Allah in Farsi.

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  • #60366

    The subject “Allah” that I posted has now been posted in Farsi. (The Iranian language) It will soon be sent to Iran. It will also be translated into Arabic some time soon. This is what FARS wrote to me: This was a really time consuming, arduous task. Wow!



    For your information, Alan used up most of the one hour Farsi program he was on at a Zoroastrian Internet TV/Radio station discussing this article. So it had some added exposure.

    Please feel free to use either link to either language article.

    The top article is now on

    All the best,


    Whoever reads this post, please leave at least some short comment. Please!


    Wow, maybe I should post links to ///// Is there anybodies arm I can twist. What do you think about the Iranian people in Iran reading about the origins of Allah? Do you think they will find it interesting?


    I would like to read it.

    I had a friend in New Zealand who was originally from Iran and he said to me that the first day he came here, he could see that God had blessed us more than his own country. He became a Christian and he introduced me to many other Iranians too.

    He has since left my city, but I hope he is good.

    Will read your writing later. Got to get something to eat.


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