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    Quote (seek and you will find @ Jan. 20 2008,03:12)
    Tim. You still called Him a jerk in what circumstances that really does not matter, you got involved in their conversation about Ken. You say that I am saying that because He is on my team, that is so ridiculous. Any body that wants to be my friend, I accept. Ken has hurt me too, in the beginning, but He apologized. He apologized to all, and that was criticized also. We all make mistakes and we should be slow to judge others. That is all what I am saying. Love one another as I have loved you.
    All that I am doing right now is I am going to pray for all of us, including myself, we all needed. Satan has been very busy, I wish that you would realize that. And you do not even realize how important all this is.

    Peace and Love MrsIM4Truth

    HI Mrs.

    You seem so blinded with your need to be right in your righteous indignation that you did not listen to anything that I said. In fact it was not even I who said anything about being on your team. You have surly been quick to judge me for someone who preaches the virtues of not judging.

    That is allright Mrs. I will not quarrel with you concerning this.

    Have a blessed day. I love you.



    Quote (kejonn @ Jan. 20 2008,03:32)

    My beliefs are my own, you or Ken are not responsible for them. I am not saying you think that, but Ken pulled my name into his posts in an insulting fashion, and not just pertaining to what you said. Ken and I have often butted heads because I called him on his harsh and prideful actions.

    Just as Tim said, Ken didn't earn 4 warning blocks for being kind.

    No I'm not (thank GOD) responsible for your beliefs. But I believe I am responsible for allowing you to post in what I thought was a “BELIEVERS” Place.

    You and Mandy at the time knew that you were supposed to be a believer to Post in the “Believer's Place”. To post there then continue to NOT say what you believe is IMO is deceiving which certainly is NOT very “Christian”.

    BUT to my amazement :laugh: You don't have to be a believer in JESUS to post in the :laugh: “BELIEVER'S PLACE”.

    And yes I do believe that they will be MANY Antichrist in the end times! And so YES you and your friends are “ANTICHRIST” and fulfilling scripture.

    And again I'M proud of my stripes for standing up for God and MY Saviour Jesus Christ the Messiah. I'm even proud that I'm a subject at your web site. For Antichrist to mention my name I believe is GREAT! I did something right to earn your Antichrist judgment.

    But it's true as you and your brethren say Christians don't want to think. We want to be on the straight and narrow NOT all over
    a wide path that will lead to destruction.

    1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 19 2008,12:23)
    No I'm not (thank GOD) responsible for your beliefs. But I believe I am responsible for allowing you to post in what I thought was a “BELIEVERS” Place.

    Seriously? Last i looked, you weren't on the list of admins so all you are is a member. You have zero authority on this site. If you want to have a site where you can live in a Christian bubble where you all sit around the campfire and chant “Keep the commandments and believe in Jesus” then you are certainly welcome to open one and moderate it. Until then, you have no right beyond anyone else on here.


    Quote (kejonn @ Jan. 20 2008,05:41)

    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 19 2008,12:23)
    No I'm not (thank GOD) responsible for your beliefs. But I believe I am responsible for allowing you to post in what I thought was a “BELIEVERS” Place.

    Seriously? Last i looked, you weren't on the list of admins so all you are is a member. You have zero authority on this site. If you want to have a site where you can live in a Christian bubble where you all sit around the campfire and chant “Keep the commandments and believe in Jesus” then you are certainly welcome to open one and moderate it. Until then, you have no right beyond anyone else on here.

    Are you saying I cannot defend MY Lord? I am supposed to just sit and watch as the Antichrist spread doubt “ON A BELIEVERS” Place.

    Which you and Mandy thought was only for believers in JESUS!

    You don't think that was deceiving?

    AGAIN You don't have to believe in JESUS to post there NOW~! But at the time you NOR Mandy in fact NOBODY believed that you could be an ANTICHRIST and post there. I thought and so did you….that the believers place was for only BELIEVERS.

    But that did not stop you OR Mandy from spreading doubt there…did it?

    NO! I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for allowing Antichrist for Posting here. Thank You very much! :)


    :laugh: I'm responsible for my faith where I am!


    Hi Ken,
    Seems like that apology is wearing thin as you continue in your carnal ways.
    Why must you demand punishment for those weaker in faith?
    It is an entirely unscriptural approach.

