alternative Revelation

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    The first thing to remember about revelation is that it is written in symbolic language. Here is an alternative to the one person anti Christ scenario than many believe will happen shortly.

    From 900 to 1400ad the Papacy was at its height. It did not have to control the people by fear, most of them believed the doctrines of the catholic church. The common people even delivered dissenters to the church authorities for ex-communication. Therefore not allowed to buy food or sell their possessions. The popes wear a pointed hat, which has the words ‘prince of peace’ written in Latin. The only person these words are for is Jesus Christ. Therefore the pope claiming to be the prince of peace is anti(in place of) Christ. The letters of those words in Latin add up to 666.

    The Greek word for ‘anti’ means in place of, not, as in English – against.

    Therefore as ch13 says those who follow him will receive that number in their hand or forehead. The symbolic meaning of the forehead is the thoughts/beliefs of a person. The hand means the actions we take .whether godly or ungodly. They are marked as not being in the lambs book of life. The beast out of the sea. Has its power base/authority from the people. It is the ‘in place of god’ system of the catholic church, created by Satan himself. The beast out of the earth, has its power base from government, being the papacy. The pope given authority from Satan, excersises the same authority as the anti christ spirit of the people. The pope’s papal bulls (edicts). In around 900 ad the edict of praying to dead saints and the blessed virgin Mary is ratified. This being utter blasphemy to God. This scenario continued until the mid 1500s, until the reformation occurred throughout Europe.

    Chapter 14 and 15 deal with the various plagues and fires across Europe, which correspond with the proclamations of the 3 angels .ch 14:8 is of significance. The angel says Babylon is fallen. Babylon was to represent all that is in place of God. The tower of Babel stood for all man could do with out God. The lifestyles of the people of Babel were literally godless. So .after the reformation ,the godless lies of the catholic system were exposed. The meaning of the term Babylon does not change but the representation of Babylon does

    Through out ch 16 the plagues and ‘natural’ disasters of the yrs from 1600 onwards are spoken of.. In the yr 1789. The sixth Bowl is emptied. The French revolution. The leaders of the revolution created 2 forms of government with man governing him self with out God. One was more severe than the other. They chose the softer of the 2 government forms. The 2nd form know to us as communism, was literally dumped in the rubbish bin and the softer option of Socialism was adopted. The catch cry of the French revolution was fraternity, equality and liberty. 3 ideals or spirits from the pit .as verse 13 of ch14 states, they are ratified by the papacy as good ideals.

    Carl Marx took the communist manifesto out of the rubbish bit literally in the late 1800s

    What was the intention of these 3 spirits. What were they to achieve? .verse 14 has the answer to bring the nations to battle of the great day of God almighty. Not Jesus return. God almighty will have his day of glory in that battle.

    1789 to the mid 1930s around 240 yrs. Time enough for the socialist doctrine to be taught and spread.

    Armageddon is symbolic word for the type of battle that the 3 spirits will invoke..The Hebrew equivalent is ‘the mountains of meggido’ Another very significant battle took place there in old testament times. A battle of the forces of almighty God and those of a false god. Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal. Jezabel put all she had against the Man of God. The outcome was all the false prophets were defeated. Now, did Elijah get off scott free to enjoy the victory? The answer is No, he ran from jezabel running from a woman. Oly GOD had the total victory. The false prophets were defeated. This battle is used by the messenger to describe the battle when the 3 spirits achieve their purpose.

    Adolf Hitler, the official name of his Nazi party was the National Socialist party. Mussilini in Italy had the same name for his party. The 3 spirits had done their purpose. God had lined up Great Britain and her aligned empire countries with the USA to come against the anti God forces of the Axis powers. and later the axis were joined by the almighty God less Japanese army. These forces were defeated by the allied forces. However .who won WW2? God. Why ,the in place of God socialism was defeated but the USA and Great Britain had to rebuild the nations of France and Germany from their own money. So .the victory, like Elijah was soured. So The glory of God could be seen. The seventh bowl is the world at war. The earth shook, yes many governments shook in WW2.

    Satan. In ch 13 was in the guise of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. This was Traditions and religion of man. = in place of Christ. Satan’s aim has always been to be in place of Christ. “I will be like the most high” The angel in ch14:8 says Babylon is fallen. Meaning the traditions of men have been revealed for what they are. and Satan had no more authority in that area.

    The Catholic church, with all of its traditions of men was called Babylon by the angels. The place of Godlessnes. The whore in ch 17 is also called Babylon. It is safe to assume the Catholic church can be identified as the same in ch17. This time the beast/Satan comes in the form of world wide Socialism. His creation’ from the French revolution. Man living or ruling himself without God. The ten horns are possibly be ten Socialist nations that support Babylon. Then given authority with the beast for a short time will turn on Babylon/false religion and devour her. This may mean they are sanctioned by the United Nations Organisation to do a specific task. Remember, Europe has always been the target of revelation events and always to do with the belief of the nations.

    All this has been given careful thought as to putting things in context and making sure the symbolic events line up with the actual events, not just maybe they fit!!!! Unlike some I do not claim accuracy on the end time calendar or events. This is only a theory. Jesus said to watch the signs but also to live our lives as he would. Many christians are hung up on the end time calendar, and are letting Satan and religion in the back door of the church (2 thes 2:1-12).

    Guard yourselves well my friends that we may prove what is the perfect will of our Father in heaven.

    God bless





    The protestant reformers or a big majority of them identified the Roman Catholic church with the beast and the mystery harlot Babylon.The orthodox/catholic-trinitarian church identified mystery Babylon with their archenemy the Arians. And the book of Revelation barely made it into our bibles.

    The identity of mystery Babylon is clearly Rome of the first century-the city on seven hills and the merchants weeping over its destruction.Not being able to buy or sell and the mark was over emperor worship which the empire was required to do and 666 is the number of Nero Caesar which was equated with his reincarnation as Domitian-the persecutor of the Christians .Nero was also the one who set fire to Rome and who initially sent troops for the Jewish war which led to Jerusalem’s destruction : just as Babylon destroyed Jerusalem before and led its population into captivity.

    And as Jeremiah predicted the destruction of Babylon so St John the divine predicted the destruction of Rome neither of which came about as they prophesied.

    Babylon became the center for Judaism and Rome became the center of Christianity.

    As the book says it’s symbolic- and we can make out of it anything we wish as people have and continue to do as political climates change.But it had a specific,original meaning to those to whom it was written.



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