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  • #28727

    Hi Malcolm,
    As you seem to say if the symbolism is true if will not be flimsy and fall apart such as you have shown with the waters being amniotic fluid and the placenta being flesh and not blood.

    All parts of our bodies contain blood ,as does the placenta
    so by your reasoning all could be called blood.


    It is not water that washes away our sins, it is the blood of Christ. To say any different if of the spirit of the antichrist.


    Hi H,
    Quite so,
    But the work of God is called sprinkling in the blood and not baptism,
    and is invisible and is in response to our repentant faith,
    shown in our obedience to the command to submit to baptism in water,
    in the name of Jesus, into the body of Christ.


    That is where you are wrong Nick. That is why you could not respond to the last posts I posted on this thread. For salvation is the baptism of blood and we are baptized into Christ through his blood.

    Water baptism is the outward symbolic act that occured of the inward baptism by blood that can not be seen. It is telling the world that a man is a new creature in Christ. For the world cannot see inside the heart of the man. And when the man receives the baptism of water, he is saying to the world that he has been saved, that the inward man is born again. It is glorifying God.


    Hi H,”

    “For salvation is the baptism of blood and we are baptized into Christ through his blood.”

    If you do not have scriptures to back up such a statement surely you are teaching from outside of the safe foundation of the Word of God? Does that not concern you?

    “Water baptism is the outward symbolic act that occured of the inward baptism by blood that can not be seen.”

    That is a familiar catholic sacramental false teaching.


    Nick, I can't open your heart or yours eyes. Only God can do that. I posted more then enough scriptural proof. You refuse to believe it. And then you make some silly statement about catholic sacrament without one thing to back up your silly statement. Your words are cheap and of the flesh.

    If you were saved, you would know the truth. By not seeing the truth, it is evidence you have not been saved. Why? Is the love of the world worth losing your soul?


    Dear brothers and sisters,

    There is only one baptism that saves us. Most do not consider salvation baptism, but it is not that hard to figure out that it is if you give up the doctrines of men and believe the Word of God. If a man does not have the baptism of blood, he will not be saved. And this baptism comes only by faith in Jesus Christ. When a man is saved, born again, he is baptized into Christ.

    Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,

    There is only one baptism that baptizes us into Christ. This is the baptism of salvation. If you continue reading in Romans 6, it says in verse six that the body of sin is destroyed. It is the by the blood of the Lamb that the body of sin is destroyed. It is not water baptism. The doctrines of men have corrupted the Word of God, but if a man examines the Word closely, word for word, he will come to all truth if the truth is in him.

    Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

    6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

    This verse that Nick quoted and many misuse is not referring to water baptism, but that of the baptism of blood. What does a man have to do to be saved, call on the name of the Lord. This is the baptism spoken of here. The baptism of salvation by blood. Also, it is the blood of the Lamb that washes away our sins, not water.

    Acts 22:16 And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.


    Hi H,
    Since the verses you need for proving your theory
    are not in the KJV
    can we expect another new version with the required changes in it?


    As ususal, you speak as one who opposes the faith, not as one who stands in the faith. For if you spoke as one in the faith, you would know the truth and would embrace it, not hinder it.


    Hi H,
    You have unique faith that has no scriptural foundation and few here have found the idea of moving to stand on your sand sensible.


    Nick, how can you read what I posted above and still not see?


    Hi H,
    Because we are on a different and sounder foundation than your teachings, the Word of God.


    Then your Word must be not written, for mine is and I post scripture constantly. As for sound doctrine, Nick, your doctrine is no doctrine. You try to teach water, the scriptures teach blood. Have you never heard that blood is thicker then water? It is blood that saves us, not water.


    Hi H,
    Is this the catholic sacramental view?
    We do not see what God does but only teach obedience to the instructions he has given men. Sprinkling is of His initiative.


    One baptism. And it is not water.


    Hi H,
    This is your gospel and we should be wary of any new gospel even if it came by angels.


    My gospel is the Gospel of Christ. I knew I was a sinner and was pricked in my heart by the conviction of the Holy Spirit by the preaching of God's Word. I repented and asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins and to come into my heart.

    This is my confession. Can you say the same? Can you say that you asked Jesus into your heart? You deny that by asking Jesus into your heart is of God don't you Nick?


    Hi H,
    Does it compare with the conversion of Paul?
    Then do not harrass those who are following that path.


    Paul, believed, repented of his sins and was saved then was baptized by water.


    Hi H,
    I prefer Paul's and his steps are on the path we should seek.

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