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- April 15, 2009 at 12:17 am#127667
ParticipantA Masterful Deception! Satan's Work of Art!
Satan has managed to mislead the entire inhabited earth, and he holds them all in his grip of power through the many varied Religions that are found on the earth today. But, satan would have known that some from among mankind would not accept the Worlds Religions, so he would need one that so closely resembled the true Religion that it could 'mislead, if possible even the chosen ones'. This one would be satans last opportunity, as it were, to mislead even those ones who would not accept the teachings of the Churchs. This one would be his work of art, a masterful deception to ensnare the entire World in his grip of Power; and, I must say it works very well, for I myself was misled by the Religion that I followed for some Twenty-One years. before I finally realized they were not what they made claim to being. [1 John 5:19 Revelation 12:9 Matthew 24:24].
Now we know that satan can transform himself into an angel of light and his ministers can transform themselves into ministers of rightiousness, so this work of art would be very difficult to identify as belonging to satan the devil. Still there would have to be a way to flush them out into the open for all to see, and the Bible does that if one pays close attention. [2 Corinthians 11: 12-15]
Recall the scripture at Matthew 24:24 that said, as most will remember: “For false Christs and false Prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible even the chosen ones.” Their teaching so close to Bible truth might possibly mislead even the chosen ones, so we can apply this scripture to the organization that might possibly mislead even the chosen ones. Now which one might that be?
Then in Luke 21:8 this scripture, most will remember it, I'm sure: “He said “Look out that you are not misled; 'For many will come on the basis of my name, saying ' I am he' and the due time has approached' Do not go after them!' This scripture too can be applied to them. Did you notice? In spite of their looking like the true Religion Jesus said: “Do not go after them!” So, we are looking for an organization that will tell us that the due time has approached. Now, I wonder who this one could be? Who goes door to door on a daily basis, saying that very thing?
You'll remember we are to establish every matter at …”The mouth of two or of three witnesses”? So, now, on to my third witness. At 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3 Paul wrote: … ” not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.” Please note the expression as though from us.
Now, ask yourself who has a message or a letter that looks like it comes from the true followers of Christ? There can be only one answer to that question: so the organization that professes to have that letter and that message; we can apply this scripture to them as well. Which organization is that?
Now I have established what I say at the mouth of two or three witnesses, so what more is needed? [2 Corinthioans 13:1]
This leaves us with nowhere to go to worship {except to the Christ himself} Jehovah because in spite of their claim to the contrary that is not the true religion, not at all. It is satans work of art, his masterful deception.
Jesus said,”Where two or three are gathered together in my name there I am in their midst. [Matthew 18:19,20]
We could study with anyone we choose on the basis of that scripture. We do not need any self proclaimed puffed-up false Prophet to follow. It is Jesus who is in control of the Holy Spirit and he can 'teach us all things even that which is to come'. [John 16:13] [ John 14:26]
It's sad to say that the vast majority of the adherents to the religion in question here are not even aware that they are being misled and if you was to try and tell them that they are not following the true faith, but are being misled, they would only get angry at you, and not believe you. Satan has a hold on them as great a hold as he holds on the entire inhabited earth with his masterful deception. Now which organization could that be? [Revelation 12:9} {1 John 5:19}
Now, you don't suppose that it might be the Watchtower Bible and tract Society of Pennsylvania, do you? Think about it! Do not be misled by them! Texas!
April 15, 2009 at 6:55 am#127710david
ParticipantThis appears to be a duplication of what you already posted here:
I responded to you there.
And there, I said:
“It was hard to take but there could only be one answer. . . . for there isn't another Religion on this Planet that teaches the Bible as they do . . . It looks, I know, like the only true Religion. . . .”–texas
Actually, texas, to the vast majority of people, it looks nothing like what they want the true religion to look like.
They don't want the true religion to involve work or sacrifice. They don't expect to die because of their stance on blood. They don't want only a few to accept it but want it to be popular. Maybe to you, it looks like the true religion, but to most, it looks like foolishness.“They are the only ones who might possibly mislead even the Chosen Ones because they teach so close to the truth.”–texas.
You know, as far as I can tell, you share 97% of the same beliefs they do.
“For who else was doing a Work like [theirs]?. I answer, absolutely no one!”–texas
Texas, did you read what you just said? True, no one else is doing a work like theirs. (mat 24:14) No one else is even close. People continuously compare us to Mormons' but only 1/200 mormons engage in the preaching work and only for a couple years. And nor do they preach where it is illegal. We go everywhere.
You look at the fact that “absolutely” no one else is doing a work like JW's as proof that “they teach so close to the truth” that they are the only ones who could be deceiving people?
I find that thinking extremely twisted.“They are the only ones who fill the Bill.”–texas
So for years you thought they were the only religion that was correct, now you feel they are the only religion that makes up the “false Christs and false Prophets.”
