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- April 15, 2002 at 4:46 am#42504
GuestIn the past year I have had dreams about Jesus and God. In one dream I am in a small dark grayish room. It was almost in black and white. I am sitting on the floor talking to Jesus. Jesus told me that He and God are very disappointed in me but he has faith in me. Basically Jesus told me I really need to straighten my life out and fulfill my destiny. I had another dream where I am just having a casual conversation with God. During this conversation I was thinking about the movie The Ten Commandments and the scene where he sees God. I was wondering How I was capable of seeing him like that. Then I thought about the movie DOGMA and how the Angel Speaks for God. Then I thought about how Adam was made in the Image of God(I had guilt about watching that movie). It is funny how I can recall the things I was thinking about but I have no clue what we were talking about. Those thoughts are things I did not want God to know I was thinking of. I was ashamed of these thoughts but they also made me feel very special that God chose to speak to me like that. Every moment of Every day I feel God speaking to me. Go here, don’t go there. The more I obey the more I hear HIM. The less I obey the less I hear HIM. I even believe that God wants me to Go to Malta in a certain year on a certain day. I know in my heart and soul that I have an important destiny that will change the lives of many people. I had a prophecy told to me once "Many young women will flock to you, and you will help them" In my relationship with God it is like HE is Constantly wispering in my ear but my life is noisy so I can not hear him.
I just have to let HIM my faith in HIM guide me. What is your opinion on this? Thank you for letting me share my story With youApril 25, 2002 at 9:45 am#42501Anonymous
I know for a fact to God talks to us through our consciences and our consciences can give us a yes or no answer to a question as it is the first thing you feel, whether you act on it is your choice.
I think it is awesome that you hear God on a daily bases, in the end we will all be speaking to God in the Kingdom of which he rules, Amen.April 28, 2002 at 6:18 am#42505Proclaimer
ParticipantI remember once God gave me a dream about a very specific future event. He showed me a person, a person of authority. I was shown what he looked like, where I was to meet him, the date and time, and he gave me a message to deliver to him.
I was suppose to wake up and write it all down, but I couldn’t be bothered waking up, and I thought to myself that I would remember it all in the morning anyway.
The next morning I could only remember small parts of the vision, I remebered the name of the building and I remembered what the guy looked like abit, but the message was completely forgotten. (Its easy to forget the fine details of dreams).
So for the next 2 weeks or so, I would walk pass the building that I saw, in hope that I would meet this person. One day I saw a person in a suit who fitted the description, and it turmed out to be the ex prime minister of my country, New Zealand. He had just been voted out and replaced with a new leader that week. I boldly went up to him and struck up a coversation. We talked for about 5 minutes about politics, and he expressed to me as an ex leader would, that our country was going to go down the tubes (because he wasn’t in power anymore). But the message I was suppose to deliver was completely forgotten and it didn’t come to me at that moment as I had hoped.
So the conversation ended and I felt bad that I had been unfaithful with this mission. A little while later I went see an evangelist speak, and at the end of the meeting I told him my story, if anything just to show him the importance of obeying God. When I mentioned the name of the building, he asked me to repeat the name. I did that and he said to me that he was actually staying in that building that night and he said that it was rather strange because he usually stayed at peoples homes when he travelled, but someone had paid for him to stay in this place and that this was the exception as far as accomodation went. The building itself was a nice apartment block, but I guess that there must have been some apartments available to rent for short periods of time.
Anyway, I then wondered if the message was for him, and he did seem to fit the description too. But of course I had know idea what the message was that I was to deliver, so it was all pointless.
Other times in my life I have listened to God and obeyed and I can honesly say that the outcome has been at time exceptional.
My message to you, and to all that read this, is this.
Listen to God, he speaks to us all the time. Through circumstances, through people, dreams, visions etc. When we understand something, then be obedient to that. It will be amazing what God can do in your life, but it is also dissapointing when we don’t obey. In the end it is yourself that is missing out.So I think that people like yourself, who have this kind of walk in God, are chosen for this life. You are like a finely tuned arrow. If you decide that you want to do something your own way, then you will miss the target. If you let go and let God fire you from his bow, you will hit the bullseye. It’s hit or miss and it’s up to you and I say be encouraged and zealous to do his will. It’s an awesome life when God takes you places.
July 9, 2003 at 4:06 pm#42502chriztena
ParticipantWhen I read your letter the first thing I thought was how lucky you are. There are lot’s of people (like me) who have not yet experienced that kind of dream, or heard God whisper in their ear, so I just wanted to tell you to listen carefully and do as He says because you never know if you will ever get this chance to do god’s will again.
July 15, 2003 at 10:22 am#42506GJG
ParticipantHi all!
I find it interesting that veiws/opinions are given regarding things of God without any scriptual evidence to give substance, meaning and more importantly: truth.
Dreams are indeed another way that the Lord communicates to man, as we can see in the many examples in the bible…Joseph, Nebachnezar, Mary, Joseph, Daniel…to name just a few!
Th gift of interpreting dreams is however is a rare one indeed. So often we find ourselves saying in our minds: I wander what that dream I had last night means?
Usually the advice is : Pray about it for the Lord to reveal the meaning.
Is it truly that simple?
Your thoughts on the matter would be much appreciated, along with some scriptual evidence too thanks!
As always: Look forward to replies.
July 17, 2003 at 10:24 am#42503Proclaimer
ParticipantTo GJG,
I find it interesting that veiws/opinions are given regarding things of God without any scriptual evidence to give substance, meaning and more importantly: truth.
- An opinion with scripture to back it up is no longer an opinion.
- A saying with scripture to back it up doesn't make it true. It must also be true before the scripture was quoted.
- Scripture shows us when we err from truth. It doesn't make something true
I am curious as to what you think needs scriptural truth in the writings above?
July 17, 2003 at 10:57 am#42507GJG
ParticipantWell said t8!
I suppose what I meant to say was along the lines of:
Basically I was interested in finding out whether or not there are any scriptures to help us understand the realm of dreams regarding our walk with the Lord.
Just curious.
November 17, 2004 at 4:44 am#42508NickHassan
ParticipantHi ,
Dreams can be from the Lord or from Satan and it depends whether or not you have been saved. The Lord teaches his people through these things as He never sleeps. Zech 10 and Jer 23 give examples of these false dreams. For every true gift there is a false imitation to deceive.
False prophets were common in the days of old and will be prominent at the end of time too. False miracles are also prominent in endtimes as in Rev 16.13.
Spirits of divination [Acts 16.17]or fortune telling can tell the future and usually people with these gifts believe they are dealing with God but they are listening to lying demons.
It all boils down to making sure you are founded on the Rock of Jesus before you start listening to or obeying any voices. Most people who hear voices are seriously mentally disordered. They have an alien in their control room who has stolen their freedom and they do not have the faith or knowledge to seek help.
If you have the Holy Spirit living in you and you submit each day to the Lord you can be sure he will use every part of your being to lead you on the safe road and you will not need to be listening for voices.
The Lord is a gentle teacher who never gives you heavy burdens. He does not demand immediate obedience to strange demands or say anything beyond what the Word already teaches. And he works through others to confirm his will so never keep to yourself any message but let others test it too.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you”.
Any gift you think you may have before you are saved will be false and will have to be surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus. - AuthorPosts
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