We seem to picture heaven as a room with God sitting on his throne surrounded by all his angels.
We picture heaven as a small place. We don’t really know what it looks like, because not much is revealed to us, but i imagine it would be a whole different world for spiritual creatures, and not just consisting of a throne room where God sits, but a whole different world altogether.
Some of you might have read my comments in other posts explaining about the day Christ was resurrected, that he ascended to his Father, and cleaned out heaven, then was back that same evening to meet with the apostles.
So my point is, if Satan had access to heaven and could travel to and fro until he was finally kicked out after the resurrection of Christ, then don’t picture Satan inside God’s throne room sitting beside and mingling with God, but picture him comfortable in a heavenly spiritual world designed for spirit creatures. A whole different world altogether. It must be a nice place for spirit creatures, millions maybe trillions of angels, all busy living in peace doing whatever jobs God has given them. It must be such a beautiful place and bigger than we expect, as Satan is filled with wrath for being banned from there. He is out of his natural environment now, and dust shall be the serpents meat (earth)?
I’d like everyone to just ponder on this for a moment, if you thought it strange for Satan to travel back to heaven for a little rest whilst Christ was in the grave for those three days, living amongst those trillions of angels in an absolute spiritual paradise, thinking God does not see what he did and thinking he got away with it?
God must of not communicated with him for a while, and tricked him into thinking he was not on to him maybe?