No one on this site will agree with either of those ideas. You creating a thread saying not to be mislead by them is almost ironical, for almost everyone on this site will state over and over that you have been mislead by them, due to the fact that you believe almost exactly what they do–things that most on here disagree with. They will even disagree with you on your use of their Bible which you keep quoting. My guess is, now that you've left, you'll want to be popular and fit in. You'll start to drop many of your beliefs, etc and take it easy and relax your beliefs. That is how it goes.I again would like to state that you almost seem to be building a case for JW's when you say regarding them:
“who has a message or a letter that looks like it comes from the true followers of Christ?”–texas
So, it looks like the true religion, you say. No one else teaches the Bible as they do, you say. They are the only ones, “so close to the truth” you say, that they might mislead some. And here you say their message “looks like it comes from the true followers of Christ.”
I forget….where you making a case for or against them?April 15, 2009 at 7:09 am#127711david
Participant“Satan has managed to mislead the entire inhabited earth, and he holds them all in his grip of power through the many varied Religions that are found on the earth today. But, satan would have known that some from among mankind would not accept the Worlds Religions, so he would need one that so closely resembled the true Religion that it could 'mislead, if possible even the chosen ones'.“–texas
I know of no other religion that is “no part of the world.” If Satan is the ruler of the world, then we would want to be no part of Satan's world. JW's don't get involved in the affairs of the world, in the wars of the world, in the politics of the world.
And because of this and EXACTLY like the very earliest Christians, they are considered the refuse of the world, useless.“Now we know that satan can transform himself into an angel of light and his ministers can transform themselves into ministers of rightiousness, so this work of art would be very difficult to identify as belonging to satan the devil.”–texas.
I have a question, texas–You state that JW's are a “work of art” by Satan being “very difficult to identify” as belonging to Satan. You have also said they they are “so close to the truth” and that their message looks like it is from Christ and that “it looks….like the only true religion.”
So my question is: What is it about them that makes them “look” this way?
April 15, 2009 at 1:28 pm#127724Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 15 2009,19:09) “Satan has managed to mislead the entire inhabited earth, and he holds them all in his grip of power through the many varied Religions that are found on the earth today. But, satan would have known that some from among mankind would not accept the Worlds Religions, so he would need one that so closely resembled the true Religion that it could 'mislead, if possible even the chosen ones'.“–texas I know of no other religion that is “no part of the world.” If Satan is the ruler of the world, then we would want to be no part of Satan's world. JW's don't get involved in the affairs of the world, in the wars of the world, in the politics of the world.
And because of this and EXACTLY like the very earliest Christians, they are considered the refuse of the world, useless.“Now we know that satan can transform himself into an angel of light and his ministers can transform themselves into ministers of rightiousness, so this work of art would be very difficult to identify as belonging to satan the devil.”–texas.
I have a question, texas–You state that JW's are a “work of art” by Satan being “very difficult to identify” as belonging to Satan. You have also said they they are “so close to the truth” and that their message looks like it is from Christ and that “it looks….like the only true religion.”
So my question is: What is it about them that makes them “look” this way?
It is all only a masquerade! Nothing more than that!There's something else that I forgot to mention to you! You see, it wasn't I, necessarily, that exposed the Governing Body as a false Religious Body, it was the Bible that did that! Now you already know that “All scripture is inspired of God”… and you also know that “Holy men of God spoke and wrote from God as they were borne along by Holy Spirit”… 2 Peter 1:21- 2 Timothy 3:16 –
I used scripture belonging to Jehovah God, who did all of the inspiring of the Bible. So, as my witnesses, proving everything that I stated, I turned to the pages of the Bible! So, you have Jehovah God, his dear Son, Christ Jesus, Matthew, Luke, and Paul to back up everything that I stated! So five witnesses from the Bible bear witness against the Organization of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that they are a false Religious Body! How many witnesses do you need anyway? Now, I know that this is a bitter-pill to swallow, but most often a bitter-pill can effect a cure if it is swallowed! {Matthew 24:24- Luke 21:8- 2 Thessalonians 2:1,2}
You are overlooking some very important points in all of this! What are those points, you may ask? You obviously have forgotten what is written at Revelation 12:9 that tells you, that satan, the devil is “misleading the ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH” … Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? Are they, too, not being misled? Then there's the scripture at 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? Are they not also lying in the power of the wicked one? Of course they are! Unless, of course, you believe that all of you are from the planet Mars, or some other distant galaxy!
Do you believe for one moment that satan the devil cannot milead the Governing Body? Do you also believe that he cannot mislead you? If you believe either of those things, I suggest that you give your head a serious shake; just to clear away the cob-webs that are blocking your clear thinking abilities!
