A Closer look

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  • #305227


    yes please continue ,here as well we have difference but I will tell you them wen you are done ,in this way I will have a better understanding of what your understanding his and so be able to sharpen our selves better in the mysteries of Gods truth.

    so you got all my attention :)

    Ed J

    Yes Devo – please continue.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 08 2012,05:28)

    yes please continue ,here as well we have difference but I will tell you them wen you are done ,in this way I will have a better understanding of what your understanding his and so be able to sharpen our selves better in the mysteries of Gods truth.

    so you got all my attention :)

    Thanks Pierre,

    I think i will end with the 2nd beast, you have been very patient and i have said a lot already.
    I just want to concentrate on everything this 2nd beast in ch13 is telling the people to do…

    13:11 > the 2nd beast arrives, he speaks as a dragon
    because this is Satan's man, he speaks as Satan & has the nature of Satan)

    13:12 > he exercises all the power of the 1st beast, and tells the people to worship the 1st beast
    here, to me, he exercises all the power of the first beast simply because he is part of the 1st beast…the leader. This is a stunning victory for the “system”, they got all the world dazzled, their main man is bewitching the whole world & now their plans of domination are finally coming to pass, for such a monumental moment, it would be hard to imagine the leaders of the 1st beast would let an outsider take all the glory in such a monumental moment for them, that would be like Obama letting somebody else give his presidential speech after winning an election..not gonna happen! This man to me is definitely part of this first beast…..See how this one tells the people to worship the first beast, not himself, but the 1st beast. He's got the whole world in his hands yet he deflects the glory to this 1st beast! To me, again, it is because he is part of this 1st beast & is getting the people to back him by backing the 1st beast..his can't rule on his own, even dictators need others to help rule their kingdoms, and they definitely need an empire or a nation to rule over too…& this is that 1st beast, his empire.

    13:13 > He does great wonders in the sight of men.
    This is how he backs his marvelous words…he backs his wonderful words with miracles which give him “authenticity” as the man the world has been waiting for to solve their problems.

    13:14 > Deceives the people by those miracles, tells the people to make an image to the beast wounded by the sword.
    again, he is diverting the peoples focus to this 1st beast, why? He's already got the world in his hands? Again, he is reinforcing his power base..the 10 kings, the empire that backs him, you always need to promote your power base/”political party”/empire…simply because it is part of you & you it.

    13:15 > gives life to the image of the beast, kill any who do not worship it.
    Again, this image represents the 1st beast (v14), he keeps telling the people to obey this 1st beast, yet the people love him, he does this because by them worshipping the 1st beast, they worship him who rules it. He is just reinforcing his power base.

    13:16 > the mark
    no man on his own can control the worlds economy literally, Soros for example has many people working for him to execute his will on the world stage. This man needs people in high places on board also to do the work he is introducing…again, the 1st beast is his “baby”, such a monumental change to world economics takes national coercion…again..the 1st beast is his ticket to ride.

    13:17 > The mark again.
    Again, unless nations were with you, nobody could independently usher in world change without the system's backing, the 1st beast is his backing.

    13:18 > 666

    Thanks Pierre, hope you got a better understanding of my reasons from this too.





    yes,thank you ,but I still do not see who his who and what beside what is written in scriptures .

    so this is your end of the story ???


    Quote (terraricca @ July 10 2012,13:36)

    yes,thank you ,but I still do not see who his who and what beside what is written in scriptures .

    so this is your end of the story ???

    Hi Pierre,

    No problem, just ask away for us to compare what you think is missing.

    As i said before, when the false prophet (2nd beast) takes over the empire (1st beast), and when it goes global (one world economic system..the mark) it is here that it becomes the beast that was, and is not, and yet is….Babel…one ruler, one system, one cause…just like Babel. It is here that the 7th beast becomes the 8th.



    Quote (Devolution @ July 10 2012,21:01)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 10 2012,13:36)

    yes,thank you ,but I still do not see who his who and what beside what is written in scriptures .

    so this is your end of the story ???

    Hi Pierre,

    No problem, just ask away for us to compare what you think is missing.

