What does Jesus, Cherubim, and the tree of life have in common?
Sermons are talks or writings based on subjects related to God and the Bible. The aim is to share pearls of wisdom to others in order to strengthen their faith or bring them into faith with God.
Did the plagues in Egypt each represent an Egyptian god? The plague of blood was against Hapi and Osiris, the Egyptian gods of the Nile. The plague of frogs was against Heqet, the Egyptian god of fertility. The plague of dead livestock was against Apis, the god of livestock. The plague of darkness was against Ra, the god ...
Fundamental differences between Judaism and Christianity.
Jesus embodies both the spoken and revealed Word of God (Rhema) and the written Word of God (Logos). His statement, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” goes beyond mere reference to the letters of the alphabet; He is specifically identifying Himself as the Written Word of God, present at the beginning with God. Th...
God hands over some of his power to individuals. It is called free will. Without free will, there can be no love as love is a choice. If you are programmed to love, then that is not love, it is a program. However, with free will there there is risk. The risk of rebellion. But a rebellion that will only happen once. Why? B...
If you read the Old and New testaments, it seems almost certain that the Jews would reject Jesus as their messiah. Why is that? Because the Bible is full of examples where the Jews persecuted and killed the prophets that were sent to them. Jesus gave a parable to the people about this: And the vinedressers took his servan...
God’s Plan
, , Sermons, Salvation, 10God who is the creator of life and worlds, gave certain living creatures free will in order to allow them to love him in return. But free will comes with risk. Creatures with free will have the ability to reject God and go their own way instead. Why would God do that? Because if there is no free will, then there is no tru...
Rejecting Jesus Christ
, , Sermons, Jesus, Salvation, 8Rejecting Jesus as the Christ is rejecting God’s salvation. Rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ is rejecting God’s instructions. Rejecting Jesus as the Son of God inhibits your own sonship that God is offering you. Rejecting Jesus as the messenger of God is rejecting God’s message. Rejecting Jesus as...
Let’s be clear. Scripture explicitly states that Jesus is the son of God and we are sons of God. Jesus even calls us brothers because we are part of the same family as him. God never calls us brothers. To him we are his children. This doesn’t sound like Jesus is God does it? What does scripture say about who...
Is Jesus God himself because he came from the Father and has the same nature? We know that God’s nature is divine. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. W...
It’s not about saying “God!” It’s about doing evil in God’s name.
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