25 short biblical arguments for the binding author

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    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 19 2010,02:28)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 18 2010,16:46)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 18 2010,15:00)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 17 2010,03:37)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 17 2010,03:28)

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 16 2010,23:17]

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 16 2010,08:27]

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 15 2010,23:28]
    I can tell you're getting angry, and you can't see what I did say, here it is again.

    “””Look again, Paul is talking about what he has taught them or written to them, “whether by word, OR BY OUR EPISTLE”.”””

    This is in direct context to 2 Thes. 2:15, and it relates to what Paul had received by revelation from Christ; so how old do you think his tradition was?


    You must not be very perceptive.  I am not angry at all.

    St. Paul was passing on Traditions received from Christ.  So speaking in terms of time, they were not very old then…but they are ancient today.  This was the start of holy tradition.

    So I think you agree on this point.  St. Paul “taught” things that did not get written down.  We also know that we do not have all of St. Paul's epistles today either.


    It's gotta make you think, eh?


    If you don't know what all Paul did not write down, how do you know what that was?
    And just what is it that we believe today, that Paul didn't say?


    You should know very well that the Sacred Liturgy has its roots in the apostles.  The law of prayer is the law of belief.  

    The Oral Tradition provides a living witness to the Written Tradition.  Besides, the fathers are the primary interpreters of Scripture.  It amazes me that you would trust your own interpretation apart from that of the very men who KNEW the apostles and heard their oral teaching, received their instruction and the laying on of hands.  Amazing.


    :p  just how does that answer my question?

    You talk about the”oral” tradition, I want to know what they are? and how do you know what the were? if they are not written down, how do you know?
    who are “the very men that knew the apostles”? any one you know?


    Who were the men who knew the apostles?

    Polycarp of Smyrna

    Ignatius of Antioch

    Clement of Rome

    But you are opposed to the teachings of these holy men.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 19 2010,05:28)

    sorry the catholic liturgy does not implicate the apostles not even Jesus,it is pure pagan or catholic invention.

    Have you ever BEEN to a Catholic liturgy?


    Hi CA,
    Religious ceremonies and rituals are a popular substitute for a relationship with God and His Son.


    i am born catholic, and was programed to be priest, i was rewarded by God that it never happen in that organisation.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 19 2010,08:29)
    i am born catholic, and was programed to be priest, i was rewarded by God that it never happen in that organisation.

    I invite you to take me on in the thread Bible Alone…

    But just a heads up…that thread is the way home



    i am 70 years old i have study the scriptures for 50 years,and devote myself to was is true and the truth of God.

    and you thing i don't know were you going.

    i have read most of your quotes ,its amazing what someone can learn by reading letters from others,
    you should stick to the truth of scriptures ,you would learn wisdom not from this world but from above .

    in this way you would not waisting your time in stupid challenges who have no other purpose than personal ego(devil)and do not give glory to God.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 19 2010,08:54)

    i am 70 years old i have study the scriptures for 50 years,and devote myself to was is true and the truth of God.

    and you thing i don't know were you going.

    i have read most of your quotes ,its amazing what someone can learn by reading letters from others,
    you should stick to the truth of scriptures ,you would learn wisdom not from this world but from above .

    in this way you would not waisting your time in stupid challenges who have no other purpose than personal ego(devil)and do not give glory to God.

    If you want to glorify God, then cease your heresy and obey Him.

    To Him be glory IN THE CHURCH

    Get in the ark of safety





    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 19 2010,09:40)


    Would you disobey something Christ commanded you to do?

    Luke 10:16

    “He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.”

    You must hear the Apostles and the Church


    Hi CA,
    Did you think this applied to the woolly headed men in Rome?
    My my.


    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 19 2010,07:50)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 19 2010,02:28)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 18 2010,16:46)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 18 2010,15:00)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 17 2010,03:37)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 17 2010,03:28)

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 16 2010,23:17]

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 16 2010,08:27]

    CatholicApologist,Feb. wrote:

    [quote=Elizabeth,Feb. 15 2010,23:28]
    I can tell you're getting angry, and you can't see what I did say, here it is again.

    “””Look again, Paul is talking about what he has taught them or written to them, “whether by word, OR BY OUR EPISTLE”.”””

    This is in direct context to 2 Thes. 2:15, and it relates to what Paul had received by revelation from Christ; so how old do you think his tradition was?


    You must not be very perceptive.  I am not angry at all.

    St. Paul was passing on Traditions received from Christ.  So speaking in terms of time, they were not very old then…but they are ancient today.  This was the start of holy tradition.

