Alpha & Omega, First & Last – Jesus & God

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    Sure, I’d like to hear your input on dysfunctional emotions. And thank you for asking first. I’d do well to ask first, myself. That’s a good practice and one must be patient to do it. lol

    Since I won’t be responding to this thread anymore, if you’d like to discuss emotions, I’ll send you a PM with my email address. That’s the best way to contact me. If email doesn’t work for you, we can try using the PM here on

    – Brian



    I forgot to add something regarding that Jeff Benner page I linked you to. On that page, you’ll see the Paleo Hebrew for the word Love, and you’ll get an explanation for their understanding of the word. On the left side of the page, you’ll see 35 other Ancient Hebrew words that you just click on to get their meanings in the center of the page. That really makes the Bible read differently. Mark Biltz’s stuff is really great on understanding the old Hebrew ways and sayings, too. Biltz may well be the most knowledge pastor I’ve seen on this stuff. He’s a Christian but he’s Israeli. His website is I highly recommend this blood moon series. His Song of Solomon series is very interesting, too, because he shows how the book is one big prophecy and is metaphorically speaking about the church and Christ. Lots of interesting stuff in that series. When he talks about the Law, lots of interesting things come up with that. I’m listening to a series about Paul right now by Biltz that’s very interesting. You can find that on his list of “series” for download. It’s all free to listen to. You can stream it or you can go to the bottom of the podcast pages and click on Download Episode. Hope this is helpful. Biltz is a good resource.


    Hi Brian,
    So you believe all are children of God, all are saved because any reasonable god would not treat men badly?
    Intellectual study is the way to restoration of a relationship with God?

    That is a false gospel based on humanistic error.

    Fear god.


    Hi Brian,
    Universal salvation has been a popular false gospel for hundreds of years.
    But it is an empty hope based on the imagined righteousness of men.



    I never said all are saved. What I said is that some people will experience hell in order to break them of their resistance to God. But in the end, all will be purified, eventually, and be with God–even the demons.

    Intellectual study has nothing to do with restoring a relationship with God. Absolutely nothing. The only benefit one can get from intellectual study is to start the process of helping correct some lies they bought into growing up in church. This can help direct a person to get into their heart, go through the painful emotions, and connect with God.

    Just because you, and most Christians, believe in salvation the way you do doesn’t make it right. The Pharisees were the majority in their time, and they were way off base. We’re in a Pharisaical age again, and have been for a long time, in my opinion.

    Have you ever asked yourself where we get the doctrine of eternal hell from? Oddly enough, it comes from the Pagans. The followers of Molech (the god who rules the fiery pit below) are the originators of eternal damnation beliefs. When Christianity began, the initial converts were Jews, but eventually, tons Pagans flocked into the church. When they did, they brought along their beliefs, because Christianity didn’t have set beliefs back then. There was no New Testament written. The churches were organic, so the people would connect with God and share the insights they had with each other. The Old Testament was read in small sections in the temples for a while. But mostly, they were winging it. And it was not at all uncommon for Pagans to bring in their beliefs to their church. But back in the First-Fifth Centuries, most people believed that hell was to purify people so they could be in heaven. In time, the people were swayed to the Pagan belief that hell was eternal. Augustine–with Constantine’s help–was the major proponent who caused this to come about, because many followed him. Notice I say followed “him.” It’s more important to follow God, not a man’s views. Augustine had major sway with the people. The Jews, though, kept their original beliefs, that no one would spend eternity in hell, and that God forgives. That’s why Jews today still believe no one will be in hell very long before they’re purified and sent to heaven.

    The Ancient Hebrews never believed in eternally being stuck in hell, which is why you can’t find that taught anywhere in the Old Testament. There are a very few small statements that our translators screwed up big time which say “eternal punishment” and “forever.” But all it takes is some quick study into the original Hebrew words and you find out that those words are not translated correctly, and they definitely do not mean “forever.” Same with the New Testament words for eternal.

    Alright, I’m not going over this information again. You either are open-minded and you research it with the attitude of, “Thanks for the information, Brian. I might check that out,” or you don’t. I’m just sharing information. Please stop sharing your judgmental statements with me and telling me I’m wrong. If you want to participate in my threads, please do so in a respectful manner of sharing information and your opinions. If you keep doing what you’re doing, I’ll just start ignoring your posts altogether. Your choice. Have a good day.


    Hi Brian,
    So all will be saved — by purification?

    An unlikely twist on what is revealed


    Hi Brian,
    Scripture judges.
    We don’t but must share what scripture warns about.


    Jesus own words were “I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last.” That was in revelation,  In Rev 14:3 Jesus says “I am the beginning of the creation of God”  KJV is the closest to the original Greek. alpha and omega = first and last.  The spirit of the Son of God was the first act of creation by God, the Father. A Son in his own likeness. The same abilities and ‘being’ of the original, but having the respect of the original that he was created by the original therefore the Son call the father His God.

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