Who are the monopolists that own the world? This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich people are buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, even governments.
Here we look at different points of view including controversial views that may challenge accepted ideas. Some viewpoints thought to be wrong are also posted to test why they are in error.
The Dark Ages 2.0

We seem to be living in Dark Ages 2.0. The Age of Mob Mentality and propaganda induced hatred. When Compliance isn’t Science
What happens to society when man forgets God

A discussion about what is happening in America and the level of foolishness that many cannot explain. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. NOTE: Video taken down.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues stupidity is more dangerous than evil. This is because you can protest against evil, but against stupidity, we are defenceless.
I have been thinking for some time now that the United States of America is really the Divided States of America. And I just don’t see a reconciliation happening anytime soon. Short of a common enemy, I cannot see the two Americas ever uniting again. The hostility toward each other is so bad that it seem that a divorce ...
The Western world has produced some of the most prosperous and free societies on earth. Why is this? The answer is the embrace of both revelation and reason. These two pillars of the West are personified when comparing both ancient Jerusalem and Athens. Both cities have contributed much to western civilization.
Identity and nature. Many are confused about the difference. This might clear it up. You can change your nature, but you are still you. For example, the Son of God was divine, but he emptied himself and came in the flesh. Yet, regardless of nature, he was still the Son of God. Doctrines like the Trinity define God primari...
The problem with Millennials is caused by failed parent strategies coupled with addictive technology.
Could the Bible actually be teaching the flood was just a regional event, or are Christians committed to believing the floodwaters covered the whole face of the earth?
If you believe something is impossible, it will remain impossible. But if you believe you can do it through ignorance or not, then you just might end up accomplishing it.
The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory. Rather, it is a real conspiracy being revealed to us by global elites.
Surviving Evil

In any generation, it just takes enough ignorant fools at any one time to allow evil its course.
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