Just as a side-point here! The Governing Body is not much different than the pope of the Caholic Church, who maintains that he is “God on earth” or the Vicar of Christ!” While, at the same time, the governing Body tells their adherents, to “Listen to us as though you were listening to the voice of God!” They also maintain that, as a body they make up the “Faithful Slave” of the parable in Matther 24:45- You already know those things, now don't you?
Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there? Do not those statements not show how seriously they are both being misled? I would say, that they do! You yourself are free to believe what you will on that score! If you're wrong though, it could cost you your everlasting life; so you believe as you will! It's your life, to do with as you please, but you are being misled, just like everyone else is!
You will, at this point make claim, that I too am being misled! If I am, I'm being misled, then, by Jesus, who must be doing the misleading of me, because I am not a member of any church on this earth! I am solely dependent on Jesus who does all of the teaching by means of the Holy Spirit! That is all I depend on now; I look to no Religious Organization on this earth for my spiritual feeding! I look only to the Christ! So, I could not possibly be misled for that reason! {John 14:26; 16:13} {1 John 2:27}
That will be enough for now! Take care! Texas!April 15, 2009 at 2:39 pm#127726Texas
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ April 16 2009,01:28) Quote (david @ April 15 2009,19:09) “Satan has managed to mislead the entire inhabited earth, and he holds them all in his grip of power through the many varied Religions that are found on the earth today. But, satan would have known that some from among mankind would not accept the Worlds Religions, so he would need one that so closely resembled the true Religion that it could 'mislead, if possible even the chosen ones'.“–texas I know of no other religion that is “no part of the world.” If Satan is the ruler of the world, then we would want to be no part of Satan's world. JW's don't get involved in the affairs of the world, in the wars of the world, in the politics of the world.
And because of this and EXACTLY like the very earliest Christians, they are considered the refuse of the world, useless.“Now we know that satan can transform himself into an angel of light and his ministers can transform themselves into ministers of rightiousness, so this work of art would be very difficult to identify as belonging to satan the devil.”–texas.
I have a question, texas–You state that JW's are a “work of art” by Satan being “very difficult to identify” as belonging to Satan. You have also said they they are “so close to the truth” and that their message looks like it is from Christ and that “it looks….like the only true religion.”
So my question is: What is it about them that makes them “look” this way?
It is all only a masquerade! Nothing more than that!There's something else that I forgot to mention to you! You see, it wasn't I, necessarily, that exposed the Governing Body as a false Religious Body, it was the Bible that did that! Now you already know that “All scripture is inspired of God”… and you also know that “Holy men of God spoke and wrote from God as they were borne along by Holy Spirit”… 2 Peter 1:21- 2 Timothy 3:16 –
I used scripture belonging to Jehovah God, who did all of the inspiring of the Bible. So, as my witnesses, proving everything that I stated, I turned to the pages of the Bible! So, you have Jehovah God, his dear Son, Christ Jesus, Matthew, Luke, and Paul to back up everything that I stated! So five witnesses from the Bible bear witness against the Organization of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that they are a false Religious Body! How many witnesses do you need anyway? Now, I know that this is a bitter-pill to swallow, but most often a bitter-pill can effect a cure if it is swallowed! {Matthew 24:24- Luke 21:8- 2 Thessalonians 2:1,2}
You are overlooking some very important points in all of this! What are those points, you may ask? You obviously have forgotten what is written at Revelation 12:9 that tells you, that satan, the devil is “misleading the ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH” … Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? Are they, too, not being misled? Then there's the scripture at 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? Are they not also lying in the power of the wicked one? Of course they are! Unless, of course, you believe that all of you are from the planet Mars, or some other distant galaxy!
Do you believe for one moment that satan the devil cannot milead the Governing Body? Do you also believe that he cannot mislead you? If you believe either of those things, I suggest that you give your head a serious shake; just to clear away the cob-webs that are blocking your clear thinking abilities!
Just as a side-point here! The Governing Body is not much different than the pope of the Caholic Church, who maintains that he is “God on earth” or the Vicar of Christ!” While, at the same time, the governing Body tells their adherents, to “Listen to us as though you were listening to the voice of God!” They also maintain that, as a body they make up the “Faithful Slave” of the parable in Matther 24:45- You already know those things, now don't you?
Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there? Do not those statements not show how seriously they are both being misled? I would say, that they do! You yourself are free to believe what you will on that score! If you're wrong though, it could cost you your everlasting life; so you believe as you will! It's your life, to do with as you please, but you are being misled, just like everyone else is!
You will, at this point make claim, that I too am being misled! If I am, I'm being misled, then, by Jesus, who must be doing the misleading of me, because I am not a member of any church on this earth! I am solely dependent on Jesus who does all of the teaching by means of the Holy Spirit! That is all I depend on now; I look to no Religious Organization on this earth for my spiritual feeding! I look only to the Christ! So, I could not possibly be misled for that reason! {John 14:26; 16:13} {1 John 2:27}
That will be enough for now! Take care! Texas!