    So I think you agree on this point.  St. Paul “taught” things that did not get written down.  We also know that we do not have all of St. Paul's epistles today either.


    It's gotta make you think, eh?


    If you don't know what all Paul did not write down, how do you know what that was?
    And just what is it that we believe today, that Paul didn't say?


    You should know very well that the Sacred Liturgy has its roots in the apostles.  The law of prayer is the law of belief.  

    The Oral Tradition provides a living witness to the Written Tradition.  Besides, the fathers are the primary interpreters of Scripture.  It amazes me that you would trust your own interpretation apart from that of the very men who KNEW the apostles and heard their oral teaching, received their instruction and the laying on of hands.  Amazing.


    :p  just how does that answer my question?

    You talk about the”oral” tradition, I want to know what they are? and how do you know what the were? if they are not written down, how do you know?
    who are “the very men that knew the apostles”? any one you know?


    Who were the men who knew the apostles?

    Polycarp of Smyrna

    Ignatius of Antioch

    Clement of Rome

    But you are opposed to the teachings of these holy men.


    I don't see any books from them in the Bible.
    What they may have said in the beginning, may have been true, until a Catholic got a hold of them.
    Why should anything that any man has said, be more important, and more enlightening then the Bible?
    The pope in the beginning has tried to rule the world just like any emperor or dictator has, you don't go along with me, you die.
    Explain to me, what is the Mass sacrifice, communion, wine?



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 19 2010,19:20)

    I don't see any books from them in the Bible.
    What they may have said in the beginning, may have been true, until a Catholic got a hold of them.
    Why should anything that any man has said, be more important, and more enlightening then the Bible?
    The pope in the beginning has tried to rule the world just like any emperor or dictator has, you don't go along with me, you die.
    Explain to me, what is the Mass sacrifice, communion, wine?


    So let me get this straight. YOU believe that both the Church and the message of the gospel was an UTTER FAILURE.

    YOU believe that right out of the gate, the gospel was corrupted and lost.

    YOU believe that in fact, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church.

    YOU believe that of all of the writings of the fathers who KNEW the apostles, NONE of them reflect the ancient faith in it's pristine beauty?

    YOU are a heretic.


    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 20 2010,06:20)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 19 2010,19:20)

    I don't see any books from them in the Bible.
    What they may have said in the beginning, may have been true, until a Catholic got a hold of them.
    Why should anything that any man has said, be more important, and more enlightening then the Bible?
    The pope in the beginning has tried to rule the world just like any emperor or dictator has, you don't go along with me, you die.
    Explain to me, what is the Mass sacrifice, communion, wine?


    So let me get this straight.  YOU believe that both the Church and the message of the gospel was an UTTER FAILURE.  

    YOU believe that right out of the gate, the gospel was corrupted and lost.  

    YOU believe that in fact, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church.

    YOU believe that of all of the writings of the fathers who KNEW the apostles, NONE of them reflect the ancient faith in it's pristine beauty?

    YOU are a heretic.


    Let me guess, you are the guy I saw on TV that had his skin tattooed like a lizard and had a forked tongue, am I right?
    Btw, what happened to the mass sacrifice, you know, the wine, the host; don't want to tell me? come on, enlighten me.
    To be called a heretic by you is an honor.



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 20 2010,15:04)
    To be called a heretic by you is an honor.


    “Whose end is destruction…. and whose glory is in their shame…”


    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 20 2010,14:20)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 19 2010,19:20)

    So let me get this straight.  YOU believe that both the Church and the message of the gospel was an UTTER FAILURE.

    If I may step in here to comment on this.

    Neither the church or gospel message of the apostles are a failure. This does not mean that there was no apostasy and that there was no development of antichrist as a result of that apostasy.

    The entire gospel faith was delivered to the saints in the first century. (Jude 1:3)

    God has revealed his truth by means of his holy spirit through the prophets in the Old Testament and through Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament. (Mark 12:36; Luke 4:11; 10:21; 24:27,44; Acts 1:16; 2:33; 10:38; 28:25; Hebrews 1:1,3; 3:7; 1 Peter 3:10-12; 2 Peter 1:21)

    God, by means of his holy spirit, especially led the apostles into all the truths concerning Christ and what he said. (John 14:26; 16:4-13; Acts 1:2; Galatians 1:12; Ephesians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Timothy 2:2)

    The truths revealed to the apostles and made available to us are recorded in the scripture itself. (Ephesians 3:3-12; Colossians 1:25,26; 1 John 4:6) Of course, without the holy spirit, these things that are recorded will still be a mystery to us. — Mark 4:11; 1 Corinthians 2:7-10.

