A vision or dream?

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    Let me start off by saying that I'm a younger person.
    Not old.

    It is written…

    Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:


    I will start explaining my dream or vision on the next post.


    It was a dream or vision presented me a long while back – whichever it was I couldn't tell.

    *In this dream or vision I was floating on something which I though maybe was a big peice of wood over the sea. With or without my control, I cannot say, my eyes went upward to the sky – which I might add was clear blue with many clouds here and there. While I was looking upward, all of sudden what looked to be a black cross came into view in the sky and stayed in one spot. When I saw it wonder came over me but was quickly replaced by a fear that made me want to leave my vision outright.

    I wonder what it was. ???


    Quote (acertainchap @ July 12 2007,03:16)
    It was a dream or vision presented me a long while back – whichever it was I couldn't tell.

    *In this dream or vision I was floating on something which I though maybe was a big peice of wood over the sea. With or without my control, I cannot say, my eyes went upward to the sky – which I might add was clear blue with many clouds here and there. While I was looking upward, all of sudden what looked to be a black cross came into view in the sky and stayed in one spot. When I saw it wonder came over me but was quickly replaced by a fear that made me want to leave my vision outright.

    I wonder what it was. ???

    Chap visions happen when you are awake, “sort” of like a day dream.


    I must have dreamed a dream. But I'm not old so I must be wise in its place.




    Well actually, God is the one to decide if I'm wise or not, not me.


    Quote (kenrch @ July 12 2007,09:38)
    Chap visions happen when you are awake, “sort” of like a day dream.

    Really? Any Biblical proof? ???


    Quote (acertainchap @ Aug. 14 2007,00:13)

    Quote (kenrch @ July 12 2007,09:38)
    Chap visions happen when you are awake, “sort” of like a day dream.

    Really? Any Biblical proof?  ???

    I don't recall any one having a vision saying they were asleep.

    Mat 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,
    Mat 17:2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
    Mat 17:3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

    Mat 17:9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.

    Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

    How does one DREAM dreams? The scripture doesn't say they will HAVE dreams. :D


    hi ken matt 17:1-9 how is it that none who tell this story went up the mount with jesus ?and peter only mentions GODS voice in the holy mount.do james or john tell of this event with moses,as matt,mark,and luke do ?


    can anyone post visions from GOD here ? the black cross sounds interesting,yet a fearful thing to be shown,ask GOD and he will give the meaning!!! the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.


    Quote (michaels @ Aug. 15 2007,15:42)
    hi ken  matt 17:1-9 how is it that none who tell this story went up the mount with jesus ?and peter only mentions GODS voice in the holy mount.do james or john tell of this event with moses,as matt,mark,and luke do ?

    OH Ok! :)




    Chap You are so funny!!!! He I am back!!!!!
    In Christian Love Mrs.


    All my life I have had very lucid dreams.

    I still have them.
    I had one just recently that I was preaching and I had this paranoid feeling as if people were not believing what I was saying.

    I'm not even a preacher.

    And, then I seen this box and it was empty…then I woke up.

    Not sure what the meaning of all this is really, but I actually have lots of dreams. And I'm having them more frequently here the past year or so.

    I'm not an old man, I consider myself to be still fairly young at 31 years of age. So…I shall just keep praying and seeking the kingdom of GOD.
    I have faith that I shall find.


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 13 2008,12:41)
    All my life I have had very lucid dreams.

    I still have them.
    I had one just recently that I was preaching and I had this paranoid feeling as if people were not believing what I was saying.

    I'm not even a preacher.

    And, then I seen this box and it was empty…then I woke up.

    Not sure what the meaning of all this is really, but I actually have lots of dreams.  And I'm having them more frequently here the past  year or so.

    I'm not an old man, I consider myself to be still fairly young at 31 years of age.  So…I shall just keep praying and seeking the kingdom of GOD.
    I have faith that I shall find.

    Maybe, the dream has to do with the “Oneness church” that you are attending and them not believing what you are saying to them.  I don't know, but perhaps.  What do you think?


    Being as that I'm not really trying to preach to them I really don't see how that can be it.

    As if you could preach to a Oneness church anyway…sorry bit of humor there.

    No…I don't know what exactly that was supposed to mean, if anything at all.

    I really do not know if my dreams mean anything or not. They seem real enough as if they are meant to mean something. I could just be thinking they are supposed to mean something.

    I tend to think I'm something more than I am from time to time, and or open my mouth and speak just a little too much from time to time…maybe thats what is means. GOD only knows.

    I just have to seek his advice, and pray that he gives me the answer, and have Faith.


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 14 2008,16:51)
    I really do not know if my dreams mean anything or not.  They seem real enough as if they are meant to mean something.  I could  just be thinking they are supposed to mean something.

    Since becoming a Christian I have had several dreams which either have a strong Christian `feel' to them or feature the Christian person that showed me the way to the Lord.

    Some play out in a logical storyline, others don't seem to have any structure at all but there is one unique feature in all of them – almost like a signature – and these are the ones that I always remember vividly, upon waking up, so I tend to write them down.

    Nothing comes from them, and I don't try to understand them – but I do keep a record of them.


    Often dreams even though not understood by the conscious mind, do have an impact because they are experiences and they can help you act in certain situations that you may not have without that experience.

    I know a guy who had a dream/vision when he was very young. He was walking toward Christ who was seated on a throne. As he walked toward him, he was suddenly woken up by his brother who thought he was dead. The next night he had the same dream and was about to reach the throne and he was woken by his brother and parents who said that he wasn't breathing and they thought he was dying. He was scolded and told not get into this experience again. Then he had the dream again and finally he reached the throne and the Lord Jesus spoke to him. He understood everything perfectly at that time but when he woke up he couldn't remember or comprehend what was told to him.

    But in my opinion there is something quite unique about this guy today. I suspect that he was told something that changed him in a way that he doesn't even understand.


    I have been privileged to have many visions of God. But a friend of mine had never received a vision and he use to wonder why that was. He prayed and prayed about it and still no vision.

    I use to encourage him by saying “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”. And I use to say to him that his faith was more noble than mine in the respect that I cannot help but believe in God for what I have seen, and use to say that he should be happy that he gets the chance to fulfill Jesus words about those who have not seen.

    Still he wasn't satisfied and kept praying for a vision.

    Finally he got a vision. The Lord appeared to him and said to him that he had chosen him to learn through the experiences of life and not by visions.

    My friend was greatly encouraged by this.


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 13 2008,12:41)
    All my life I have had very lucid dreams.

    I still have them.
    I had one just recently that I was preaching and I had this paranoid feeling as if people were not believing what I was saying.

    I'm not even a preacher.

    And, then I seen this box and it was empty…then I woke up.

    Not sure what the meaning of all this is really, but I actually have lots of dreams.  And I'm having them more frequently here the past  year or so.

    I'm not an old man, I consider myself to be still fairly young at 31 years of age.  So…I shall just keep praying and seeking the kingdom of GOD.
    I have faith that I shall find.

    Hi Samuel,
    Perhaps the box was as yet empty of what you need to reach the hearts of your brothers. Maybe hungrily seeking truth and the righteous ways of our God would fill that box with good things with which you could feed them. It may mean loving the Word and defending Sacred Scripture and opposing falsehoods to reach the place of being useful to God in this way.

    44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

    45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

    46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

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