Hello again David!You was wondering why I wrote some of the things that I said about the Watchtower Society! You see, at one time, I was just like you! I would have fought anyone tooth-and-nail if they told me that I didn't have the truth! That's how firmly, I believed that! I believed the Watchtower Society was the 'way of the truth'!
Then, as the years past, I finally got the sense of John 14:6 where , as you know already, Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I finally concluded from that, that the only way to be found walking in the “way of truth” was to follow Jesus himself! Not any so-called 'Faithful Slave!”
Read very carefully Revelation 14:3,4 but specifically the latter part of verse four, where it says this: …”These are the ones who keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes”… Couple with that, the scriptures found at: {Matthew 19:21; -Mark 2:14;10:21;Luke 5:27;9:59;18:22;John 1:43 where Jesus stated, “Come, be MY FOLLOWER.” Now, this was the original 'faithful slave' telling us all of these things, and they never told anyone to follow them! Then in Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus tells us this: Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME, for I am mild tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.”
I have taken that advice, and I have followed the Lamb right into the heavenly courts- I have 'COME TO HIM! That is where my spiritual food comes from now! I am now, LEARNING FROM HIM as he told us to do! Isn't that what you should be doing David? I think that it is!
Afterall, who is more capable of teaching you the Bible, than the Christ himself? [{John 14:26;16:13; 1 John 2:27} {Luke 24:45} Texas!
April 16, 2009 at 12:05 am#127769david
ParticipantQuote So, you have Jehovah God, his dear Son, Christ Jesus, Matthew, Luke, and Paul to back up everything that I stated! So five witnesses from the Bible bear witness against the Organization of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that they are a false Religious Body! How many witnesses do you need anyway? If you could just clearly state logically why they are a false religious body, that would be great. As far as I can tell, all the ones you mentioned point to the opposite conclusion you reach. I actually have to go. I will read the rest of your post and respond later.
April 16, 2009 at 1:34 am#127771Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 16 2009,12:05) Quote So, you have Jehovah God, his dear Son, Christ Jesus, Matthew, Luke, and Paul to back up everything that I stated! So five witnesses from the Bible bear witness against the Organization of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that they are a false Religious Body! How many witnesses do you need anyway? If you could just clearly state logically why they are a false religious body, that would be great. As far as I can tell, all the ones you mentioned point to the opposite conclusion you reach. I actually have to go. I will read the rest of your post and respond later.
Hello David!
Tell me something! Which Religion on this earth today is teaching that close to the Truth, that they might possibly mislead, even the chosen ones? You name the Religion that has as much Truth as the Watchtower Society? Never mind, I'll tell you! There is no other Religion that has that much truth, that they could do that! Not one! So Matthew 24:24 has to be talking about the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society. They are the ones Jesus forewarned us about in Matthew 24:25!Further, which Religion goes door to door telling everyone that, 'the due time has approached?” The Apostle Luke wrote about that very thing, for he stated: “He said: “Look out that you're not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he' and 'the due time has approached.'
When you go door-to-door, do you not say almost that very thing, when you tell them about the nearness of God's Kingdom? Doesn't every witness of Jehovah say the exact same thing? When I went door-to-door that usually was the topic of conversation, or, at least it would lead into that at some point in time! {Luke 21:8} After giving us that warning, Luke said: “Do not go after them.”
Now, doesn't the Governing Body make claim to being the Faithful Slave of the parable in Matthew 24:45? We both know that, that is exactly the case! That being the case, they claim to have that message and letter, as though they are the the chosen ones of God, doing the work the early Apostles and disciples of Christ did! Is that also, not correct?
The Apostle Paul warned about these ones in 2 Thessalonians 2:1,2 where he said, the following, in part: …”not to be quickly shaken from your reason, nor to be excited either through an inspired expression, or through a verbal message,{Sermon} or through a letter {Watchtower or Awake Magazines as though from us, to the effect that the Day of Jehovah is here.” Now,since the Governing Body claims to have the Faithful Slave within their ranks, this scripture by Paul has to be warning us about them! For, who else could it be?
Is there another Religion coming on the scene that would fill the Bill on these three scriptures? I doubt it! Now, in order to establish everything as the truth of a matter, Paul told us to supply two, or three witnesses! {2 Corinthians 13:1} I have closely followed that direction, and scripturally proven that the Watchtower Society is much a part of Babylon the Great as any other Relgion on this earth today!
Face it David! You are in association with a false Religious Body! As false as any other Religion on this earth now! The Bible tells you, at Revelation 18:4 “get out of there my people!” But you already know all of that, don't you David? Texas
April 16, 2009 at 3:42 am#127773NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
As time passes you will see that it never was a work of art but a weak and worldly and superficial imitation of the body of Christ that is spiritually powerless and controls it's members by fear of failure.April 16, 2009 at 2:21 pm#127814david
ParticipantQuote You are overlooking some very important points in all of this! What are those points, you may ask? You obviously have forgotten what is written at Revelation 12:9 that tells you, that satan, the devil is “misleading the ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH” … Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? Are they, too, not being misled? Then there's the scripture at 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? –TEXAS
I am certainly not overlooking that point. When looking at those scriptures, and the many more you don't quote about this subject, we have two possible choices: To believe that everyone (yourself included) is being mislead by Satan. Or, to believe that the whole world alienated from God is being mislead.