    Anything doctrine or spirit that is contrary to, diminishes, or destroys what has been revealed is not of the truth. — Isaiah 8:20.

    God, by means of his holy spirit, reveals through the scriptures that man was created sinless, in God’s character image, and that he was given a dominion, and that through sin mankind fell under the penalty of death and destruction, by which mankind came to be by nature children of wrath, made subjects of corruption, all being under condemnation through Adam, and through which mankind is undergoing exposure to futility and various evils, permitted by God to teach him by experience the evil nature and effects of sin and the desirability of hating and forsaking it. — Genesis 1:26-28,31; 2:17; Psalm 8:5-8 (Mankind does not now have this dominion — Hebrews 2:6-8); Ecclesiastes 1:2-15; Romans 5:12-19; 6:23; 8:20-23; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; Ephesians 2:3; Psalm 90:15.
    God, by means of his holy spirit, reveals that the basis of hope for everlasting life for the elect and the non-elect is in the fact that God “is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe”; that Jesus by the grace of God tasted death for every man, “a ransom for all”; that God “desires to have all men to be saved, and come to full knowledge of the truth,” and that Jesus is “true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world”, “the testimony in its own times (in due time – KJV)”. — 1 Timothy 4:10; 2:3-6; Hebrew 2:9; John 1:9 (New King James Version).

    The trinity doctrine diminishes the revealed role of Jesus as the man, Jesus Christ, who gave himself as a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:5,6), for it would have it that in order for Jesus to have obeyed the Most High, Jesus had to be the Most High, which, in effect, would justify, rather than condemn sin in the flesh, for it would prove that Adam would have needed to have been the Most High in order to obey the Most High. No scripture says that Jesus had to be the Most High in order to obey the Most High.

    God, by means of his holy spirit, reveals through the scriptures that man was created sinless, in God’s character image, and that he was given a dominion, and that through sin mankind fell under the penalty of death and destruction, by which mankind came to be by nature children of wrath, made subjects of corruption, all being under condemnation through Adam, and through which mankind is undergoing exposure to futility and various evils, permitted by God to teach him by experience the evil nature and effects of sin and the desirability of hating and forsaking it. — Genesis 1:26-28,31; 2:17; Psalm 8:5-8 (Mankind does not now have this dominion — Hebrews 2:6-8); Ecclesiastes 1:2-15; Romans 5:12-19; 6:23; 8:20-23; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; Ephesians 2:3; Psalm 90:15.

    God, by means of his holy spirit, reveals that the basis of hope for everlasting life for the elect and the non-elect is in the fact that God “is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe”; that Jesus by the grace of God tasted death for every man, “a ransom for all”; that God “desires to have all men to be saved, and come to full knowledge of the truth,” and that Jesus is “true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world”, “the testimony in its own times (in due time – KJV)”. (1 Timothy 4:10; 2:3-6; Hebrews 2:9; John 1:9 — New King James Version). The trinity is contrary to this revealing of the holy spirit, since it declares that the man Jesus is still the man Jesus, thus, in effect, annulling the scripture that says that the man Jesus gave himself as a ransom.

    The scriptures declare that Jesus gave his flesh, his body, for the life of the world and the church. (Luke 22:19; John 6:51; 1 Corinthians 11:24; Hebrews 10:10) “No, no, no!”, says that the trinitarian; “we have received a greater spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4) that helps us to imagine, assume, add to, and read more into those scriptures, so that now, by means of this greater spirit, we know that Jesus still has that body of flesh, and will have it for eternity.

    Yes, part of the truth revealed by means of the holy spirit was that there was to be an apostasy, a “falling away” from the truth of God’s Word, with strong delusions. (Matthew 13:24-30; Acts 20:29,30; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:3,4) This falling away had already begun in the first century, with some receiving a different spirit and preaching “another Jesus”; the apostasy was restrained for only a short while. (2 Thessalonians 2:7; 1 John 2:18,19; 2 Corinthians 11:4) The apostasy spread rapidly after the death the apostles and developed into the great “Man of Sin”, or more correctly  “Insubordinate Man,” “Lawless Man”, or “Illegal Man”, a great religious system, which claimed to have the authority to add to God’s Word since their revelation was allegedly of God’s Spirit, and these revelations were claimed, in effect, to add more to the faith that scriptures say had once delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3) The central doctrine became the false teaching that Jesus had to be God Almighty in order to provide atonement for sins. With this spirit of error in mind, the writings of the apostles were totally reinterpreted by means of the spirit of human imagination and assumptions so as to accommodate the error, and many of the Hellenic Jewish philosophies were adapted and added to and blended in with the New Testament, even as the Jews had done with the Old Testament.

