10 commandments; were they done away with?

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    The New Covenant ('Elohim's Covenant with Spiritual Israel)

    The new covenant is the final realization of 'Elohim's eternal plan of grace through faith. Gal 3:14-18, Eph 2:8-10

    The people obey the commandments because of their love for 'Elohim. Jn 14:15,21

    Divine assistance is provided through a personal relationship with the Spirit of the Messiah. Ro 8:3,4,9,10, 1Co 6:19,20, 2Co 3:18, Gal 5:18, Php 3:7-9

    Attributes of the new covenant

    Better promises Heb 8:6

    'Elohim puts His laws in our mind and heart Eze 11:19,20, Heb 8:10 compare 2Co 3:3, Heb 10:16

    Personal relationship with 'Elohim Heb 8:11

    Sins committed are forgiven and forgotten Heb 8:12

    Focused on the spirit of the law (internalized, loving commitment) 2Co 3:6

    Ratified with the blood of Yeshua HaMoshiach at His death on the cross Mt 26:28

    Mediator – Yeshua HaMoshiach Heb 12:24

    Eternal Ge 17:7, Gal 3:8, 2Ti 1:9, Rev 13:8, Rev 14:6

    It is called “new” because it was ratified after the old covenant was ratified. Heb 9:14,16-18

    The works of the moral law are a fruit of the new covenant, a natural consequence of spiritual transformation. 2Co 5:17, Jas 2:14,20-22,26, Heb 13:20,21


    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 10 2009,16:02)
    you playin games CON. if i say that our sins were atoned (sanctified)(cleansed)from christs ransom, that is why it is forgiveable to god and we can now repent to him and if we keep in union with him that he will forgive.

    then you ask a stupid question to me ” but don't you need to be forgiven?

    if its now forgiveable to god then it would be.

    Galatians 3:19,16 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made…”And to your Seed,” who is Christ.

    Ephesians 2:14,15 For He Himself [Jesus] is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace,

    Hebrews 8:6,7 But now He [Jesus] has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

    Hebrews 8:13 In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

    Hebrews 9:15-18 And for this reason He [Jesus] is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood

    Christians are not under the Law of Moses today, only Jews ever were, Christians today are to follow Jesus Christ

    you play games just like a lot of regular posters here. never using scriptures. multiple scriptures found to be consistant in message regarding a topic with words pertaining to topic will resinate and show the truth.

    your way just make does no good for you.

    when yuo see the truth take it in you must be a doer of the word , not just a person seeing them. for it will fill you with flase reasoning

    The Law was Repeated in the New Testament

    1. Do not have other gods Mt 4:10

    2. Do not have idols Ac 17:29, 1Jn 5:21

    3. Do not misuse the Lord's name 1Ti 6:1

    4. Keep the 7th-day Sabbath holy Mk 2:27,28, Lk 4:16

    5. Honor your parents Mt 19:19

    6. Do not kill Mt 19:18, Ro 13:9

    7. Do not commit adultery Mt 19:18, Ro 13:9

    8. Do not steal Mt 19:18, Ro 13:9

    9. Do not give false testimony Mt 19:18, Ro 13:9

    10. Do not covet Ro 7:7, Ro 13:9

    The Law was Amplified in the New Testament

    The law is focused around love. Mt 22:36-40 compare Lev 19:18 and Dt 6:5

    Commandments 1-4 define our relationship of love to 'Elohim.

    Commandments 5-10 define our relationship of love to other people.

    Lust is adultery. Mt 5:27,28, 2Pe 2:14,15

    Hate is murder. Mt 5:21,22, 1Jn 3:15

    Fornication, uncleaness, covetousness, and other lusts are idolatry. Col 3:5 compare Ro 7:7

    The Law is Perfect and Cannot be Changed  

    The law is perfect. Ps 19:7, Jas 1:25 compare Jas 2:11,12

    The law is eternal. Ps 111:7,8, Ps 119:143,144,152 compare Ex 25:16,21, Ps 119:160 compare Lev 26:46

    The law is unchangeable. (Dt 4:2, Ps 89:34, Mt 5:17-20 (context Mt 5:21,27,38, compare Heb 4:15), Lk 16:17 (context Lk 16:18))

    If the law could be changed, Yeshua HaMoshiach would not have had to die for us. Ro 4:25, 1Pe 2:24


    Hi CON,
    So through those vessels who live by the law of the Spirit God works and produces good fruit.


