Around 2003 and preceding years, I use to have the same type of dream where I was travelling to places to admire natural attractions and to view the awesome power of some rivers and waterfalls located here. Because this dream was repeated in many different ways, I knew that there was a message in them for me. After some t...
Many believers, prophets and, apostles in the Bible received heavenly visions from God. We discuss these visions including others since that time and to today. True visions reveal things God wishes to communicate to us. If you ever wanted to hear from God, then read some of these visions. These messages are important revelations for God’s people and we would be wise to heed them.
Signs of the end
, , Visions, End Times, Signs, 167Around 1991 I asked God when the end of the world would take place. Graciously, God gave me a series of dreams that showed me a period of time to look for. These signs were not great events, rather things that exist today, but being different in appearance due to futuristic technology. The following writing describes two ...
Around the year 1986, I was given a vision of Heaven and the River of Life. A similar vision to the Apostle John as recorded in Revelation 22:1. Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb Not long after receiving that vision, I was give...
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