    As i said before, when the false prophet (2nd beast) takes over the empire (1st beast), and when it goes global (one world economic system..the mark) it is here that it becomes the beast that was, and is not, and yet is….Babel…one ruler, one system, one cause…just like Babel. It is here that the 7th beast becomes the 8th.



    ok;who is the beast that comes out of the sea ???

    who his the beast that comes out of the earth ???

    who his the false prophet ???

    who his the scarlet beast with the whore sitting on it ???
    who his the whore ???

    who his Babylon the great ???

    you have already mention that the dragon that try to kill the child “is Satan ,

    you also have mention that the seven heads represent the seven world power this is true

    but you have not mention who is the seventh power ???and you did not mention who is the height power that comes after the seven ???

    you have not mention what his the name of the beast that comes out the earth or its number

    and you also have not mention who was the power that have had a fatal wound,???

    so I understand that you have made some allussion to what it could be or should be according to your understanding and this I do understand ,

    this is why I have ask you if this was the end of your story ,


    Quote (terraricca @ July 10 2012,14:24)
    ok;who is the beast that comes out of the sea ???

    who his the beast that comes out of the earth ???

    who his the false prophet ???

    who his the scarlet beast with the whore sitting on it ???
    who his the whore ???

    who his Babylon the great ???

    you have already mention that the dragon that try to kill the child “is Satan ,

    you also have mention that the seven heads represent the seven world power this is true

    but you have not mention who is the seventh power ???and you did not mention who is the height power that comes after the seven ???

    you have not mention what his the name of the beast that comes out the earth or its number

    and you also have not mention who was the power that have had a fatal wound,???

    so I understand that you have made some allussion to what it could be or should be according to your understanding and this I do understand ,

    this is why I have ask you if this was the end of your story ,

    Hi Pierre,

    ok;who is the beast that comes out of the sea ???

    The 7th head that gets healed, it will consist of 10 kings/nations  

    who his the beast that comes out of the earth ???

    the false prophet

    who his the false prophet ???

    that beast from the earth is the false prophet, we don't know who he is until he is revealed soon, he will be Satan's chosen man

    who his the scarlet beast with the whore sitting on it ???

    the scarlet beast represents the beast that came out of the sea, showing all the empires Satan rules

    who his the whore ???

    she represents everything Satan tempts/corrupts men with, both religious & sectarian, representing Satan's organized system. Satan has organized how his world systems are to work, she represents those systems & religions he allows to operate, past & present nations/empires…she is that great city, Babylon the great…remember, she is only a metaphor for world systems/religions which are found in Babylon the great

    who his Babylon the great ???

    Every nation on earth, Satan's worldly kingdoms described metaphorically as one city. God calls His city Zion, it contains all the holy, Babylon the great contains all the wicked.

    but you have not mention who is the seventh power ???

    Remember that during Romes time, John said one more empire was to come, the 7th, so Rome was the 6th….and Daniel said the 6th (iron) would break into pieces, and Rome (iron) did break into pieces. Officially Rome ended in the 1400's, the eastern empire of Rome…so who was the next world empire that had the iron & brass heritage/lineage? That is important, the iron & brass lineage has to be in the 7th beast….well that was the British empire! Britain was part of the Roman empire for 600 odd years & populated by many Romans who mixed/bred with the locals! And God said He would first gather the Jews into one place (Israel 1948) before He punishes her again…so the 7th beast had to be the beast to fulfill that prophecy for Israel…Britain fulfilled that prophecy in '48, not the Ottomans, but the British fulfilled that…so she must be the 7th head, and she was greatly wounded in WW2…and she also broke into pieces (her empire “disbanded” into the commonwealth we see today, a “paper empire” with no real power).

    and you did not mention who is the height power that comes after the seven ???

    When 10 of the modern nations who have the iron & brass lineage reunite, that is the 7th wounded head being healed into a refined/new version of the British empire, it won't be the same as the wounded empire, but will be a new version of it. And when the false prophet takes over, that is when that 7th healed empire turns into the 8th empire…it doesn't bre
    ak up or change nationalities, it becomes globally enforced rule #8 when Satan's man is running the show. This is why the 8th is of the 7….

    you have not mention what his the name of the beast that comes out the earth or its number

    this is the king, the false prophet, we don't know who he is until he comes…only when the world sees him with their own eyes do they marvel…he hasn't come yet!

    and you also have not mention who was the power that have had a fatal wound,???

    British empire

    LOL..i expect a lot of disagreeing now…

    Cheers Pierre.   :)


    Devolution,July wrote:

    Hi Pierre,

    Daniel 2:40
       And the 4th kingdom shall be strong as iron, forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdues all things, ans as iron that breaks all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
    Rome fell apart. It (Rome) bruised and divided (broke in pieces) into several smaller empires (German empire, French Empire etc) and individual nations. And Rome was the 6th head.

