Reply To: John 1


An examination of John 1: 1-20! The context Reveals What?

With an addition!

Trinitarians will take this scripture out of context using only verse 1 to support the Trinity Doctrine. It is true most Bible Translations word this scripture in this manner: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” Ignoring the entire context of this scripture, that to them is the last word. To them, Jesus was God, and he was with himself. Does that sound a trifle strange to you, the reader? It should, because it is! Right from the outset there is something wrong with their teaching. That is because they are ignoring what the entire context is saying! When one takes the entire context into consideration, as should be done, quite a different picture emerges than what the Trinitarians would have us believe. Note how my Websters New World Dictionary defines this word 'Context.' …

… a joining together … to weave together … …the parts of a sentence, paragraph, discourse/ immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and determining its exact meaning / to quote a remark out of context/ the whole situation, background, or environment relative to a particular event, personality, creation, ect.”

Did you notice? One can, 'quote a remark 'out of context'? By reading only one verse of scripture, or perhaps two, Trinitarians are quoting John 1:1 out of context and clouding the true meaning of what the entire context is saying, because reading the context in its entirety, shows their thinking to be terribly wrong.

Permit me now to 'join together' or 'weave together' certain other verses of this scripture in John 1: 1-18 so we can see clearly what the entire context is saying. Beginning with verse 1 which informs us: “In the beginning was the Word” … Now Bible scholars recognize that the Word spoken about here is, none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. He is identified by that name in the Revelation by John, in the following words: “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in Blood: and his name is called THE WORD OF GOD.” Verse 2 tells us, the same was in the beginning with God!'
[Revelation 19:13] So, no doubt, Jesus is the Word that was with God in the beginning, and there was two separate entities together, not just one!

Now, I will follow the rule given by Paul at 2 Corinthians 13:1 to supply two or three witnesses to, what I will now point out about the Christ being with the Father in the beginning. My first witness is found at Micah 5:2 where we learn this: “But thou, Beth'-le-hem Eph'-ra-tah, though thou be little among the Thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” So, according to that verse Jesus has been in existence from, as it said, 'from of old.' Paul adds to that this information: “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” [Colossians 1:15] Added to that, John calls Jesus “The faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God.” [Revelation 3:14]

Now, I know from experience that Trinitarians will try to distort the aforementioned scriptures, but they do that to their own peril! I will go on to show why that is. “Ye shall not add unto the word that I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” [Deuteronomy 4: 2] Compare [Deuteronomy 12: 32] [Proverbs 30:6] {Ecclesiastes 3:14] Now just how serious is adding to, or subracting from Jehohah's Word of Truth? The Apostle John in the Revelation account will answer that: “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this Book: And if any man shall take away from the words of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of life, and out of the Holy City, and from the things that are written in this Book.” [Revelalation 22: 18,19]

My advice to you Trinitarians is, don't tamper with Jehovah's word of Truth. Leave it alone! If you value at all your opportunity for everlasting life under God's Kingdom!

Thus far we see that Jesus has been with the Father from the beginning, being himself 'the beginning of the creation by God,' the 'firstborn of all creation.' As well, we have learned that he is the word who was with God in the beginning. Now move on down to verse fourteen and consider these words of John: “And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,[and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Now does this scripture tell us that God became flesh, and dwelt among us? Does it tell us that we beheld the glory of God? No! It does not does it! Now consider verse 18 where we read these words: “No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosum of the Father, he hath declared him.”

Now would be a good time to use scripture to support scripture. By this, I am making reference to the words of Jesus at John 5:37 where Jesus is telling us this: “And the Father himself which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.” Now all of Jesus followers saw his shape, and heard his voice.. They stood face to face with Jesus, saw clearly his form, heard clearly his voice, but Jesus very pointedly said, “Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. So, then, how could Jesus himself have been God? The truth is, he simply was not God Jehovah in the flesh. That is a Trinitarian lie, that is seen clearly now. I think in this instance we should believe the words of Jesus, for he taught nothing but the truth. Listen to this further truth stated by Jesus: “Not that any man has seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.” [John 6:46] Now, in case someone would accuse me of quoting scripture out of context by my using John 5:37;6:36 it should be remembered that I am not trying to support a false teaching, but, rather refute one; and I use these scriptures following the rule given by Paul to “supply two or three witnesses to establish a matter as the truth, so the two scriptures in John are my two witnesses. [2 Corinthians 13:1]

Now should anyone desire to read the entire accounts of both of those scriptures please feel free to do to that. Only don't stop there, I encourage all to read the entire Bible through. Was I to have quoted the scriptures above and below the two in question it would have cast confusion on the point I was trying to draw out, that no man has ever seen God. Time and space did not permit me to quote the entire passage of both of those scriptures in John, that would have only served to confuse the issue at hand, and would have detracted from the main point I was seeking to draw out, that 'no man has seen God at any time.'

Of course, in his heavenly existence he would have had to have seen his Father on many occassions. But, again, he pointed out that no man had ever seen the Father, because no man could look directly at Jehovah God and continue living. Jehovah told Moses who had asked, “I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. He was told, in part: “Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me and live.” [Exodus 34: 12-20] First Century Christians looked upon the face of Christ, and yet there is no record of anyone ever dying because of that fact. No Christ was not God in the flesh. That is so far from the truth its laughable.

In conclusion then, I would like to focus attention back to my dictionary definition of this word, “Context” a reading of it again is very revealing: “A joining together, to weave together” … “the parts of a sentence, paragraph, discourse, etc immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage an
d determining its exact meaning… the whole situation, background, or environment relevant to a particular event, personality, creation, etc. In other words, no one simply reads the first line of a discourse, and from that set forth a hard and fast interpretation, without first taking the entire discourse into consideration. The only way to determine the exact meaning of Johns discourse would be by examining closely every word, every sentence, every paragraph. When one does that with John 1: 1-18 he will find he has a very different picture painted than what the Trinitarians would have us believe is the case.

I have shown that by joining together, or weaving together certain passages in John 1: 1-18 and then by supplying other supportive scriptures from the Bible, as I have done, one comes up with a picture quite different from the one drawn by Trinitarians. One must examine closely the whole situation as described by John in order to determine the exact meaning of what John is trying to draw out in his discourse.

By ignoring what is being focused on in the entire context, and setting forth an interpretation based on only one sentence; one is not only robbing himself, but he/she is robbing others of accurate knowledge of Jehovah and his Son, because only the truth will set us free, and only the truth will put us on the road to everlasting life. Trinitarians would rob us of these treasures, by teaching a doctrine that completely misrepresents Jehovah God and his dear Son, Jesus Christ.[John 8:32] [John 17:3] By following this lying doctrine one would be led on a path to certain death at the hands of the two who are being so sadly misrepresented. Jehovah and his Son Jesus Christ!

So, what does a thorough examination of John 1: 1-20 reveal? The context in its entirety, reveals that the Trinity Doctrine is a teaching inspired by demons, for who else would wish to so malign our great creator and his Son Jesus Christ, so as to mislead mankind into believing something about the creator and his son that is simply not true? [1 Timothy 4:1] [Revelation 12:9] [1 John 5:19] [2 Corinthians 4:3,4]

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