66 books of the bible

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  • #42376

    I would like to know how we ended up with a bible with 66 books. 66? Maybe a coincidence, but sounds like the number of man ???

    I am aware that early christians read more books than what we have in our handy edition.

    Any info would be appreciated. Sure I could probably glean the answer by googling it, but I think a discussion helps me to focus better and a discussion has a level of accountability.


    Good point t8. Surely 77 would be more likely. What should be added? Enoch? Jubilees?


    Hi t8,
    It is complicated. [From my Enc Brit]The original Greek bible contained the so called Apocryphal books. Origen however[185-254] stated the OT canon as comprising only 22 books.
    Athanasius, “chief theologian of christian orthodoxy”, in the 4th century divided the books into
    “canonical” and
    “apocryphal-rejected alike by Jews and christians”. Jerome[347-419]also separated them into two groups of books.
    But the number of books also depends on whether you count 1 and 2 Chronicles, Samuel, Kings as separate books and whether the minor prophets are separate books.


    Yes some books were 1 writing. One of the gospels and Acts is 1 writing I think?




    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)


    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 04 2008,00:25)
    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)

    I don't know Chap, and because I don't know I leave all the “other books” alone. I have read some but I have no witness in my spirit that these books are the inspired word of God.

    But perhaps I'm not ready to understand the “Other Books”. If the other books contradict the word then I certainly don't need to read them. On the other hand I try to have an open mind.


    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 05 2008,10:42)

    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 04 2008,00:25)
    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)

    I don't know Chap, and because I don't know I leave all the “other books” alone. I have read some but I have no witness in my spirit that these books are the inspired word of God.

    But perhaps I'm not ready to understand the “Other Books”. If the other books contradict the word then I certainly don't need to read them. On the other hand I try to have an open mind.

    GT contradicts Tanakh yet you don't seem to have a problem with that.

    Son of Light

    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 04 2008,00:25)
    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)

    Well it is a Gnostic text so I would guess you guys would say no.


    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 06 2008,06:29)

    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 05 2008,10:42)

    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 04 2008,00:25)
    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)

    I don't know Chap, and because I don't know I leave all the “other books” alone.  I have read some but I have no witness in my spirit that these books are the inspired word of God.

    But perhaps I'm not ready to understand the “Other Books”.  If the other books contradict the word then I certainly don't need to read them.  On the other hand I try to have an open mind.

    GT contradicts Tanakh yet you don't seem to have a problem with that.

    Hi tow,
    Only on superficial reading do folks find contradictions.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 05 2008,15:00)

    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 06 2008,06:29)

    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 05 2008,10:42)

    Quote (acertainchap @ Jan. 04 2008,00:25)
    I'm just wondering if the lost “Gospel of Judas” that they supposedly found should be considered part of Scripture. Help on this subject would be much appreciated. :)

    I don't know Chap, and because I don't know I leave all the “other books” alone. I have read some but I have no witness in my spirit that these books are the inspired word of God.

    But perhaps I'm not ready to understand the “Other Books”. If the other books contradict the word then I certainly don't need to read them. On the other hand I try to have an open mind.

    GT contradicts Tanakh yet you don't seem to have a problem with that.

    Hi tow,
    Only on superficial reading do folks find contradictions.

    You're right. On further reading they find conflicts as well.


    Hi tow,
    Scripture is the wisdom of God
    It cannot be broken.
    You say it is?

    Son of Light

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 06 2008,09:01)
    Hi tow,
    Scripture is the wisdom of God
    It cannot be broken.
    You say it is?

    So then the wisdom of God tells us:

    the earth is flat and 6000 years old

    rabbits chew cud

    slavery is acceptable

    women are property of their husbands

    blood needs shed in order to forgive


    S.L You seem to be even more ignoring then Tow is! We do not shed blood anymore. Jesus died once and for all. And by the way, If I am absence from the body, I am present with the Lord. And who believes that the earth is flat anymore, I do not understand your comparison, it makes no sense. People used to believe that, but we are at the end times and knowledge will increase. It was all prophesied.

