Reply To: JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?


All is indeed created by the breath of his mouth.(his word).ps 33:6.
Gen.1:2 The earth was covered with water.pslms 104:6.

1:3. GOD SAID.(His word coming out of his mouth)

1:6. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:9. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:11. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:14. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:20.GOD SAID.9His word)

1:24. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:26. GOD SAID.(His word)

1:28. GOD SAID.(His word)

1;29. GOD SAID.(His word)

2;18. THE LORD GOD SAID.(His word)

JOHN10:34.Jesus answered them: is it not written in your law;– I SAID–,YE ARE GODS? God is speaking through his word made flesh(jesus). I–God said; ye are gods,knowing good and evil. gen3:22. –the Lord God said,they become like one of us. note–one of us: not us: but one of us.Which one?

God and his word is from everlasting.His word is in him.
And his word was spoken when he started creating.

IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD.(notice the word beginning).
Beginning of creating: All creatures has a beginning of existence.


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