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  • #30612

    There were many questions, that were left unanswered. You can boast all you like. i have proven my case. It is solid and will stand as is the doctrine. It is only God I have to answer to and as for what has transpired on this forum, those who have the truth in them will know what is faithful and true. That is what matters.

    As for the accuser, lol, you don't even know when the devil was kicked out of heaven, you still believe he is in heaven. That is further proof the truth is not in you. For the devil is a deceiver and you are deceived in believing he still has access to the throne of God and to his saints. When I tried to make you understand that the devil was cast out of heaven once Jesus was resurrected, you refused to believe it. You chose to believe the lie. The devil, was judged and cast out of heaven. He cannot accuse the saints. How can he accuse the saints of sin, since the saints sins have been forgiven and forgotten at the cross. You choose to believe the deceiver. And because of this your accusations are against mine. My accussations come by way of what you have done. Your accusations come by way of believing the deceiver. You you did not lie, there would be no accussation. If you were not able to change your posts so as to get away with you deceitfulness, this situation would already be resolved. Yet, the Lord revealed that you were able to do this and that is how you got caught.


    So I will ask you point blank. Did you tell me that water baptisms saves?


    Hi H,
    1Peter 3
    ” 21Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you–not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience–through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, “

    Note also in 1Peter 3
    ” 13Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good?

    14But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED,

    15but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;

    16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are SLANDERED, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

    17For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong. “

    Cease your slander


    You are an abuse of scripture. You talk of me as the one who slanders. You you did not answer my question. Again, you avoid the question and to me that is the same as admitting your guilt.


    Yes or No?


    sorry about that, I meant to say abuser, not abuse.


    Hi H,
    You said
    “Thank you Nick Hassan. I thought if anyone could see the truth in this, it would be you.”


    Can you answer me Nick? yes or no?


    Well. As ususal, your no answer is your answer. You know you said it. And your argument with Krench I posted a surprise. Here is the same surprise. You have said so many times that it is water that saves, but yet, here is a post where you say differently.

    Nick Hassan

    Group: Admins
    Posts: 10385
    Joined: June 2004 Posted: July 23 2006,21:20

    Obedient repentant faith.

    Test all things. Hold fast to what is good


    Hi H,
    That was in reply to this post by you.
    “Dear Mercy,

    Forgive me for not getting your sex correctly brother. That proves I am capable of mistakes. I am really sorry. As for salvation, one needs only to have faith in Christ. If you believe that is the same as the baptism of the Holy Spirit you are mistake. Now, the Lord has given the baptism to many at salvation, but most do not get the baptism of the Holy Spirit until the laying on of hands by the presbytery. “

    Obedience includes obedience to the demand we born of water.
    The ast of the apostles shows the apostles knew what this meant.

    Acts 19
    ” 4Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

    5When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    6And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.”


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 17 2006,02:29)
    Can you answer me Nick? yes or no?

    Hi H,
    June 11 “a spirit once dead….”
    I said
    Does faith save?
    Does repentance save?
    Does baptism save[water baptism]?
    Does the Spirit save?

    Yes Yes Yes Yes
    All are essential. And God does His works too.

    But that does not say any are unnecessary either. “



    The top part was written by myself. The lower part was written by you. As for my compliment, I gave it wrongly. I took your meaning to being born of water as you understood it as physcial birth as a man is born of water and of Spirit. I misunderstood you. I take back my compliment. For it is not water that saves us and it is an evil man that believes it is.

    Do you know why I said it Nick. You who argued that in John 3:5 we are born of water


    Water baptism does not save us Nick. That is a false teaching from a false prophet.


    Hi H,
    You say
    “it is an evil man that believes it is.”
    Do wrong beliefs make men evil or is it just another judgement you made on me?


    How many here believe that water baptism saves?


    If it is contrary to the Word of God and can cause cost the souls of men, most certainly.


    Don't you see the problem with what you are teaching Nick. A man teaches that it is water that saves. He goes and gets baptized. Yet, his heart is not right with God. He lives his entire life under the assumption that he was saved, when he was not. And at death, his soul is lost. That is the danger of this doctrine.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Oct. 17 2006,05:19)
    Opps, I forgot to go back to A Cubes.

    Here it the problem I see with many on this forum. For some odd reason, some on this forum look at Nick as if he is some sort of spiritual guru. Yet, his doctrine is derived from that which he claims to hate, the doctrines of men. He on one hand says that we are to seek God, yet on the other hand he stands on the doctrine that it is water baptism that saves us. This is not scriptural. His doctrine has been put on a shelf and since doing so, he has constantly attacked all that I post. If you don't believe me, read all of my posts and see what man posted more than any other on everyone of my posts. Now, there are some places we agreed upon, and the interesting thing is I even noticed he started using some things that I posted in his own teachings. I don't have a problem with this, but you cannot teach half truths. What I mean is if you have a puzzle, you have to have all the correct pieces of that puzzle if you hope to see a perfect picture. If you do not have all the correct pieces, the picture will be distorted, the person's teaching will not be credible.

    Hi H,

    Thanks for responding, but this doesn't answer my question though, so I ask again:

    a. Do you still believe that I or any of the members conspire against you? that we are all those slurs you've been generously throwing around like cow manure?

    Mind giving me some examples of what you mean by PEOPLE looking to Nick as “some sort of spiritual guru.” Where is his personal call for people to follow him?

    Now what you said using the analogy of a puzzle is true, that one has to have the correct pieces to form a perfect picture.
    What I find though is that for some reason, the Lord has seemed to scatter the correct pieces among the body of believers. One group doesn't hold the rights to it all… that's perhaps to encourage us to work together, leading to mutual edification.

    As for the truth, only God has the copyrights though he has given us of his spirit through Christ, and we thank him.


    Salvation is a matter of the heart. The heart must be made right. The heart must be circumcised.

    Romans 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

    29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.


    Cubes, I will answer your question after you answer mine. Is Nick your teacher?

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