    Peace and Love Mrs. :blues: :blues: :blues:

    Son of Light

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Jan. 06 2008,09:54)
    S.L You seem to be even more ignoring then Tow is! We do not shed blood anymore. Jesus died once and for all. And by the way, If I am absence from the body, I am present with the Lord. And who believes that the earth is flat anymore, I do not understand your comparison, it makes no sense. People used to believe that, but we are at the end times and knowledge will increase. It was all prophesied.

    Peace and Love Mrs. :blues: :blues: :blues:

    We do not shed blood anymore?

    So this was ok at one time? It made sense at one time? It was good at one time?

    Christians shed blood daily, by the way, as the Christian right is usually the first to rush to war, politcally speaking.

    I do not believe that God sent his son to be a human sacrifice in order to appease his wrath or wash us in some sick sin cleansing blood bath.

    God is love and does not nor did he ever want blood sacrifices.

    Jesus came to teach and reveal the truth about God, was killed by rulers and principalities and he overcame them with his resurrection. They could not stop him from proclaming the truth. Jesus kicked open the gates of hades and set the captives free.

    The truth sets you free.

    The truth is we are not subject to laws of angels or traditions of men. We did not cause the horrible state of the universe by eating a fruit. We are trapped in a matrix of matter by the god of this world, who is not the true god.

    Jesus taught us of the God of love. The True God. The Most High God. Jesus taught Love and Mercy, not Hate and War. Jesus taught forgiveness not bloody sacrifice. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within you, not some racist literal kingdom where the Jews will rule from Israel the whole world of inferior gentiles.


    Son of light You are not very educated as far as Ancient History is concerned. If you would you maybe would understand, how the Jewish People will again be Gods chosen People. They were punished by God for 2500 years. It started in 606 B.C. and stopped in 1914 A.D. when they returned to their land. The last punishment is yet to come, and no Jew would be left alive if God would not intervene. That will bring in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. The millenium. Then we will have peace and everybody will love each other, but until then Satan will have a field day.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Jesus taught us of the God of love. The True God. The Most High God. Jesus taught Love and Mercy, not Hate and War. Jesus taught forgiveness not bloody sacrifice. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within you, not some racist literal kingdom where the Jews will rule from Israel the whole world of inferior gentiles.

    I agree!

    We are all one in Christ! Jesus is the end of sacrifice! Jesus made the law spiritual! Jesus taught to love your enemy!

    Son of Light

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Jan. 06 2008,13:22)
    Son of light  You are not very educated as far as Ancient History is concerned. If you would you maybe would understand, how the Jewish People will again be Gods chosen People. They were punished by God for 2500 years. It started in 606 B.C. and stopped in 1914 A.D. when they returned to their land. The last punishment is yet to come, and no Jew would be left alive if God would not intervene. That will bring in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. The millenium. Then we will have peace and everybody will love each other, but until then Satan will have a field day.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Actually, ancient history is a passion of mine. I don't claim to know it all, but it is something I do indeed study.

    You seem to be a Jehovah's Witness. Because I notice your dates in particular the date 1914.

    Babylon actual took Jerusalem in 586 BC not 606 BC. But of course, JW's need to have 606 correct if they want their weird 1914 date to make any sense.

    You worship an angel one who has brainwashed you into thinking that good is bad and bad is good.

    Jehovah is Love?

    Jehovah loves us so much that he is using war and captivity, bloodshed and death as a Fatherly tool of instruction and correction?

    Jehovah Loves us so much that soon he is coming to kill us?

    Satan is truly having a field day.

    Jehovah is a satan. The god's of all religions are satans. Satan is the god of this world. Satan is the elohim (gods) the principalities and powers, the elemental spirits.

    Our satan (adversary) is all those powers against us.

    The True God is Love. Not Love and Hate.