Which do you believe?
You cannot believe the first, for then you believe you are also mislead.
But if you believe the second, then you should at least attempt to distinguish between who are a part of the world and who are “no part of the world” as Jesus said his true followers would be.
I have a string of quotes (and none that I can find to the contrary) that clearly and repeatedly show that the earliest Christians did not engage in war, politics, etc. They were “no part of the world” in that they remained without spot from the world, not being tainted by the world or it's ruler, Satan. Why would they get involved in being any part in ruling or fighting for Satan's world, or factions of it?
So they remained no part of the world. Today, again, the group we are often compared to are Mormon's (because people like to point out that they also do a preaching work, albeit to a much smaller extent), yet, guess what….they are a part of the world, unlike the earliest Christians, going to war, becoming politicians. So it is with other religions as well, except for JW's.So in answer to your question:
Quote Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world?
I can ask the exact same of you. But if we know what the Bible says, that Jesus true followers would be “no part of the world” then we look at your question a little differently, understanding what it means to be a part of the world. Of course, we cannot “get out of the world” (1 cor 5:10) but that is not what the Bible is referring to in being no part of the world. Its referring to living differently. (1 cor 5:9,10)
To those that don't know the Bible, your question Texas was a little deceptive. It would be like me saying: Satan is the ruler of the world and has the whole world in his power. And you, Texas “make up a part of this world” do you not? Therefore, you are in Satan's power.
But that thinking would be missing some things–like the fact that Jesus said his followers would be no part of the world.Quote 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? Are they not also lying in the power of the wicked one? Of course they are! Unless, of course, you believe that all of you are from the planet Mars, or some other distant galaxy!
Texas, I am actually a little confused by this comment. It me question your logic and Bible understanding.
I can make the exact statments about you. You apparently are also being mislead by Satan, that is, unless you are from mars. Are you from Mars Texas? I guess, according to YOUR logic, you are under Satan's control. Interesting. And bizarre that you would say these things. But of course, your reasoning is missing some pieces.Quote Do you believe for one moment that satan the devil cannot milead the Governing Body? Do you also believe that he cannot mislead you? If you [don't] believe either of those things, I suggest that you give your head a serious shake; just to clear away the cob-webs that are blocking your clear thinking abilities!
(I think you meant to have a “don't” in there.)
Texas, do YOU believe that Satan cannot mislead you? You must believe this. You have to. If you don't believe this, then according to YOUR words, you must give your head a serious shake. And if you believe Satan can mislead you, and that he can mislead me, then all the more important that our arguments make sense and are logical. And they don't seem to be. A case in point was the above argument. Another is the one below.Quote Just as a side-point here! The Governing Body is not much different than the pope of the Caholic Church, who maintains that he is “God on earth” or the Vicar of Christ!” While, at the same time, the governing Body tells their adherents, to “Listen to us as though you were listening to the voice of God!” They also maintain that, as a body they make up the “Faithful Slave” of the parable in Matther 24:45- You already know those things, now don't you? Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there?
Your statement is that there is “not a lot of difference between the” JW's and the Roman Catholics because they both claim to represent God.
But, if we apply that logic to the earliest Christians, then we could just as easily discount them, for they believed the same thing.
Hence, there is a fallacy in your thinking. I'm not saying you can't make arguments such as this against JW's, I'm saying that you should make sound ones, that make sense.
There is a world of difference between JW's and Catholics and what they believe and what they do. But you found one thing they agreed upon and said:Quote Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there? Do not those statements not show how seriously they are both being misled? I would say, that they do!
But imagine if I said: You believe you are a Christian. The Roman Catholics believe they are Christians. Not a lot of difference between the two, is there?
Can you not see that the above statement is missing some things–like logic or proof.Quote so you believe as you will! It's your life, to do with as you please, but you are being misled, just like everyone else is!
Am I to believe that you think you are being mislead? And if you don't think you are being mislead, how do we know
the difference between those who are mislead and those who aren't?Quote You will, at this point make claim, that I too am being misled!
Well that is what you seem to keep implying.Quote If I am, I'm being misled, then, by Jesus, who must be doing the misleading of me, because I am not a member of any church on this earth!
But, look back at what you said before:Quote Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? . . .Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world?
Do you not make up a part of this world? Do you not make up a part of this inhabited earth?
But now you say: 'I am not a part of a church, so I am not being mislead.' Ever hear of self deception….it is one of the most pervasive kinds of deception.