    Was the law minimized or eliminated by the gospel? Lk 16:16


    The pre-context refers to the covetous nature of the religious leaders. Lk 16:14-16

    The “law and the prophets” refers to the old testament scriptures.

    The old testament scriptures are focused around the coming Messiah (Yeshua HaMoshiach). Lk 24:27, Jn 5:39

    The message of those scriptures should have been enough to transform their covetous hearts. Lk 16:29-31 from the post context

    Now, the Messiah stood before them in human form and John was pointing the people directly to Him.

    The point is that a greater light was now shining and they still refused to abandon their wicked ways. Jn 3:19

    The Bible clearly states that the gospel does not nullify the law. Ro 3:31

    The post context clearly refutes any idea of the law being obsolete. Lk 16:16,17


    If Yeshua HaMoshiach relaxed the punishment for breaking the law, then doesn't that imply that the importance of following the law is diminished? Jn 8:3-9 compare Lev 20:10


    Yeshua HaMoshiach did not relax the punishment. He took on the punishment Himself. Jn 1:29, 1Pe 2:24

    Yeshua HaMoshiach emphasized that we must abandon sin, which is the breaking of the law. Jn 8:10,11 compare 1Jn 3:4

    Yeshua HaMoshiach, as the Sacrifice, asks us also to be merciful and forgiving. Mt 5:38,39 compare Ex 21:24, Mt 6:14,15


    Is the law a shackel and burden? Act 15:5,10,11,24


    The context is a controversy about whether physical circumcision should continue to be required.

    The law mentioned here is the ceremonial law, not the Ten Commandments moral law.

    Physical circumcision is a symbol of a spiritual condition that is to be realized through faith in the Messiah. (compare Dt 10:16, Ro 2:28,29, 1Co 7:19, Gal 5:6)

    The controversy indirectly included the host of burdensome, Jewish, embellishments that were erroneously added to their traditionalized version of the law. (compare Mt 15:3-9, Mt 23:1-4)

    Note that the decision was not to forbid physical circumcision, but rather that it is not a required element for salvation.


    Not “under” the law Ro 6:14

    We are no longer under the external letter of the law, but rather under the indwelling Spirit that loves the law. Ro 7:6, 2Co 3:3, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:15,16

    We are no longer as children under the external supervision of the law. Gal 3:24,25, Gal 4:1-7

    We are no longer hopeless lawbreakers under the condemnation of the law. Ro 8:1,2, 1Jn 3:4-9

    This verse also says we are under grace. Ro 6:14

    Grace does not abolish the law, but rather, fully establishes it. Ro 3:31

    See the post context. Ro 6:14,15


    Did Yeshua HaMoshiach end the law? Ro 10:4


    The verse does not say Yeshua HaMoshiach ended the law. Rather, it says He is the end (goal / end result) of the law. Gal 3:24

    Yeshua HaMoshiach is the fulfillment of the law in the sense of being the perfect example of a life in harmony with 'Elohim's law. Mt 5:17, Jn 15:10, Heb 4:15, 1Jn 2:4-6


    Hi CON,
    Do you think you are bound by the OT law?
    By your jewish roots?


    Did the law become obsolete after Yeshua HaMoshiach came? Gal 3:19-25

    Ceremonial law — Yes

    Moral law — No

    “It was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made.” (from Gal 3:19)


    'Elohim's moral law was known prior to Sinai. (examples: Ge 26:5, Ex 16:28-30)

    'Elohim's ceremonial law was known prior to Sinai. (examples: Ge 4:4, Ex 5:1-3)

    The knowledge of 'Elohim's moral law was largely lost during the centuries of Egyptian bondage, resulting in a deep decline into sin.

    The significance of 'Elohim's ceremonial law was obscured during the centuries of exposure to Egyptian idolatry.