    The True God is Light. Not Light and Darkness.

    The True God is Merciful. Not Merciful and Wrathful.

    The True God saves us. Not Saves and Kills us.


    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 06 2008,13:45)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Jan. 06 2008,13:22)
    Son of light You are not very educated as far as Ancient History is concerned. If you would you maybe would understand, how the Jewish People will again be Gods chosen People. They were punished by God for 2500 years. It started in 606 B.C. and stopped in 1914 A.D. when they returned to their land. The last punishment is yet to come, and no Jew would be left alive if God would not intervene. That will bring in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. The millenium. Then we will have peace and everybody will love each other, but until then Satan will have a field day.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Actually, ancient history is a passion of mine. I don't claim to know it all, but it is something I do indeed study.

    You seem to be a Jehovah's Witness. Because I notice your dates in particular the date 1914.

    Babylon actual took Jerusalem in 586 BC not 606 BC. But of course, JW's need to have 606 correct if they want their weird 1914 date to make any sense.

    You worship an angel one who has brainwashed you into thinking that good is bad and bad is good.

    Jehovah is Love?

    Jehovah loves us so much that he is using war and captivity, bloodshed and death as a Fatherly tool of instruction and correction?

    Jehovah Loves us so much that soon he is coming to kill us?

    Satan is truly having a field day.

    Jehovah is a satan. The god's of all religions are satans. Satan is the god of this world. Satan is the elohim (gods) the principalities and powers, the elemental spirits.

    Our satan (adversary) is all those powers against us.

    The True God is Love. Not Love and Hate.

    The True God is Light. Not Light and Darkness.

    The True God is Merciful. Not Merciful and Wrathful.

    The True God saves us. Not Saves and Kills us.

    SOL what is God going to do with those satans?

    Son of Light

    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 06 2008,13:50)

    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 06 2008,13:45)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Jan. 06 2008,13:22)
    Son of light  You are not very educated as far as Ancient History is concerned. If you would you maybe would understand, how the Jewish People will again be Gods chosen People. They were punished by God for 2500 years. It started in 606 B.C. and stopped in 1914 A.D. when they returned to their land. The last punishment is yet to come, and no Jew would be left alive if God would not intervene. That will bring in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. The millenium. Then we will have peace and everybody will love each other, but until then Satan will have a field day.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Actually, ancient history is a passion of mine.  I don't claim to know it all, but it is something I do indeed study.

    You seem to be a Jehovah's Witness.  Because I notice your dates in particular the date 1914.

    Babylon actual took Jerusalem in 586 BC not 606 BC.  But of course, JW's need to have 606 correct if they want their weird 1914 date to make any sense.

    You worship an angel one who has brainwashed you into thinking that good is bad and bad is good.

    Jehovah is Love?  

    Jehovah loves us so much that he is using war and captivity, bloodshed and death as a Fatherly tool of instruction and correction?

    Jehovah Loves us so much that soon he is coming to kill us?

    Satan is truly having a field day.

    Jehovah is a satan.  The god's of all religions are satans.  Satan is the god of this world.  Satan is the elohim (gods) the principalities and powers, the elemental spirits.  

    Our satan (adversary) is all those powers against us.

    The True God is Love.  Not Love and Hate.

    The True God is Light.  Not Light and Darkness.

    The True God is Merciful.  Not Merciful and Wrathful.

    The True God saves us.  Not Saves and Kills us.

    SOL what is God going to do with those satans?

    Psalms 82:6

    1 God presides in the great assembly;
    he gives judgment among the “gods”:
    2 “How long will you [a] defend the unjust
    and show partiality to the wicked?

    3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
    maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

    4 Rescue the weak and needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

    5 “They know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;
    all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

    6 “I said, 'You are “gods”;
    you are all sons of the Most High.'

    7 But you will die like mere men;
    you will fall like every other ruler.”

    8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
    for all the nations are your inheritance.

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