A personal oppology!

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  • #171107

    Hi every one!

    And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves“; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 1 Tim 2:24-26

    The Lord has put it on my heart to write to all of you on this board something he has been personally dealing with me about!

    I have noticed in the last few months that I have allowed myself to fall into the trap of becoming judgmental and harsh, or maybe I have been for a long time and didn't realize how much I was! I ignored the promptings by justifying my attitude and actions by the attitudes and actions of others towards me. I was wrong!

    Its kind of like watching your child grow up, for you it is slow and you can barely see it until you pull out some old pictures or someone else sees your child that hasn't seen them in a while. We usually can't see the small changes in our lives whether they be good or bad. Its the little foxes that spoil the vine! So it takes the light of the Holy Spirit to show us these things if our hearts are pure.

    For this judgmental and harsh attitude I have repented and asked the Lord to forgive me.

    I also want to ask those on this board that I have shown this aggression towards to forgive me.

    When I came to this board a few years ago I began to have my faith challenged like never before, and it was good because it drove me into prayer and the word to seek out the truth. This has been a good and growing experience, and for a while I found that God was teaching me patience as well as tolorance with people and also to learn to love them regardless of the debates or differences.

    While it may be hard to tell I actually have learned to listen more and be more teachable, though I will confess that my foundational beliefs has not changed that much, (like most here) but my overall perspective has, and in many ways my faith has grown!

    For sure I could never claim that I have all truth or have never made mistakes here, but in fact have had to eat crow a couple of times because of my attitude.

    I believe the Lord wants me to guard my heart against anger, bitterness, false witness, aggressiveness, accusations, condemnation, patronizing, name calling, persecuting, harassing, harshness, prejudice, malice, slander, belittling, judging, finger pointing, gossip in PMs, attacking, being argumentive, misrepresentation, arrogance, pride and probably many more emotions, attitudes and actions that is not becoming of a Christian!

    I know that at some point I have been guilty of several if not all of the above.

    If I have committed any of these against you and offended you, I ask for your forgiveness.

    I am seeking to be more like Jesus and while Jesus at times was firm and straight forward I think we may at times use that as an excuse to step over the line and into the flesh in our attitudes! This surely is not a good testimony to those who may be watching or listening!

    We can share the truth of Gods word without being arrogant and patronizing.

    Jesus said…

    Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: “be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves“. Matt 10:16

    Jesus spoke with wisdom that very often left those who opposed him without a response or basically speechless!

    The Truth is Truth and it can defend itself! If we have the truth then all we need to do is let the light shine!

    This doesn't mean that we cannot be firm and stand against false doctrine. Paul said also to reprove and rebuke with all authority, but it should be done in the right Spirit and attitude and not in the flesh!

    James tells us something very important that I think most here including me has overlooked…

    WHO IS A WISE MAN” and endued with knowledge among you? “let him shew out of a GOOD CONVERSATION HIS WORKS WITH MEEKNESS OF WISDOM“. But if ye have “bitter envying and strife in your hearts, GLORY NOT, AND LIE NOT AGAINST THE TRUTH. This wisdom descendeth not from above, BUT IS EARTHLY, SENSUAL, DEVILISH. For where “envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the WISDOM THAT IS FROM ABOVE IS FIRST PURE, THEN PEACEABLE, GENTLE, AND EASY TO BE INTREATED, FULL OF MERCY AND GOOD FRUITS, WITHOUT PARTIALITY, AND WITHOUT HYPOCRISY. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace OF THEM THAT MAKE PEACE. James 3:13-18

    I realize that heated debate can sometimes get personal, but we should learn to respect others and the fact that we will not agree on everything. This can be done without bad emotions, actions or attitudes IMO! There is enough fighting going on in the world without professing believers fighting among themselves.

    Again, if I have offended any through words, actions, or emotions I ask for your forgiveness.

    Let us seek to be kind to one another!

    Love in Christ!


    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 21 2010,17:56)
    Hi every one!

    Jesus spoke with wisdom that very often left those who opposed him without a response or basically speechless!

    The Truth is Truth and it can defend itself! If we have the truth then all we need to do is let the light shine!