    The detailed, written communications of 'Elohim's moral and ceremonial laws were added soon after the exodus from Egypt.

    This renewed, detailed knowledge brought the people to an awareness of sin and their need for the Saviour.

    “The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Yeshua HaMoshiach, that we might be justified by faith.” (from Gal 3:24)

    “till the seed” (Yeshua HaMoshiach is the Seed, Gal 3:16)

    When Yeshua HaMoshiach died as the true Passover Lamb, the entire ceremonial, sacrificial system ended. Mt 27:50,51, Col 2:14,17

    Now, under faith, the moral law is written in each believer's heart, rather than remaining external in stone. Eze 11:19,20, Heb 8:10

    The moral law is not obsolete, but rather, established in each believer's heart. Ro 3:31, Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12

    The moral law is still necessary as a mirror in which all can see their sins, and thus, their need for the Saviour's sacrifice and righteousness. 1Jn 3:4


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 10 2009,17:56)
    Hi CON,
    Do you think you are bound by the OT law?
    By your jewish roots?



    Which law? (Eph 2:15) (Ceremonial)

    The “law of commandments contained in ordinances” refers to the ceremonial law. (compare Ex 12:43, Nu 9:12, Col 2:14,17)

    The law “abolished in his flesh” refers to the ceremonial law. Yeshua HaMoshiach is the sole sacrifice for sin to Whom it pointed. Jn 1:29, Heb 10:1-4,11,19,20, 1Pe 2:24


    Which law? (Col 2:14) (Ceremonial)

    The “handwriting of ordinances” clearly identifies this law as the ceremonial law.

    The remark that this law was “against us” further identifies this as the ceremonial law.

    The ceremonial law written by Moses was placed on the side of the ark. Dt 31:24-26

    The stone tablets, moral law, written by 'Elohim's own finger, was placed inside the ark. (x 40:20, Heb 9:4

    The post context remarks that this law was a “shadow of things to come” and “the body is of Yeshua HaMoshiach” further identifies this as the ceremonial law. Col 2:14,17


    Is the law the old covenant? Heb 8:1-13



    i never said they were obsolete, in fact i said the opposite.

    we are NOT JUST UNDER the 10 commandments.

    it is magnified and was shown to us by jesus and are to follow his example.

    so its not just those laws, but have been brought a new by christ. he is the way not just the written commands.

    you can say that christ is the old but made it new and he is what was broguht forth for us now and to follow.

    can't eplain it any better than that. it does make perfect sense.


    your arguing yourself.

    i don't think anyone said that the commandments are gone, non exsistant.

    what has been said is that jesus magnified it in his way, his teachings his works. to show how. his example is the new way now. we need to follow his example, thus he is the new law. the old made new. but he now is the way, the path.

    i know its hard for you to see, it was hard for the jews to follow god's law back then when it was only written.then a man comes and says he's god's son and to stop your ways and then begins to preach and show what it meant. thus they denied him and god and had him killed.

    you will never except him for what you should.


    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 10 2009,18:38)
    your arguing yourself.

    i don't think anyone said that the commandments are gone, non exsistant.

    what has been said is that jesus magnified it in his way, his teachings his works. to show how. his example is the new way now. we need to follow his example, thus he is the new law. the old made new. but he now is the way, the path.

    i know its hard for you to see, it was hard for the jews to follow god's law back then when it was only written.then a man comes and says he's god's son and to stop your ways and then begins to preach and show what it meant. thus they denied him and god and had him killed.

    you will never except him for what you should.

    Hard to follow? Never

    Many refused to follow it, just like many today say the law of G-d is not for them.

    Kinda like you, come to think of it.


    hi ron
    we never will reach God s understanding by our intelect based on knowledge,but through faith in our hearst and the love for God.


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 10 2009,18:53)
    hi ron
    we never will reach God s understanding by our intelect based on knowledge,but through faith in our hearst and the love for God.

    True, but what does that have to do with what we a chatting about?


    Hi ,
    Prison walls are a comfort for some.
    Be brave and walk free in the Spirit.

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