    Romans 14
    1Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

    2For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

    3Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 20 2008,05:59)
    Hi Ken,
    Seems like that apology is wearing thin as you continue in your carnal ways.
    Why must you demand punishment for those weaker in faith?
    It is an entirely unscriptural approach.

    Romans 14
    1Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

    2For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

    3Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

    Nick are we talking “Antichrist” here?


    Hi ken,
    The spirit of antichrist is the enemy, not those brothers and sisters who are affected by it.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 20 2008,06:02)
    Hi ken,
    The spirit of antichrist is the enemy, not those brothers and sisters who are affected by it.

    This is why I apologized. “We fight not against flesh and blood. But notice WE fight! Spiritual warfare.

    Why do you say anything at all then? :)


    Look Nick if you want to give me a stripe for defending my RIGHT to defend Jesus then have add it. :(


    Hi Ken,
    Attacking others for their faith troubles is not defending Jesus.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 20 2008,06:18)
    Hi Ken,
    Attacking others for their faith troubles is not defending Jesus.

    Why am I attacking? I'm not attacking Nick I'm defending. They are attacking and if you can't see that WELL….


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 20 2008,06:02)
    Hi ken,
    The spirit of antichrist is the enemy, not those brothers and sisters who are affected by it.

    The Antichrist are your brothers and sisters? Brothers and sisters in what? CHRIST? Unbelief? WHAT?

    2Co 6:15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?



    Actually Ken, I prefer you continue with your mannerisms. It will be a warning against legalism and will reveal that Christians don't have to have any real fruit.


    Quote (kejonn @ Jan. 20 2008,06:29)
    Actually Ken, I prefer you continue with your mannerisms. It will be a warning against legalism and will reveal that Christians don't have to have any real fruit.

    I will defend my right to defend Jesus against Antichrist no matter WHAT.

    You can't stand that I exposed you and Mandy as deceivers. That's why I'm so famous at your Antichrist site.

    I'm sorry that you lost your faith and now spread doubt as an Antichrist and Knowingly deceived people. :(

    BUT that's in the Past. I keep saying that BUT you won't let it go!

    Why? You can and ARE posting where you want. So post all you want and fulfill scripture.
    Don't you and your group have anything you can talk about over on the Antichrist site? Or do you come here to find something to talk about! :p

    Have a nice day :laugh: Relax and have fun kejonn while it is your time.

    Is 1:18

    You know Kejonn, when Towshab started a thread about leaving he wrote his post and he left (it's early days yet though, I guess). I remember you doing the same thing, making a big song and dance about leaving the forum and signing off for the last time, but you are still here posting pretty much every day. What's the deal?

    Is 1:18

    Where is this other site I keep reading about? Can I have the URL?


    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 19 2008,13:48)

    Quote (kejonn @ Jan. 20 2008,06:29)
    Actually Ken, I prefer you continue with your mannerisms. It will be a warning against legalism and will reveal that Christians don't have to have any real fruit.

    I will defend my right to defend Jesus against Antichrist no matter WHAT.

    You can't stand that I exposed you and Mandy as deceivers. That's why I'm so famous at your Antichrist site.

    I'm sorry that you lost your faith and now spread doubt as an Antichrist and Knowingly deceived people. :(

    BUT that's in the Past. I keep saying that BUT you won't let it go!

    Why? You can and ARE posting where you want. So post all you want and fulfill scripture.
    Don't you and your group have anything you can talk about over on the Antichrist site? Or do you come here to find something to talk about! :p

    Have a nice day :laugh: Relax and have fun kejonn while it is your time.

    Yes, I feel so exposed. Sad you place so much importance of “exposing” someone on an internet forum. You will sleep well tonight knowing you are such a good Christian PI.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 18 2008,23:11)
    So with that, I ask that you would all forgive me for coming into your virtual place of fellowship like a bull in a China shop. I will not be posting here anymore unless I have something to encourage with. I will stop by kejonn's board from time to time because he invited me, but I leave here because I came uninvited. After all, the first sentence on the frontpage of the site says “Heaven Net is a website that is dedicated to encouraging believers in Christ to rise up and fight the good fight of faith.”





    Is.1:18 kejonn's website e-mail address is:

    Peace and Love Mrs.

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