    This doesn't mean that we cannot be firm and stand against false doctrine.
    Paul said also to reprove and rebuke with all authority, but it should
    be done in the right Spirit and attitude and not in the flesh!

    Let us seek to be kind to one another!

    Love in Christ!


    Hi Kieth,

    You do add a lot, helping others see “Bible Truth” that they would not ordinarily see;
    because while we all have this blind spot, others can see past our blind spot, while we cannot!
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    This is why God tells us in his word to take seriously the advice of others, here are “The Bible”=63 verses…
    Isaiah 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes,
    the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be
    called TREES of righteousness, THE PLANTING (Matt.13:37-38) of the LORD, that He (YHVH=63) might be glorified.
    Gen.2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

    Jer.31:12 Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion,
    and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD, for wheat, and for wine,
    and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd:
    and their soul shall be as a watered garden;
    and they shall not sorrow any more at all.

    Isaiah 51:3 For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places;
    and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD;
    joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
    Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me,
    and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people. My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth,

    Isaiah 58:11-12 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul;
    then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:
    And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought,
    and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water,
    whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:
    thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called,
    The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

    Your Brother in Christ!
    Ed J



    Christ said blessed are the one who lessen to there message he was refering to the message of the aposteles and to us,NOT YOUR MESSAGE ,SO LEAVE IT TO THE SCRIPTURES AND THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST TO GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH,
    your truth will only end up confusing them.


    Keith!   Our Heavenly Father loves all of us, and especially a contrite Heart.  To humble yourself in front of others takes a good deal of courage.  It shows a Person's Godly Character in spite of all the controversy that goes on here.  To get personal with a person's understanding of Scriptures is certainly not right.  We all do grow on a different level.  God knows that He can't give all of the truth to us at one time.  Patience with others is highly awarded.  Seek and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you. God wants all of us to come to the understand of the truth.  However some look at truth in a different light then what we might perceive the truth is.  Let us in Love go forward and learn from each others.  In that lies the problem.  It seems that all of us want to be right no matter if we step on others toe's or not.  That IMO we all need to learn not to do.  You have shown us how one can humble Himself and for that I am thankful to you for.  
    Peace and Love Irene  :) :)


    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 21 2010,11:03)
    Keith!     Our Heavenly Father loves all of us, and especially a contrite Heart.  To humble yourself in front of others takes a good deal of courage.  It shows a Person's Godly Character in spite of all the controversy that goes on here.  To get personal with a person's understanding of Scriptures is certainly not right.  We all do grow on a different level.  God knows that He can't give all of the truth to us at one time.  Patience with others is highly awarded.  Seek and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you. God wants all of us to come to the understand of the truth.  However some look at truth in a different light then what we might perceive the truth is.  Let us in Love go forward and learn from each others.  In that lies the problem.  It seems that all of us want to be right no matter if we step on others toe's or not.  That IMO we all need to learn not to do.  You have shown us how one can humble Himself and for that I am thankful to you for.  
    Peace and Love Irene  :) :)

    Thanks Irene!




    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2010,05:45)
    Hi Kieth,

    You do add a lot, helping others see “Bible Truth” that they would not ordinarily see;
    because while we all have this blind spot, others can see past our blind spot, while we cannot!
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

    Thanks! WJ


    The Lord will surely exalt those who humble themselves. I believe it is love that will make us aware of how we are dealing with others and of course love sums up a true Christians walk, be blessed brother, neither of us has all truth but the closer we draw to the Lord the more our differences will disappear.

    I appreciate your being here, Wm

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,01:46)

    Christ said blessed are the one who lessen to there message he was refering to the message of the aposteles and to us,NOT YOUR MESSAGE ,SO LEAVE IT TO THE SCRIPTURES AND THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST TO GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH,
    your truth will only end up confusing them.

    Hi Terraricca,

    What the heck are you talking about?
    Why are you bringing me personally into the story;
    and casting me in a negative light at that?
    Don't you ever have anything nice to say?

    Ed J


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,01:46)

    Christ said blessed are the one who lessen to there message he was refering to the message of the aposteles and to us,NOT YOUR MESSAGE ,SO LEAVE IT TO THE SCRIPTURES AND THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST TO GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH,
    your truth will only end up confusing them.