    Isaiah, in prophesying concerning the stone of stumbling (Isaiah 8:14; Romans 9:23) to both the houses of Israel (Romans 9:6,31; 11:7; 1 Corinthians 10:18; Galatians 6:16), warns us: “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20, New King James Version) The “law”, of course, is what we call the Old Testament; the “testimony” of this prophecy is the testimony of the apostles, as given in the New Testament. This the way to test the spirits. (1 John 4:1) It is to these and through these scriptures that the holy spirit today gives true direction, and
    anything not in agreement with these scriptures is not of the light of the day. (John 11:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:5) In effect, any spirit that does not testify in agreement with what has been revealed is not of the light of new day.

    The distortion of who Jesus truly was and is — who while on earth before his death was only human, a little lower than the angels, who gave his flesh for the life of the world — is one of the greatest stumblingblocks to understanding the true Gospel revealed in scripture. Thus Jesus becomes a stumbling stone, not only to the house according the flesh which was corrupted from true doctrine (Israel after the flesh — Luke 13:25-28; Romans 9:30-33), but also the house which claims Jesus, which has also become corrupted from true doctrine through spiritual fornication. — Matthew 27:21-23; Revelation 2:13-15,20-24.

    The scriptures reveal that it was necessary for Jesus, in becoming flesh, to become a little lower than the angels, nothing more, nothing less, as the equivalent of Adam before Adam sinned in order to reverse effects of what Adam had done. (Romans 5:12-19; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; 1 Timothy 2:5,6) In doing this, Jesus, being but a sinless man, nothing more, nothing less, by his obedience, never once falling short of the glory of his God, and by his overcoming all temptation to sin, thereby condemned sin the flesh, and through this means his God and Father  could be found just, and yet at the same time the justifier of the sinner.  (Romans 3:23,26; 8:3; John 16:33; Hebrews 2:9; 4:15; Revelation 3:21)  On the other hand, the added-on philosophies that would exalt Jesus to the glory that only belongs only to the Most High, would, in effect mean that Jesus justified sin the flesh, and shown that for Adam to have obeyed the Most High, Adam would have needed to have been the Most High.

    n truth, throughout the scriptures, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is presented as a unipersonal God, and not once is He presented as more than one person. All through the New Testament, forms of the word transliterated as THEOS, when applied to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is always used to speak of one person, and not once as more than one person. Throughout the New Testament, the unipersonal God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is distinguished from His son. In all of the scriptures claimed to present otherwise, the great spirit of human imagination has be consulted, and the resulting imaginations and assumptions have to added to, and read into, each and every scripture to get added-on dogma appear to be supported by the scripture.



    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 20 2010,14:20)
    So let me get this straight.  YOU believe that both the Church and the message of the gospel was an UTTER FAILURE.  

    YOU believe that right out of the gate, the gospel was corrupted and lost.  

    YOU believe that in fact, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church.

    YOU believe that of all of the writings of the fathers who KNEW the apostles, NONE of them reflect the ancient faith in it's pristine beauty?

    YOU are a heretic.

    YOU believe that in fact, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church.

    Many are reading into Jesus' words of Matthew 16:18 something that he did not say. The gates of hell [hades/sheol, oblivion — Ecclesiastes 9:5,10] will not prevail against the church, because the church is to be raised in the last day out of that oblivious condition.

    God has revealed in the words of Revelation 20:18, that Jesus has the keys to death and hades, which is meant to be a comfort to the church. These words show that the Lord's people go to hades  (oblivion) when they die, but as promised by the Lord, “the gates of Hades will not prevail against” his church. (Matthew 16:18) In other words, Jesus’ having the keys of death and hades shows that he will use those keys to unlock the gates of hades so that the church may be released therefrom in the last day as part of the first resurrection. — John 5:28,29; 6:39,40,44,54; Revelation 20:6.

