Admin feedback

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  • #51672

    Hi Tim2,
    If you can show that I have made any personal attack on you then expect an apology.
    But expect the foolish doctrines of the whore to continue to be lacerated, as they deserve.


    t8, please respond to my requests that Nick show some manners.

    In the meantime, Nick, please don't respond to my posts. I'm really sick of it. You don't have anything new to say. You just keep asserting that I say something I didn't say, and repeat it for weeks. I would really just like to discuss ideas with the people on this forum who are actually listening.



    Hi Tim2,
    Thsi is not your personal soap box and all are able to respond to all posts.
    Please show some tolerance of others with different views who choose to share them.


    t8, are you there?


    Hi tim2.

    You cannot turn of a members post that feature doesn't exist.

    It is also true that any member here can say what they want about any doctrine. But attacking anyone personally is not acceptable.

    If a doctrine is attacked, then that in itself is not a personal attack. Christ often attacked false doctrine or teaching. He also rebuked those who taught lies. But from what I can see, he didn't attack anyone personally.

    So long as Nick doesn't attack you personally then he may be acting in accordance with Christ. If you feel he is not, then you have ample opportunity to defend yourself by using scripture and common sense too.

    If you feel that Nick has attacked you personally which is not acceptable behaviour here, then highlight the time and place and go to him privately. If he doesn't hear you then bring it up again in front of 2 or 3 witnesses. That way it can be judged by more than one person and by people who are not emotionally involved. This way it is likely to have a better and more balanced outcome.

    Is 1:18

    Do I need to remind you that it's you turn to submit your proof text in the debate? I'm guessing I do….


    Aiming for this weekend.



    Stupid question: What is the difference in “Group” levels? I notice that there is Admin, but there is also “Associate” and “Dedicated” members. What does this mean? I'm curious as it relates to varies members that I am in contact with. It doesn't seem to be related to the number of posts or the date they joined? I'm not looking for a job or anything, ha, just curious…..
    Curious Cat,
    Mandy :)


    Hi Mandy.

    Admins only real authority is a physical authority where we keep an eye out for spam and other abuses that try to find their way into the forums. There are other responsibilities too, but they differ from person to person.

    I need to say however that spiritual authority is given by Christ and no badge given here represents this authority. It is up to us to recognise when Christ speaks through anybody here.

    The other groups besides Members and Admins only afford privileges like editing your own post and the like.

    If you or anyone wishes to have that ability, then you can make a request here, in the Help Desk, or by PMing any Admin.

    If a member has made a reasonable number of posts and hasn't engaged in spam or abusing others, then such a person can be given the ability edit their own posts to correct grammatical and spelling errors only. Such a person just needs to ask.



    Thanks, t8. You answered all my questions. I don't think I need any editing abilities – only more wisdom, which is why I'm here. :)

    Is 1:18

    Hi T8,
    I have started replying to your proof text but will probably not be able to submit it until late next week due to various committments.



    No probs.



    Hi t8,
    If you would like to grant me editing rights, I would be very happy to have them. I guess it would be nice to be able to check spelling and move stuff around. :)

    I need to practice using the “quote” thing too. Sometimes I only want to quote one sentence at a time and not the whole post – somehow it doesn't work for me? So, I end up doing it manually which takes more time. Oh, well….. Thanks!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 28 2007,13:17)
    Hi t8,
    If you would like to grant me editing rights, I would be very happy to have them. I guess it would be nice to be able to check spelling and move stuff around. :)




    Well, I'm not a technical person, as you have found out by trying to help me get the editing buttons down – ha – but I could certainly take over the payment of the website and seek someone out who could maintain it.

    This all sounds so very formal, but if you wanted to “will” the maintenance to someone here, that might be a good idea. This site means so much to so many……it would be a shame if it didn't exist any more. Who would I argue pre-existence with then? :)

    I would be happy to help in any way that I could.

    Blessings and good health to you, t8.


    You never know when He will call!
    Some go through car crashes without a scratch others simply fall down hit their head and are gone. If He wants you up there then I really don't think anyone will say NO! :)


    Quote (kenrch @ May 31 2007,09:46)
    You never know when He will call!
    Some go through car crashes without a scratch others simply fall down hit their head and are gone. If He wants you up there then I really don't think anyone will say NO! :)

    That is true Kenrch.

    That is why I think it is wise to be ready to go.
    It may be another 30 years, but we would be presumptuous to think it for sure.

    I think of the guy who had his barns filled with enough wheat to last for years and God took him that very night.

    We all need to be ready now.

    Not just because we could die at any moment, but the Lord could return today.


    Hi t8,
    This is the challenge.
    42And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

    43Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

    44Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.


    Yes that is the challenge for us.

    I pray Father in Yeshua's name that you empower us to do your will and we will be found serving Christ when he returns.

    Let us not be led astray or be impatient.

    Let us hold steadfast to your truth and be found in the truth at the coming of the Christ.




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