Jesus spoke in parables and quoted the Old Testament. But it seems that he also quoted from The Book of Enoch.
Here we look at different points of view including controversial views that may challenge accepted ideas. Some viewpoints thought to be wrong are also posted to test why they are in error.
Did the Founding Fathers of the USA intend for their society to be religious or secular? Joshua Charles, author of Liberty’s Secrets, explains.
According to the message in the billboard above, do you sound like a Nazi? If the answer is NO, then ask yourself the following question below. Q: “Replace the word Muslim with Nazism and ask yourself if you now sound like a Nazi sympathizer.” If you honestly answered no to the first question, then there is a ...
The War On Truth

The War On Truth is a video series exploring the Postmodern Age from a Christian perspective. To get started I will post this video about Liberals or Conservatives. I will be posting a new video in the series when I am ready to watch them. I hope you find these useful if you come across them. Liberals v Conservatives
Can you trust your search engine or social networks? Are the gatekeepers of information abusing their power? This video says yes. They want to control your world view, your political views, and your beliefs. While I may not agree with everything the person in the video says, I think he makes a fair point. What do you thin...
Can we trust that reporters and journalists will tell us the truth? Former reporter for the New York Times and Pulitzer Prize-winning Judith Miller explains why Americans no longer trust the mainstream media and why the media is in decline. Watch now.
When people think of humanity’s greatest evils, why is “Communism” rarely mentioned? After all, it has caused more suffering than any other ideology, including Nazism. Watch Dennis Prager’s account of Communism’s horrific legacy.
Jordan Peterson reminds us that many people can’t talk, are afraid to talk, or they don’t know what to say. If you are reasonably articulate, start talking! Or remain silent and become a miserable worm.
The Left is trying its best to impeach Trump and remove him from office. But what would happen if this were to take place? It seems the Left has not thought this one through very carefully, because the man to replace Trump would be Vice-president Mike Pence. Why would the Left regret having Mike Pence as president? Becaus...
The reaction, resistance, and rejection of Trump does make you wonder why is he treated so differently to his predecessors? It seems that globalists, atheists, feminists, islamists, communists, socialists, and leftists, all want him gone. And no surprises that all these ‘ists’ just happen to be anti-God. They seem to ...
Christina Hoff Sommers criticizes feminist driven public policies that not only favor girls’ development at the expense of boys, but also sees boys as fundamentally pathological. Has feminism changed from a movement for equality to a movement toward superiority? It seems that Social Justice these days is not really ...
The films of Steve Bannon

Donald Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon warned in a film 10 years ago that the U.S. could become the Islamic States of America. Steve Bannon is a powerful man in American politics. As one of Trump’s political aides, this former film producer is currently Assistant to the President and White House Chief St...
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