    In preaching at his first advent, he quoted the prophecy of Isaiah respecting himself, which declares that he will open the prison-house, and set at liberty the captives, and declared this to be the Gospel. (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18) It is the Gospel of the resurrection, the message, the good tidings of deliverance of all the captives from the oblivion of death, from the power of the Adversary, “him who has the power of death.” Thus, as Jesus promised, not only will he bring the church from death and hades, but there is also to be a resurrection of the unjust. (Acts 24:15) It is concerning the unbelievers that Jesus spoke in John 12:47,48: “If anyone listens to my sayings, and doesn’t believe, I don’t judge him. For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects me, and doesn’t receive my sayings, has one who judges him. The word that I spoke, the same will judge him in the last day.” Thus, because Jesus came and gave his life as an atoning sacrifice for, not only for the believer, but also for those who do not believe (1 John 2:2), the Revelation tells us that those of the world will be raised for judgment in the last day, after the first resurrection, in which the church will be delivered from hades, as well as from any threat of the second death. — Revelation 20:6,13.


    Quote (Elizabeth @ Feb. 20 2010,03:20)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 19 2010,07:50)

    Who were the men who knew the apostles?

    Polycarp of Smyrna

    Ignatius of Antioch

    Clement of Rome

    But you are opposed to the teachings of these holy men.

    As far as I know, we do not have any manuscripts of these people before the fourth century; while it is possible that the manuscripts we have have faithfully copied the originals, it is also possible that they were corrupted to reflect later thinking. At any rate, just because these people knew the apostles does not mean that they faithfully reflected what the apostles wrote, despite their claims.

    For instance, I have studied extensively the works of Charles Taze Russell (who was never associated, and did not believe in an authoritarian organization such as the Jehovah's Witnesses) and am very familiar with what he wrote. I have also studied the works of Joseph Rutherford, who knew Russell, and yet, Rutherford often distorted and misrepresented what Russell had said, although he claimed otherwise. Thus, it is also possible that, without the restraining influence of the apostles, those who had known the apostles grasped the opportunity to present their views as though they were the same as the views of the apostles.

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 19 2010,07:50)

    Who were the men who knew the apostles?

    Polycarp of Smyrna

    Ignatius of Antioch

    Clement of Rome

    But you are opposed to the teachings of these holy men.

    As far as I know, we do not have any manuscripts of these people before the fourth century; while it is possible that the manuscripts we have have faithfully copied the originals, it is also possible that they were corrupted to reflect later thinking. At any rate, just because these people knew the apostles does not mean that they faithfully reflected what the apostles wrote, despite their claims.

    For instance, I have studied extensively the works of Charles Taze Russell (who was never associated, and did not believe in an authoritarian organization such as the Jehovah's Witnesses) and am very familiar with what he wrote. I have also studied the works of Joseph Rutherford, who knew Russell, and yet, Rutherford often distorted and misrepresented what Russell had said, although he claimed otherwise. Thus, it is also possible that, without the restraining influence of the apostles, those who had known the apostles grasped the opportunity to present their views as though they were the same as the views of the apostles.


    CA said:

    1. The bottom line is not “tradition vs. no tradition,” but rather, “true, apostolic tradition vs. false traditions of men.”


    On this I agree with you. The Arains here falsely claim that they are non traditional. But they do indeed hold to tradition just like we all do.



    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 18 2010,14:15)
    Who passed on the the teaching of soul annihilation?  

    Who passed on the idea the Jesus was merely an angel?  

    Who passed on the idea that God is not a Trinity?  

    Who passed on being baptized into the “spirit of the organization”?

    Who passed on the idea the the Holy Spirit is merely a “force”?

    Who passed on the idea that if we set a date for the end of the world and it DOESN'T HAPPEN, we can just set another one?

    The Bible is the source of the teaching that the soul is not immortal, if that is what is meant by “soul annihilation.”

    I am not sure of who believes that Jesus was merely an angel in our time, but the Bible does not teach that. Jesus, while he was in the days of his flesh, was a man, nothing more, nothing less, a little lower than the angels. (Hebrews 2:9; 5:7) He was not an angel, for it was not angel that sinned and brought death in the world of mankind, bringing the whole creation into subjection to futility; it was a man who sinned, and thus it was a man who gave himself as the offsetting price for sin. (Romans 5:12-19; 8:20,22; 1 Corinthians 15:21,22; 1 Timothy 2:5,6) No, Jesus, never was, is not, and never will be merely an angel.


    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Feb. 18 2010,14:15)
    Who passed on the idea that God is not a Trinity?  

    Again, it is the Bible itself that declares the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as one person from beginning to end, and never once does the bible declare the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be more than one person. By default, then, it is the Bible that passes on the idea that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not a trinity of “persons”, but that by “he” “I” “me” “him” “his” the God of Abraham, Isaac of Jacob is declared as one person.

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