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  • #42283

    Hi H,
    The KJV was not written at the times those words were so you cannot rightly appropriate them to that purpose.
    The KJV was born of man's choice of manuscripts.
    Others made other choices.

    Those born of the Spirit can use any version.


    Nick, what you wrote really makes little sense.

    As for what the translaters had at their disposal when translating the KJ, the information was massive and you do not know what you are talking about. The more I learn about you, the more I come to the understanding that you are Nick taught or some type of familiar spirit taught, mistaking it for the Holy Spirit. For if it was the Holy Spirit within you, you would not be against the Holy Writ and you would know the word of God. Jesus said my flock will hear my voice. Jesus is the Word.


    Hi H,
    Was the KJV not made of a human choice of available manuscripts?
    What is the evidence that the men who made the choices were divinely inspired?
    Were only those manuscripts perfect?
    Are you suggesting other manuscripts not chosen were evil and corrupt?


    Any British Loyalist like Nick Hassan would support the KJV, The Lord has revealed to me that the Brevier 1611, most inclusive, for instance!

    Genesis: Joseph goes to the grave, two previous chapters prior, individual Jeremiah! Research Brevier Lord's Prayer, inclusive: Our Father, Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Com, Thy WILL Be Done, ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven, Give Us This Day, Thy Daily Bread, Forgive Us Our DEBTS as we forgive OUR DEBTORS, LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATIONS< BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL!The KJV has disclosed great ignorances about HELL, research everytime HELL is mentioned in the KJV, as I have done and you shall see that the KJV is Bullshit!


    The KJV is the QUEEN'S DOCUMENTAIRE which is tempular! Just look at the history of KING JAMES, ANN of BO, got anything concise to say Nick Hassan or more bullshit propoganda!


    Hi sandra,
    “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of”
    Your language is offensive and inappropriate now and may lead to the suspension of your membership here. Which would be sad as you have put some good posts in, in the past.


    Bu;l, bulwark, bull a writ established! ####, S-hip, H-igher, I-n, T-ransit, saved persons from cholera!

    Your religiosity Nick Hassan makes you discriminatory against what you call Grace! Which you do not understand that #### meant ship higher in Transit to prevent cholera, so before you judge apartheid, you alone are quilty! of this grace you supposedly preach, which you have yet to understand? You do not have any idea what it is to be remnant, nor have you believed because of your religiosity which is an apostacy to the LOrd Almighty which you profess to serve. You do not understatement understand one iota of what we in American colonies are going through, read back on my notes and begin to study, YOURSELF!


    Acknowledgment of near 10,000 persons have visited the site to which I began, do you think they are interested Nick Hassan because they are blind, or are you the blinded one?


    Is this your site Nick Hassan, and so it becomes Do AS Nick Hassan Believes? And not as the Lord Almighty Dictates!


    It is the LORD's desire that NONE should perish? How many is that Nick Hassan? And then answer with your surveillance, where did this desire from the LORD come from? Did some mean none, or did none mean some, or neither? Didn't you have a Christ-MASS tree in your home, not that long ago?


    So let me see Nick, you chose to be born white supreme, you chose to be born in New Zealand, you chose to be Christian? You chose to be not born NEGRO in Australia, or otherwise? Or Chinese, or Maori? That was your doing sayeth your judgemental self? To whom much is given, (your white face, your priviledge, much is expected, show forth your damn ages?)


    Let me see, if I could choose my wife?, my race? my ethnic birth, my chosen identity? Who would you be NIck?


    Choose! Did you choose, Nick Hassan or did the Lord give you white skin because of your weaknesses?


    Nick ignores the questions that would make him apologetic and sticks to his supremacy! Saith the Lord…..


    Nick, I see no difference between discussing the validity of the KJ with you because you have never gone and done the research. You sit on your pedestool making judgements that will one day come back to your ears. You live in the world of the God of this world and you are believing his lies. You believe as many that there is not a need for God's word. This is the perfect snare of the antichrist. When he can get all to put down the book and think they are relying totally of the spirit, they will be his. You are just his spokesman.


    Hi H,
    Condemning those who disagree with them is the last resort for the stubbornly deceived, trapped in their prisons of fear.
    God is bigger than your KJV version H.
    Be brave H, and consider other views, or are you an island of righteousness?


    You said it.


    Hi H,
    You are??


    His word.


    I do not think you will ever be able to find life outside the prison as you are so comfortable there and at least feel more safe and secure. You get three square meals a day and people to tell you what to do all the time and do not have to worry about rent and power bills.
    Ah well..so be it.

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