144,000 sealed

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    I would like to share that I was sealed with the name of the Father and of the Son, and I was given a new name.  I am not Jewish nor from Israel.  As a matter a fact, I am part  Native Indian.  I was sealed three years ago just after the celebration of the Lord's Ascension. I haven't spoken to anyone about it until now because I have been kept very busy.

    In the first seal, that of the Father, I was shown Jacob, and asked, "Are you greater then Jacob?"  Immediately,I was slain in the spirit and I fell on my face, knowing, I was nowhere near greater than Jacob, I was given a very clear understanding of who Jacob was and how he suffered so that we could now inherit the blessings of salvation.  And then I was given the choice of deaf, blind, or crippled,  I chose deaf, immediately a blinding light passed over me and I knew for certain not to open my eyes. I do not know why, I just knew not to open my eyes.  I truely believed that this would be the last time that I would hear, but rather then receive deafness,  I was sealed with the name of the Father. "I Am",

    The following day, I was shown, the fire and pit of hell, to which I knew for certain was what I deserved and I was told such.Included in my past sins were ancestral sins to which I had been linked of such magnitude it is beyond description  And then I was placed upon the cross,  and a thirst overcame me and I said so, and when I said, "I thirst!"  I was strongly rebuked, "You Thirst?  You Thirst, and then I was shown that a grain of sand, is how small my suffering is in comparison to that which the Lord suffered for my sins, and then again I fell face down upon the floor. Again, a brilliant light passed over me, and I was told to choose, deaf, blind, or crippled and this time I truely believed that I would be left deaf for that is what I chose. This time, I was sealed with the name of the Lord, "I Am". I then asked if I could have something that I would always remember this by, and that is when I was told, "You shall be given a name!" and then I was given a name and that too was sealed with I Am. After I was sealed, I was given a specific job to do and this is what I was told upon coming down the mountain for I had literally been called to the mountains, where it was that I was sealed. As I approached the outskirts of the first city…….. "Let my people go!"


    I wanted to add that I am not certain that when I was sealed that it meant that I was one of the 144,000, because this was never revealed. I was told, that I was of the Root of Jesse while, I shook, a leaf upon a vine. The scriptures speak of the remnant, to be male, of which I am not.


    A year after I was first saved, I cried unto the Lord, "There must be another way for Native Indian people to be saved, Lord? They have been so hurt by so many.

    In Canada where I am from, the Native Indians were murdered, shot along the shores of the Atlantic (Beothuk),there was only one woman who survived. Many died and were sexually molested in the Anglican and Catholic residential schools where they were forced to live. The entire Huron population was wiped out by the black robes through disease.  After all that has happened, I said, "Lord,  many Native Indians look at Christianity, as the white man's religion."  Two weeks after I had prayed about these matters, this is what happened.

    I was awakened by the Lord, "Rise and prepare the way."  I checked my alarm, it was 4:30 am, I thought to myself, did I just hear, "Rise and prepare the way?" I couldn't have, and I fell back asleep. At 4:45, I heard a shout, "RISE AND PREPARE THE WAY!  I jumped out of bed and then I was directed to go the Bible, and this is what I was shown and told, in brief.

    I brought Native Indians unto this land, and gave them these laws to follow: They should worship the Creator, not the Creation in the form of four footed beasts, and birds of the air, etc. They should not intermarry with relatives, nor pierce their flesh,nor shall they commune with the dead, they should give of the first fruits of their labours. Having studied Anthropology, prior to European contact, I knew that Native Indians, my ancestors included, were guilty of having disobeyed the Lord and many continue in these practices today.

    I was then shown that, "Failure to follow these laws, I shall send foreigners to your land, and they shall make your land barren.  Your children shall be scattered beneath your mother's womb.  You shall die of pestilence, starvation and disease.  You shall bang your heads against one another in drunkeness.  This you shall suffer until the end times.

    In the end times, I shall divide your nation. Those who seek the Son of God of Israel, I shall lift up mightily in the land, and those who avenge my wrath, shall die beside all of the Gentiles, who refuse to believe on me.


