This video from Chuck Missler is brilliant. Chuck talks about the universe, physics, our reality, and scientific discoveries.
Science & God
Are God and science mutually compatible? Some say a big no, but they forget that the modern scientific method came from great scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir Isaac Newton who had deep faith in God. Newton is not only credited for the scientific method, but spent more time studying scripture than being involved in science. His belief was God created all things and science investigated these things that God created.
Are We Real?
, , Science & God, Physics, Video, 6An interesting video that looks at our perception of reality and looks at discoveries that could point to a creator. However, what is also interesting is science’s pursuit to disprove God in any way. Every time the evidence suggests that there is a creator, they try to rationalise it away with mathematics and laws. ...
Is the Universe we see reality? Can we trust our own eyes to perceive reality? Does science point to a creator?
Not many are aware that the father of Physics and arguably the greatest scientist of all time – Sir Isaac Newton, was a zealous believer in God. He spent more time studying scripture than he did science and math. After intense study of the scriptures, Newton concluded that the Trinity was a false doctrine and he bel...
Why there is a God
, , Science & God, Atheism, Life, 50“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Have you heard this saying before? It is a wise saying. What if I could prove to you that God exists by using this logic? Read on and see that indeed God is the only logical explanation for the Univ...
There are probably many reasons why we dream. Some say it is to file away our memories others say they represent our unconscious desires, thoughts, and motivations. Whatever the reason, we know that sleep and dreams are probably important for the pure fact that we spend around one-third of our lives doing it. Given that...
When considering the greatest mathematicians of all time, two men stand taller than all others. Sir Isaac Newton and Archimedes. What is interesting about both these men is their link to the divine and infinity. Newton was obsessed with God who is infinite and, while Archimedes figured out much of his mathematics by incor...
Modern science is a poor imitation of nature at best.
Scientists believe that space is something. Even between electrons, there is something. They call it dark matter and dark energy because it cannot be seen. If you took away all that was visible from the universe, except you and you were able to spin around, what would you be spinning around in relation to? Well that would...
Can you explain the Universe using mathematics? Is there a logical structure that explains the structure a rain forest? How long is the coastline of Britain? Is there a closed shape that you can see, yet has an infinite circumference? All these are explained by fractals which is the structure you see everyday, but never...
Why does the Bible mention Unicorns? The answer will surprise you. The idea of unicorns roaming alongside humans sounds like something from a fairy tale, but it isn’t.
Spacial dimensions We are told that the universe began from a singularity and it created time-space. In other words it started in 0 dimension and from what we observe now, 4 or more dimensions. Given that, is it logical to assume that the singularity first expanded in a 1 dimensional space to 2-dimensional, then created 3...
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