Reply To: Islam


” For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”. Mat. 24:24.

I have often wondered what events could possibly arise that would ever lead to such deceit as that of which Jesus spoke here concerning the last days. I have heard countless interpretations and theories abounding about such likelihoods as to the identity of the antichrist (not to say that mine is correct either, only an hypothesis as well). Now I cannot say that this thought of mine is the Gospel truth either only an idea.  With the recent release of The Da vinci code by author Dan Brown, the world has been thrown into a very dangerous situation. The book as a whole essentially says that Jesus and Mary Magdalene not only had sexual relations,but birthed a bloodline of individuals leading through the Merovingian dynasty of French kings and even to the present. What is included in this blasphemous book is the notion of a “secret society” dubbed the Priori of Sion whose founding in 1099 was established in order to protect the secret down the generations to this day. I can say that the book is interesting, but so are occultic and gnostic books. While the idea sounds exciting, secret conspiracies, historical scandals, and earth-shattering love affairs, it sets up dangerous grounds for the end-times.

The main problem I have with the book isn’t its obvious blasphemous contents, but the portrayal of such material as FACT. I have been meeting lots of people (Christians included) who have fallen under the spell of this book. I have talked with them and they discuss this book like they’ve just uncovered a new Gospel or a secret section of the Bible. It has been noted in Matthew and Revelation that the elect will be deceived and seduced by another doctrine concerning Jesus; both his identity and divinity. The Da Vinci code has sold ,I believe, somewhere close to 6 million copies and continues to do so. I think that this book could set the stage for the antichrist.

How I believe this is very simple. In the Da Vinci code it is stated that this so-called Priori of Sion exists to this day and is awaiting the ideal moment to declare this secret of Jesus to the world. What COULD happen, I believe, is for either this sect (which does exist, founded in 1956 not 1099), or others claiming identity to such a group, to openly declare to the world not only this secret of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, but also that his descendents exist today. All that needs to happen is for them to declare a direct descendant of Jesus whose kingly identity has the power to perform miracles of great power. The Bible says that the antichrist will have the ability to perform signs and wonders.

A person possesed with the power of satan could easily fit this description and capture the admiration of the entire globe. Muslims could welcome such a notion for it strips Jesus’ divinity but not his identity as a great prophet of power. In fact, the Muslims are also awaiting a final prophet, the Ma’hadi. Many Muslims are often found praying to Mary the mother of Jesus when apparitions appear (such as Egypt and many other locations). If a religion could tie in an Apostate form of Christianity and Islam then who could stop it? Now as for a “way out there” theory this is certainly one of them. An even crazier idea is that the next pope will be involved in this deceit as well. Not just by his certification of the divine identity of the so-called descendant of Jesus, but also through the “Secret of Fatima”. It has been said that the last secret of Fatima (Also the name of Mohammad’s daughter, hint-hint)  was the knowledge of the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul 2, but much is left to speculation because it has never been openly revealed. Now, what if this secret coincided with that of the da vinci code’s? A frightening porposal indeed.

Now I say this only as a suggestion because the only one who knows the actual timing and order of events is God. What I can say is that even though these proposals seem far-fetched, many people pick up Dan Brown’s book and believe every word of it. In fact, I highly doubt that anyone who devours this book and thoroughly enjoys it will have any trouble believing someone who attempts to bring the fantasy world of that novel and the real events of the end times together. And with signs and wonders as proof I can only imagine if such a scenario could arise.

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