in the audience at a concert that they had given us passes to after I got food poisoning at one of their restaurants. The stretch limo, It's a ride in the park (rockin roller coaster), and the special passes for the rides, they give those to every person that gets stuck on one of their rides, but they were only good for one use.  

    As to the “down on my luck” version, yes we have gone through some hard times, but unless you count the camping we did at Disney World we have always had a roof over our head and it may have been Mac & Cheese or hot dogs, but we haven't gone hungry. We slept in our car because it's too hard for me and my wife to get off the ground, and it was a van with air mattress. The bread was given to us from neighboring  campers when they were packing up to go home, and as far as going through the trash, was when we were throwing away our trash, we retrieved a discarded piece of indoor/outdoor carpet we found to keep us from tracking sand into the tent. It did get into the 20's, 29 to be exact (so we just turned the electric heaters up). As to the locked bathroom, I just put my resort ID in to gain access, and yes I was miserable, but it passed in a few hours.

    I took a number of facts from the same event, just as people will take a number of verses from scripture, to arrive at a distorted view. Once the whole story is taken into account, then the truth comes out. Yes I believe the scriptures as given reveals truth, but only if we consider all of them, verifying interpretations, until we find harmony with all scriptures,

    My opinion – Wm

    good post, we might see some bad times coming in the good old U.S.A.
    Do yourself a favor and watch Glenn Beck, on Friday at 5 P.M. on Fox News 56. Since the crises in Egypt our gas prices have gone up 1.4%. Glenn thinks if the other Arab nations will follow, which He thinks they will, we will see prices even go as high as 5-10 dollars per gal. Time will tell. In the mean time if possible buy as much food you can….
    Scary…..but mostly get with God for protection….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    If the so called “Christian Community” doesn't get their act together as to the completion of Gods plan in 70 AD with the destruction of the physical temple in Jerusalem we could be doomed. The entire plan of God, old passing, new being established and set in motion by Jesus, his death, resurrection and assention, and the fulfillment of the questions asked to Jesus while sitting across from the Temple is completed.

    He said to his disciples, do you see all this, (the Temple). I tell you not one stone will be left on another, etc., etc,! His disciples said when will this be (the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem) and the signs of it happening. He went on to expound about up and to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. THAT WAS THE END OF THE ENTIRE STORY! Jesus already said the LAW AND THE PROPHETS(revelation said it was a prophecy) WERE UNTIL JOHN THE BAPTIST, since then the Kingdom was preached. Everything God had planned to do was finished and perfect.


    This is not the way of the God of Love represented by Jesus. What did he tell Moses, thou shalt not kill, so he could save-em all up for for when he comes later to annihilate them mercilessly!

    This is misguided, man created, mis-understood lies and deceptions from the pit of hell and darkness intended to destroy mankind completely. So called Christians say God is love but he might kill you. God demands peace and kindness from us and if we don't produce enough he will cast us into a fiery oven and torture us forever. That is typical religious bull s— ! Does God say be kind to your neighbor, love your neighbor, love your enemies and do good to those who mistreat you, because I'm going to come back and destroy everybody.

    We must stop following man made crud! Get our prophetic timing right and at least realize that we do not war against flesh and blood(people), but against evil doctrines, principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world (religious leaders) wicked spirits (destructive doctrines) from high places (well respected religious institutions).


    Oh yea, P.S. Be sure to store up a bunch of food so that you can be well fed and the guy next to you can starve. Thats religious love.


    For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

    Isaiah 66

    The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

    Book 66
    (Revelation 14.10f)

    Tim Kraft

    Behold the gospel(good news) of Mark. When the disciples said to Jesus, “shall we call down fire and brimstone and destroy them?”….Jesus answered them….you apparently do not know what Spirit you are of! Jesus drank the cup of wrath for all people “who believe”. It seems Mark doesn't believe, so if that be the case, rejection of salvation meets with full devistation and destruction.

    What you choose to believe about God, in you heart and speak out to others is your true belief in God! That is what God is to you. There is no wrath of God for believers who accept salvation in Jesus. Yet, if you believe your God is a God of destruction, then destruction is what you will recieve.Your individual belief in destruction will not effect me or other believers for deliverence but it will effect you. You are in control of you!! You are a priest of your own temple of God, a prophet of your church, the body of Christ. If, in your eyes of understanding, your God judges you then you are judged. If your God is angry with you, then it is as you say. You are a King of your Kingdom of God. Whatever a King says in his territory, goes! God has blessed you with truth and love but you must accept, believe, and profess the truth, to live it. IMO, TK