    Listen to me, please check your spelling before you make a post. You confuse others when you make a post like this one. If your Computer don't hae a ABC Check ask someone who can put that up for you, it really helps. Nobody can make out your posts, with Love I say this….


    Impressive Keith…thank you! Kathi

    Ed J

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 22 2010,05:12)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,01:46)
    Ed J

    Christ said: blessed are the ones who listen to their(the Apostles) messages; he was referring to the messages of the Apostles and to our messages.
    Your truth will only end up confusing them?

    Listen to me, please check your spelling before you make a post.  You confuse others when you make a post like this one.  If your Computer don't hae a ABC Check ask someone who can put that up for you, it really helps.  Nobody can make out your posts, with Love I say this….

    Hi Irene,

    Here is Terraricca's message deciphered.
    It was slanderous and directed toward me.
    Read the adjusted quote; this is what he meant.

    God bless you Irene
    Ed J


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 21 2010,12:48)
    The Lord will surely exalt those who humble themselves. I believe it is love that will make us aware of how we are dealing with others and of course love sums up a true Christians walk, be blessed brother, neither of us has all truth but the closer we draw to the Lord the more our differences will disappear.

    I appreciate your being here, Wm

    Thanks Seeking!

    You are a veteran here and appreciated also!



    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 21 2010,13:37)
    Impressive Keith…thank you! Kathi

    Thanks Kathi



    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 21 2010,10:44)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 22 2010,05:12)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 22 2010,01:46)
    Ed J

    Christ said: blessed are the ones who listen to their(the Apostles) messages; he was referring to the messages of the Apostles and to our messages.
    Your truth will only end up confusing them?

    Listen to me, please check your spelling before you make a post.  You confuse others when you make a post like this one.  If your Computer don't hae a ABC Check ask someone who can put that up for you, it really helps.  Nobody can make out your posts, with Love I say this….

    Hi Irene,

    Here is Terraricca's message deciphered.
    It was slanderous and directed toward me.
    Read the adjusted quote; this is what he meant.

    God bless you Irene
    Ed J

    Too funny :D


    I think this board probably brings out the worst in many of us, and the best.

    When we feel so strongly about something, and the other person just does not see what we see, or seems blind to it, we tend to get frustrated, and sometimes act badly. I think most of us do. I shouldn't say all, as some of us on here are much better at social interactions than others.

    I think the other problem is, some people can shrug off anything. Others can be crushed by words. It is usually the very strong or strong willed who come here. I think we all have to be aware of how we affect others.


    Bro Keith,


    As you know, I haven't been here in a long while. I'm not really “here” now….just skipping through. But I caught this apology post and wanted to say BLESS YOUR HEART, MY BROTHER.

    Love you!


    Quote (david @ Jan. 25 2010,01:00)
    I think this board probably brings out the worst in many of us, and the best.

    When we feel so strongly about something, and the other person just does not see what we see, or seems blind to it, we tend to get frustrated, and sometimes act badly.  I think most of us do.  I shouldn't say all, as some of us on here are much better at social interactions than others.  

    I think the other problem is, some people can shrug off anything.  Others can be crushed by words.  It is usually the very strong or strong willed who come here.  I think we all have to be aware of how we affect others.

    True David!




    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 25 2010,01:08)
    Bro Keith,


    As you know, I haven't been here in a long while.  I'm not really “here” now….just skipping through.  But I caught this apology post and wanted to say BLESS YOUR HEART, MY BROTHER.

    Love you!

    Hi Mandy!

    Thanks! Hope you and yours are doing well!

    Love you too!




    Very positive posting.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 25 2010,17:08)
    Bro Keith,


    As you know, I haven't been here in a long while.  I'm not really “here” now….just skipping through.  But I caught this apology post and wanted to say BLESS YOUR HEART, MY BROTHER.

    Love you!

    so0O, we meet again here on the long journey
    Yeah, great art is ALL about conflict, and let's face it, we all got a big “head” start here.

    smiles an love ALL, AN passing by too Mandy!! xx

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