Reply To: Who is this Jesus?


I came across this board in a pursuit of whether or not the Trinity was real. I have been a follower of Christ (some call this Christian but that word has lost its meaning) for 20 years and have always been bothered by the doctrine, but it has not really been an issue until recently. In any case, after reading many, many verses, Websites, posts on Google Groups, and the like, I'm still not convinced that at least much of the Trinity is correct. I will not say I feel all of it is, and therefore it must be incorrect in and of itself, but there is much that is true. Yet a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

However, I think most of the arguments for or against the Trinity have used the wrong approach. One tries to prove or disprove the other and I think this just leaves both sides with at least some animosity towards the other — something God does not want. He wants the body to be in one accord: “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

That aside, I think the approach should be to ascertain just who Jesus is. I have posted this thread in this forum and not in the “Truth or Tradition” one because I want us to approach this scripturally, with no traditional filters in place. I know that can be hard but we must if we are to get to the truth. Once we can come to the truth of who Jesus is, then we can apply this to the truth or fallacy of the Trinity.

To keep the premise and “rules separate, I will start off with my observations in the next post.

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