The truth is, there are very very very very few people who believe the things JW's do, with the exception of believing that JW's are God's people. You are fairly unique. So my question is: Are you the only one who is not being mislead by Satan? And, if that is so, how will God use you, this one person who apparently has the truth, to spread this message? And, how is that going?Quote I am solely dependent on Jesus who does all of the teaching by means of the Holy Spirit! That is all I depend on now; I look to no Religious Organization on this earth for my spiritual feeding! I look only to the Christ! So, I could not possibly be misled for that reason!
Oh, well, in that case, why don't I just say the same of JW's. There, done. We need some proof of anything you say. When I look at you, and then compare you, Texas, to JW's, I don't see you accomplishing the things that were fortold of God's people in the last days. You would have to incorporate some help. And then boom, you have your religion, I guess. Or, you can go it alone. That will take a while. Let me know how it goes.david
April 16, 2009 at 2:23 pm#127815david
ParticipantQuote You was wondering why I wrote some of the things that I said about the Watchtower Society! You see, at one time, I was just like you! I would have fought anyone tooth-and-nail if they told me that I didn't have the truth! That's how firmly, I believed that! I believed the Watchtower Society was the 'way of the truth'! I personally think you are someone who is easily mislead. You acklowledge and admit and believe you were mislead and tricked for about 20 years by JW's.
And, you seem to think that unless you live on mars, that you are a part of the world, under satan's control.Anyway, I have to go. I'll look at the rest of your post later.
April 16, 2009 at 3:19 pm#127819Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 17 2009,02:23) Quote You was wondering why I wrote some of the things that I said about the Watchtower Society! You see, at one time, I was just like you! I would have fought anyone tooth-and-nail if they told me that I didn't have the truth! That's how firmly, I believed that! I believed the Watchtower Society was the 'way of the truth'! I personally think you are someone who is easily mislead. You acklowledge and admit and believe you were mislead and tricked for about 20 years by JW's.
And, you seem to think that unless you live on mars, that you are a part of the world, under satan's control.Anyway, I have to go. I'll look at the rest of your post later.
Do my Posts really look like I'm being misled? If I am, then it is the Christ who is doing the misleading for he is the only one now that I depend on for my Spiritual food. I no longer belong to any Religion on this earth now, but you do!!You are the one who is easily misled! I feel though, that you enjoy being misled by the false teachings of your organization; because I firmly believe that you cannot stand to listen to the truth of the Bible; you rather favor the falsehoods taught by the Society! Don't forget too, that the organjization of the watchtower society has a 120 year record of failed predictions and false prophecies.While all of that record was being established they was telling anyone who would listen, that they had the direction of the Holy Spirit! You want something that's really laughable, that is it!! I guess the Holy Spirit forgot all about what it was talking about for those 120 years eh? He, He Texas!
April 16, 2009 at 4:35 pm#127825Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 17 2009,02:23) Quote You was wondering why I wrote some of the things that I said about the Watchtower Society! You see, at one time, I was just like you! I would have fought anyone tooth-and-nail if they told me that I didn't have the truth! That's how firmly, I believed that! I believed the Watchtower Society was the 'way of the truth'! I personally think you are someone who is easily mislead. You acklowledge and admit and believe you were mislead and tricked for about 20 years by JW's.
And, you seem to think that unless you live on mars, that you are a part of the world, under satan's control.Anyway, I have to go. I'll look at the rest of your post later.
Hi DavidQuote (david @ April 17 2009,02:23) I personally think you are someone who is easily mislead. You acklowledge and admit and believe you were mislead and tricked for about 20 years by JW's.
I think that its the other way around. I think it is because he is not easily mislead that he stayed with the JWs for so long.Its the thousands of conversions by the Jws that are easily mislead because the numbers show they do not stay.
Since you say that the JWs are the only ones doing Jehovahs work and that the Jws are the governing body of the Lord in the earth, then why are the numbers falling and not increasing?
The original disciples of Jesus turned the then known world upside down.
Could it be that the internet has played a big role in this because there is so much more information about the JWs and Watchtower available that they do not want you to know?
I think so!
Check this sight out about the numbers.
“Since 1995, statistics for the Watchtower Society have rapidly become less encouraging in almost every indicator. Most dramatic have been the increase in people leaving and the number of hours required to convert an extra publisher. It would appear a dramatic change in growth of Jehovah's Witnesses relates to the change of the generation teaching, and access to information via the Internet. American studies show that Jehovah's Witnesses now have the highest turnover of any religion,1 as supported by Watchtower figures presented in this section.
In the 10 years from 1996 to 2005 there were 2,968,732 baptisms, yet the increase in average publishers was only 1,439,672. This shows 1,529,060 stopped publishing. Even accounting for the average death rate, over 1 million Witnesses left in a 10 year period.
