Reply To: The Trinity Doctrine


Hi, I would like to chime in on this subject on the Trinity. I found some things on this by accident when I was on a quest to understand Redemption.
Abram was called out to start a new nation that had only one God. And through this one nation would come a savior to deliver all mankind from the fall. All through the Old Testament God spoke of Himself as the one and only true God who made all things. He said if there were other Gods he would know about them, but there is only one and that is the God who created all thing including Man and who called out Abram, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. (1 John 5:7) I have been criticized for using the scripture in 1John 5:7 because it is in italics. That does not bother me it fits with other scriptures or doctrine. God set this system up, (the worlds way of reproducing) by seed, (Gen 1:12). It is a universal truth that all things reproduce by seed not just trees and plants etc. It is evident that God’s Word is seed according to the scriptures. God spoke and created all things in heaven and earth. (It is noted that the Spirit was always there with the Word when spoken, or when men was to speak the Word of God if it was to come to pass).
Man is a triune being, Spirit, soul and body. God spoke, God breathed, and God formed.
To identify or explain man is to look at what makes up mankind. We are a spirit being who has a soul and lives in a body yet we are one. To understand God, (and the trinity) we also see that God is first seen and defined as Father. All life that has ever existed or ever will comes from God. He is the Father of all living things.
He does this by seed, or His Word just like He set this earth up, seedtime and harvest. His Spirit is the power, (or life energy, source etc.) to give the seed power to reproduce and become what is spoken. We all know now that seed has DNA that instructs what the seed is to produce. God’s Word is no different. God says, let there be an Acorn tree and the Acorn tree is created with the seed in it to reproduce after its own kind. In John 1:1 when it says “in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God” has the same meaning as “your word is you”. You are as good as your word is. If you are a liar, by your words you will be known. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart, (spirit) you will speak. An honest man will be known by his words not just by his deads.
There is only one God, but can be identified as Father, Word and Spirit, (what I believe is the true way of looking at the subject of Trinity). Now when it comes to who is Jesus, we can see that He had to be a part of the human race but not of the human nature. God breathed into Adam the breath of life. We are all a product of the “breath” of life through the seed of Adam. Jesus according to John 5:26 is a product of “the life”. He was a product of the human race, but not the human nature qualifying Him to be a sinless savoir for all mankind. When God wanted to bring Jesus into the world, He once again spoke His word, not like before when He created Adam, but into Mary, (the original seed that created man and the seed in man to reproduce mankind, which was corrupted through the fall), spoke again and Jesus was conceived.
Fully man and fully God. We got our nature from Adam and Jesus got His from His Father, God.
While we were created in the image of God according to 1Cor. 15:49 we did not bare that image because of the fall. In Heb. 1:3 Jesus was the “express image of God”. Jesus was not just a man nor was He God from before creation, (but the Word was). God is not conceived, God cannot die a spiritual death or a physical death, yet Jesus was conceived and died a spiritual death and died physically on the cross. The Bible said that by man came sin and by “man” came righteousness.
Much studying on this has brought me to a place where I can see redemption much more clearly. Other Scriptures can be looked at to confirm and expound on this, but this was the springboard that gave me the foundation to understand Redemption.
Redemption is accomplished by a man who had no sin but who was a product of the human race, (not of the nature) in order to be the Lamb of God without sin or spot. This is the mystery of Righteousness, God manifested in the flesh.

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