    I am not King. Jesus is my King. I am his slave. Him only I call master. Through his spirit, he fortells what is to come, in the last days, such as written in Jude, which you explain away, but awaits the ungodly, and those who teach others not to keep God's commandments:

    11 Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, “Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones
    to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deeds that they committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him.”
    These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage.
    But you, beloved, remember the words spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    for they told you, “In (the) last time there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires.” 12
    These are the ones who cause divisions; they live on the natural plane, devoid of the Spirit.
    But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit.
    Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
    On those who waver, have mercy; 13
    save others by snatching them out of the fire; on others have mercy with fear, 14 abhorring even the outer garment stained by the flesh.
    15 To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished and exultant, in the presence of his glory,
    to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power, and authority from ages past, now, and for ages to come. Amen.

    We shall soon see……… Peace-Mark


    Also, since I have been blessed by his Kingship over me, I also have him as brother, God, best friend, companion and guide. Amen.

    Tim Kraft

    Isn't Jesus the King (of Kings) and the Lord (of Lords)? How about Revelation 1:5….Jesus Christ the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, washed us from our sins in his own blood…V6…AND HATH MADE US KINGS AND PRIESTS UNTO GOD and his father…!

    I guess if you are not a king you have no part in the kingdom within? The truth is you are a King of Gods Kingdom within whether you know it or not. You either rule Gods spirit through you in peace and love and kindness or you rule from lies and deceptions of darkness by hate, anger, destruction, wrath on mankind, war, killing, stealing, etc.! Its your choice of fruit to distribute. Your fruit will be exactly like your God. IMO, TK


    Quote (mikeangel @ Mar. 06 2011,06:48)
    Also, since I have been blessed by his Kingship over me, I also have him as  brother, God, best friend, companion and guide. Amen.


    is your claim not premature??

    Jn 1:11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
    Jn 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
    Jn 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
    Jn 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Jn 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
    Jn 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again

    Jn 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
    Jn 3:21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”

    Jn 4:21 Jesus declared, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
    Jn 4:22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
    Jn 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
    Jn 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

    unless we worship God in truth ,and his word is the truth,we are nothing.

    a full commitment to the truth is required if we want to be Jesus brother and only 144k are call to be just that.

    so what you think ??



    No, it is not.Peace-Mark


    Also 144,00 could be a representation of or symbolic of a perfect number, 12*12, God's people, we just don't know, but love for God and fellow man put into practice can make you jesus' brother, you just have to choose it. Love,Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Mar. 05 2011,23:48)
    Also, since I have been blessed by his Kingship over me, I also have him as  brother, God, best friend, companion and guide. Amen.

    Sounds like you are in good company Marc.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Mar. 06 2011,07:02)
    Also 144,00 could be a representation of or symbolic of a perfect number, 12*12, God's people, we just don't know, but love for God and fellow man put into practice can make you jesus' brother, you just have to choose it. Love,Mark

    Mark! The 144thousand are real. The elect. And then there are the mulitude that stand in front of God and worship Him day and night.

    Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: [and there were] sealed an hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

    Rev 7:13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?

    Rev 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

    Rev 7:15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

    Time will tell….
    Peace and Love Irene



    if we change Gods word then the truth is no longer there ,and looking in scriptures become useless since we do not believe in them by our behavior,

    if we establish what is true and what is not ,we are judging the word of God ,and so the word will judge us.

    God will always be true.


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Baker @ Mar. 07 2011,13:24)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Mar. 06 2011,07:02)
    Also 144,00 could be a representation of or symbolic of a perfect number, 12*12, God's people, we just don't know, but love for God and fellow man put into practice can make you jesus' brother, you just have to choose it. Love,Mark

    Mark!  The 144thousand are real.  The elect.  And then there are the mulitude that stand in front of God and worship Him day and night.  

    Rev 7:4   And I heard the number of them which were sealed: [and there were] sealed an hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.  

    Rev 7:13   And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?  

    Rev 7:14   And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  

    Rev 7:15   Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.  

    Time will tell….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene: God bless you: I was wondering about that last line in your post about God sitting on his throne, in the Temple and dwelling amoung the people.

    Where is the Temple of God today?

    Are you not the Temple of God?

    Does not God dwell in his Temple. I know God dwells in you.

    God and Jesus have come and made there “abode” dwelling place inside you.

    You are blessed, TK


    That is true TK.

    What do you believe the 144000 means?

    Tim Kraft

    Karmarie: What is clear and important from Jesus' teachings, I form an opinion on and either accept or reject as a belief. I have no insight whatsoever on the “144000”. Don't get me wrong I have heard it all. Many opinions, ideas, thoughts etc., but for me to date, the big -O-!! God bless, TK

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