There are limitations to how much can be read into each individual statistic. For instance “Hours preaching per baptism” is limited in that it can not be determined how many baptisms were newly interested people from the territory, and how many were children raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Furthermore, a person that becomes a publisher does not necessarily go on to be baptised. What is readily apparent is that the trends show a significant drop in growth, and an even more significant increase in the percentages leaving. (To see all figures used in these graphs click here. For a pdf of the publisher reports click 2007 or 2008.)”
I think that the JWs are decieved like any other organization because they believe they are the govening body and unless you are part of their group you are not saved, when in fact the Body of Christ is made up of believers all over the world that has drank of that one Spirit and has been baptised into “his body”.
Jesus Kingdom is not of this world, so that means that any “manmade organization or governing body” is not of his Kingdom but is of this world.
April 16, 2009 at 4:47 pm#127827Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 17 2009,02:21) Quote You are overlooking some very important points in all of this! What are those points, you may ask? You obviously have forgotten what is written at Revelation 12:9 that tells you, that satan, the devil is “misleading the ENTIRE INHABITED EARTH” … Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? Are they, too, not being misled? Then there's the scripture at 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? –TEXAS
I am certainly not overlooking that point. When looking at those scriptures, and the many more you don't quote about this subject, we have two possible choices: To believe that everyone (yourself included) is being mislead by Satan. Or, to believe that the whole world alienated from God is being mislead.
Which do you believe?
You cannot believe the first, for then you believe you are also mislead.
But if you believe the second, then you should at least attempt to distinguish between who are a part of the world and who are “no part of the world” as Jesus said his true followers would be.
I have a string of quotes (and none that I can find to the contrary) that clearly and repeatedly show that the earliest Christians did not engage in war, politics, etc. They were “no part of the world” in that they remained without spot from the world, not being tainted by the world or it's ruler, Satan. Why would they get involved in being any part in ruling or fighting for Satan's world, or factions of it?
So they remained no part of the world. Today, again, the group we are often compared to are Mormon's (because people like to point out that they also do a preaching work, albeit to a much smaller extent), yet, guess what….they are a part of the world, unlike the earliest Christians, going to war, becoming politicians. So it is with other religions as well, except for JW's.So in answer to your question:
Quote Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world?
I can ask the exact same of you. But if we know what the Bible says, that Jesus true followers would be “no part of the world” then we look at your question a little differently, understanding what it means to be a part of the world. Of course, we cannot “get out of the world” (1 cor 5:10) but that is not what the Bible is referring to in being no part of the world. Its referring to living differently. (1 cor 5:9,10)
To those that don't know the Bible, your question Texas was a little deceptive. It would be like me saying: Satan is the ruler of the world and has the whole world in his power. And you, Texas “make up a part of this world” do you not? Therefore, you are in Satan's power.
But that thinking would be missing some things–like the fact that Jesus said his followers would be no part of the world.Quote 1John 5:19 that tells you, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!” Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world? Are they not also lying in the power of the wicked one? Of course they are! Unless, of course, you believe that all of you are from the planet Mars, or some other distant galaxy!
Texas, I am actually a little confused by this comment. It me question your logic and Bible understanding.
I can make the exact statments about you. You apparently are also being mislead by Satan, that is, unless you are from mars. Are you from Mars Texas? I guess, according to YOUR logic, you are under Satan's control. Interesting. And bizarre that you would say these things. But of course, your reasoning is missing some pieces.Quote Do you believe for one moment that satan the devil cannot milead the Governing Body? Do you also believe that he cannot mislead you? If you [don't] believe either of those things, I suggest that you give your head a serious shake; just to clear away the cob-webs that are blocking your clear thinking abilities!
(I think you meant to have a “don't” in there.)
Texas, do YOU believe that Satan cannot mislead you? You must believe this. You have to. If you don't believe this, then according to YOUR words, you must give your head a serious shake. And if you believe Satan can mislead you, and that he can mislead me, then all the more important that our arguments make sense and are logical. And they don't seem to be. A case in point was the above argument. Another is the one below.Quote Just as a side-point here! The Governing Body is not much different than the pope of the Caholic Church, who maintains that he is “God on earth” or the Vicar of Christ!” While, at the same time, the governing Body tells their adherents, to “Listen to us as though you were listening to the voice of God!” They also maintain that, as a body they make up the “Faithful Slave” of the parable in Matther 24:45- You already know those things, now don't you? Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there?
Your statement is that there is “not a lot of difference between the” JW's and the Roman Catholics because they both claim to represent God.
But, if we apply that logic to the earliest Christians, then we could just as easily discount them, for they believed the same thing.
Hence, there is a fallacy in your thinking. I'm not saying you can't make arguments such as this against JW's, I'm saying that you should make sound ones, that make sense.