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    Is this a technical problem with your computer?


    Sorry Sandra. Only ones who will be sealed will be Jewish. They will be the endtime preachers of the gospel after the church has been removed. If you have a seal on your head, I suggest you get some ink remover and take it off.


    Hi H,
    Certainly the 144,000 will be from the 12 tribes but where are the other 10 now? Only 2 tribes came back from the dispersion.

    When the church is removed they will look on him they have pierced and mourn. Then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved[Joel 2]


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 18 2006,01:12)
    Sorry Sandra. Only ones who will be sealed will be Jewish. They will be the endtime preachers of the gospel after the church has been removed. If you have a seal on your head, I suggest you get some ink remover and take it off.

    What seal is this?

    Eph 1:13 in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation,– in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 18 2006,05:00)
    Hi H,
    Certainly the 144,000 will be from the 12 tribes but where are the other 10 now? Only 2 tribes came back from the dispersion.

    When the church is removed they will look on him they have pierced and mourn. Then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved[Joel 2]

    James knew where they were.

    Jam 1:1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are of the Dispersion, greeting.

    Twelve tribes not ten. Those dispersed must have had at least some of the Tribe of Judah and Benjiman

    It is said that not all Israelites are Jew but all Jews are Israelites.

    It is the house of Israel that is the ten (some say lost) tribes.

    French-Jew, English-Jew, American-Jew. Like the Afro-American.


    Quote (kenrch @ June 18 2006,14:54)

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 18 2006,01:12)
    Sorry Sandra. Only ones who will be sealed will be Jewish. They will be the endtime preachers of the gospel after the church has been removed. If you have a seal on your head, I suggest you get some ink remover and take it off.

    What seal is this?

    Eph 1:13  in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation,– in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

    Hi kenrch,
    He is referring to Rev 72
    “And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having a seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying
    'Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bondservants of our God on their foreheads'”

    And Rev 14.1f
    “And I looked , and behold the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads”

    I think there is some bible variation here too with only some versions having the name of the Lamb as well as that of the Father written on their foreheads.

    Yes I checked. KJV and one or two others only have
    the Father's name written there.


    He is coming says that the only ones that will be sealed are Jews. Then I asked what is:
    Eph 1:13 in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation,– in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

    Speaking of ? I guess I should have phrased the question differently. Is Eph. 1:13 saying that only Jews will have the seal of the Holy Spirit?
    This scripture seems to say different :)


    The JWs teach that the 144,000 are all JWs and make up a “little flock” that goes to heaven, while another flock of the saved remain on earth. Does anyone agree?


    Quote (kenrch @ June 19 2006,06:43)
    He is coming says that the only ones that will be sealed are Jews.  Then I asked what is:
    Eph 1:13  in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation,– in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

    Speaking of ?  I guess I should have phrased the question differently.  Is Eph. 1:13 saying that only Jews will have the seal of the Holy Spirit?
    This scripture seems to say different :)

    Hi kenrch
    Eph 1.13
    “in him, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise”

    Belief here is of the type shown in Acts 16 31-33, which involved being taught and also baptised in water. This is not applied just to the Jews but to all believers.

    Being sealed with the Holy Spirit is not being baptised in that Spirit. It occurs with all who have their name written in the book of life when they are saved.

    Perhaps is is as shown in Jn 20.22 when Jesus gave the disciples the Spirit, but they were still told to wait in the city till they were “clothed in power from on high”[Lk 24.49].The baptism in the Spirit is a total filling and overflowing of our being, a clothing with power.

    So going back to Rev 7 and 14 it appears that it refers to all the saved too. We are grafted into the Olive tree of Israel [Rom 10.17f]and inherit with them, as bondservants to our God.


    My birth father was Stancyk


    No Nick, you are wrong, the Jw's have hid exorbitant gold amidst US market ocurrence Lou Dobbs freakish individual, vampires amidst, believe!

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