Answering tk

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  • #163470

    Hey Bod: All I can say is persecution for righteousness sake is what happened to Jesus. The forces of darkness, lies, and deception came against him pointing the finger and accusing him of many things. They hated Jesus (dark, uninlightened energies) because of his light/truth. He said if they hated him they will hate you if you are in the light.

    Yes those who wanted to lord over others hated Jesus

    I don't know all your doctrines but when I see people accuse you by putting words in your mouth about what they believe you believe I know they are incorrect.

    But they must do that to justify their actions.

    Why we cannot seem to express our opinions of the truth of God on this site, without accusing and hating and telling our brothers they are not of God I do not know.

    Its worse than that because it should be the one who believes they are right with the open invitation. Jesus bumped heads with all those against his position but he did not avoid speaking to them he willingly engaged and it was those who partook of evil that sought to destroy his light

    Your way is of truth through much knowledge stated in a peaceful manner as a matter of the way you perceive it. I find no fault. I wish you and I could banter our beliefs a bit I feel I could learn something.

    What we would both learn is that we would have a sense of community, a concern for the other's general welfare, we would enjoy each other's expression of how we have absorbed Godliness like flowers on a hill we would blossom side by side enduring the sunlight and the rain to grow into all we were meant to be. And do not think we have not already developed together because our development does not come by way of quantity but of Quality and Essense

    Do you believe that Jesus came to enlighten the people to the true way to God?
    Do you believe that there was a covenant change?
    Do you see that covenant change from physical church building (temple) worship with multitudes of ritual and many doctrines to the new Spirit way through Jesus' words (from God/Spirit)?
    Now, in the New Covenant Jesus introduced the Kingdom of God (within each person) and all things pertaining to God converted to spirit/beliefs/words/truth within, IE: being born again through recreating the mind with the words of God through Jesus.

    What do you say?

    I agree with everything or would say yes to every question you asked but even more so I believe that Jesus taught the ORIGINAL GOSPEL meaning The kingdom of God was already inside each person and yes Re-creating the mind to its ORIGINAL STATE.

    Jesus came to turn the LIGHT back on but God created us with Light we knew about God and we knew about community now we war with others as if they are not related to us even knowing that ALL MANKIND WAS CREATED FROM A SINGLE SOUL. This means the struggle of Adam is ongoing in each person until they return to the garden and resist the fruit(Become born again)

    If you could answer any or all of these questions or just state the way you see and perceive them, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Peace and Blessing to you, TK

    I hope I have answered your questions.

    God Bless You Always!


    Hi BD,
    The king does not enter the land till the door of obedience is opened.
    There is no kingdom where there is yet no king.
    Man is ruled by Satan since Adam.
    Jesus brings freedom.

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