    Daniel 2:41
       And whereas thou saw the feet and toes, part of potters clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided, but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron mixed with miry clay.
    we can not forget the feet before we reach the toes. The feet is the divided kingdom period…the nations that were once part of the Roman empire doing their own things…it is here that is the only place the 7th empire can be found! For Rome was above it on the statue…so the next head/empire must be in the feet…and must have been once part of the legs too, for the legs broke into pieces and were found in the feet.
    Britain was once part of the Roman empire, during the feet period, Britain became the strongest and biggest empire the world had seen, she has in her lineage the iron, and she mixed/made up her empire with iron (strong) and clay (weak) nations…and her empire was multicultural too…but the Roman empire is still divided (broken in pieces), just like today…broken into individual nations.

    Daniel 2:42
       And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
    See? The toes come from the feet…the feet contain all the broken pieces of the Roman empire doing their own things independently…Britain broke up as well didn't they! And Britain's empire was during the feet period too, …and were once part of the Roman empire right? So since the Roman empire ended, all the pieces have been doing their own things…Britain, Germany, France, Greece etc etc etc…the divided kingdom! Parts of its pieces are strong, parts are weak…pieces!!!…but, the toes are the last empire…the 10 kings…and they come after the feet…and are part of the same lineage of the feet kingdoms which are the pieces of the 6th head…the Roman head! And since the 7th head was wounded by the sword (war), and is consisting of 10 pieces that used to be part of Rome, when healed…we don't know yet who they will be, but they will have nations that used to be part of the Roman empire in it…these become the 8th only when the false prophet takes over…..7th head healed = 10 kings….a modern/different version of the wounded 7th head….8th = when the false prophet takes control over the 10 kings (the healed 7th head). Notice the 6th head was not wounded by the sword, but instead, just broke in pieces? That's why it is called the mystery of Rome, no one answer can truly explain it's break up, yes they were conquered bit by bit but only after it first started falling to pieces on it's own.    
    Daniel 2:43
       And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
    Mingle means to mix…mixing together men…that is multiculturalism! But there are always and still are cultural differences within every multicultural nation. And which nations are the multicultural ones in this world? The mixed ones?
    Japan? No.
    Turkey? No.
    China? No.
    Iran? No.
    India? No.
    Europe's nations? YES…(white peoples mixed with others…iron Roman lineage)
    Britain? YES…(white peoples mixed with others…iron Roman lineage)
    America? YES…(Once British colony..white peoples mixed…iron Roman lineage)
    Canada? YES…(Once British colony..white peoples mixed…iron Roman lineage)
    Australia? YES…(Once British colony…white peoples mixed…iron Roman lineage)
    Roman empire was set up by white peoples, as they became strong and absorbed other nationalities, they became mixed too…hence Mediterranean color skin…white & olive brownish! Only the nations that came from the Roman area and with her lineage are multicultural!! That is a fact. No other nations are doing this to the same extent as the “European” based nations…their seed/DNA group…which spread to America, Canada, Australia etc, originating from European nations!!
    The feet are this lineage that has mixed themselves, which means the toes have to be too.

    Is this making sense Pierre, or not?



    Is this making sense Pierre, or not?

    we see


    devo ,go in ” THE HOT SPOT ” and look for “Pierre and Devo “

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    So now you and Devolution are going to figure out Prophecy without anyone elses help…      …is that it?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 16 2012,06:42)
    Hi Pierre,

    So now you and Devolution are going to figure out Prophecy without anyone elses help…      …is that it?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    NO,just that we try to discuss it without interference ,

    would you like to do that ???

    Ed J

    Who's interfering?


    Quote (Ed J @ July 16 2012,09:34)
    Who's interfering?

    no one,that the way it should be at times

    Ed J

    A closer look into Prophecy…



    He looks good,but he is wrong,most of it.

    Thank you Edj for your email.


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Aug. 11 2012,17:42)

    Thank you Edj for your email.


    Hi Wakeup,

    Your welcome.  :)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    you have so much of that stuff you start to sound like them eddy

    I know most of them but stay away from them , scriptures are the best with a true and pure heart


    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 11 2012,13:39)
    A closer look into Prophecy…


    Do away with him he is not teaching the whole truth.



    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 13 2012,15:25)
    you have so much of that stuff you start to sound like them eddy

    I know most of them but stay away from them , scriptures are the best with a true and pure  heart


    I agree with you.


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