There is a world of difference between JW's and Catholics and what they believe and what they do. But you found one thing they agreed upon and said:Quote Very outlandish statements, are they not? Not a lot of difference between the two, now is there? Do not those statements not show how seriously they are both being misled? I would say, that they do!
But imagine if I said: You believe you are a Christian. The Roman Catholics believe they are Christians. Not a lot of difference between the two, is there?
Can you not see that the above statement is missing some things–like logic or proof.Quote so you believe as you will! It's your life, to do
with as you please, but you are being misled, just like everyone else is!
Am I to believe that you think you are being mislead? And if you don't think you are being mislead, how do we know the difference between those who are mislead and those who aren't?Quote You will, at this point make claim, that I too am being misled!
Well that is what you seem to keep implying.Quote If I am, I'm being misled, then, by Jesus, who must be doing the misleading of me, because I am not a member of any church on this earth!
But, look back at what you said before:Quote Does not the Governing Body, as well as all of their followers make up a part of this inhabited earth? . . .Does not the Governing Body as well as all of their followers, make up a part of this world?
Do you not make up a part of this world? Do you not make up a part of this inhabited earth?
But now you say: 'I am not a part of a church, so I am not being mislead.' Ever hear of self deception….it is one of the most pervasive kinds of deception.
The truth is, there are very very very very few people who believe the things JW's do, with the exception of believing that JW's are God's people. You are fairly unique. So my question is: Are you the only one who is not being mislead by Satan? And, if that is so, how will God use you, this one person who apparently has the truth, to spread this message? And, how is that going?Quote I am solely dependent on Jesus who does all of the teaching by means of the Holy Spirit! That is all I depend on now; I look to no Religious Organization on this earth for my spiritual feeding! I look only to the Christ! So, I could not possibly be misled for that reason!
Oh, well, in that case, why don't I just say the same of JW's. There, done. We need some proof of anything you say. When I look at you, and then compare you, Texas, to JW's, I don't see you accomplishing the things that were fortold of God's people in the last days. You would have to incorporate some help. And then boom, you have your religion, I guess. Or, you can go it alone. That will take a while. Let me know how it goes.david
I failed to address a point you made about my being misled for tweny-one years, and it's true, I was, but not completely fooled by them either, all the time I was in there, I had many doubts about things they was teaching, things I didn't agree with. That was the unhappiest twenty-one years of my life, and for the most part they all knew that, because I made no bones about making it known. I never appreciated the idea that I was never allowed to question any teaching, especially when I didn't agree with them. I never appreciated, either, the fact that they'll mark and shun you for merely questioning a teaching; and if you continue on disagreeing with them they'll eventually disfellowship you. I didn't appreciate the bullying Elder arrangement there either, because the obedience of everyone is gained through threats and coercion.Threats of marking and shunning, threats of disfellowshipping. I also didn't appreciate the marriage arrangements they destroyed by their disfellowshipping arangement. I always believed that they was a heartless and cruel lot of individuals, and I still, to this day, believe that!
Because I was the type of man that you couldn't forever Push around, I reached a point that I simply couldn't take their BS any longer, so I began openly disagreeing with them. Now, that is something that they just couldn't handle; I learned that one night at a Book Study when I openly disagreed with the Elder conducting the Book-Study! I didn't, as I said, agree with the fact that we had to accept everything without question, because that went counter to what the Aposle John had to say at 1 John 4:1 I knew that Jehovah had instructed us through the Apostle John; this: “Beloved ones, DO NOT BELIEVE every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.” So, I had every right to disagree with something I didn't agree with, according to Jehovah's own word through the pen of his faithful penman! I had the parts to stand up and disagree with them. I had the parts to question their authority. I had the parts to question their teachings. You was belittling me because I was misled those many years; but do you have the kind of sand that I do? I doubt that very much!
My idea of you, is you're a wishy-washy Christian who just passively accepts everything he's taught without question, and the only reason you do that is because you don't have the guts enough to stand up and disagree with anything! You don't have the guts to apply 1 John 4:1! You're afraid of being marked and shunned; you're afraid of losing your precious position in the congregation, you're afraid of being disfellowshipped and losing what you would call, friends, which none of them really are anyway! They'd all turn on you like a pack of wild-dogs when, and if, you're disfellowshipped! So, really, what kind of friends are they who follow the dictates of nothing more than a bunch of spiritual bullies; because that's really what the entire Elder arrangement consists of; SPIRITUAL BULLIES!
You will see now, that you seriously ticked me off by your statement to me about my being misled! I'm wondering now, though, why that should be such a concern to someone who himself is being misled right at this present moment in time? That's really quite a joke, when you think about it! Texas
PS! I think that you was born confused David! And, Oh! Yes! Those who in actuality now turn only to the Christ for their spiritual feeding are not misled by satan the devil, for it's really not possible to mislead a true follower of the Christ! I mean by that, one who looks only to the Christ for his spiritual food, not to any lying puffed-up Religious leader! Texas!
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