Listen to this speaker refute evolution in less than 5 minutes. Dr. David Berlinski is an educator, philosopher, and author. He works as a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.
Science & God
Are God and science mutually compatible? Some say a big no, but they forget that the modern scientific method came from great scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir Isaac Newton who had deep faith in God. Newton is not only credited for the scientific method, but spent more time studying scripture than being involved in science. His belief was God created all things and science investigated these things that God created.
Irrefutable logic as to why there is a God.
I usually answer this question with an explanation on infinity. The idea that you can get an infinite or almost infinite amount of finite sets from infinity exists such as what we see in the universe. Let me explain. If there was nothing and something sprung from that, then this nothing can not be nothing, but must be som...
Atheists believe that there is no scientific evidence for God. They are wrong. Even if we ignore common sense, the following video explains some evidence and reasons as to why there is a God and creator of the universe from a scientific point of view.
There is a conspiracy theory that espouses the possible opening of the abyss caused by the world’s largest machine, the Hadron Collider. While this seems far-fetched like many other conspiracy theories out there, I post this because it asks some interesting questions about our reality, other realities, and the veil...
Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons, Illusion & Reality… A unique look at reality and the universe with intelligent questions and observations.
If the universe came from nothing, then nothing needs to exist in order for the universe to come from there. But the definition of nothing is non-existence. Thus the existing universe coming from non-existence is what Evolutionists need to explain. If they cannot explain it, then they rationally cannot discredit the idea ...
Richard Dawkins says: “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” Of course that definition is more suitable for blind faith because real faith is the evidence of things not seen...
This video brings together a number of scientific experiments and quotes from scientists regarding Quantum Physics and what it tells us about the physical universe that we observe as our reality.
Morals and moral laws come from a mind. They are not the result of blind chance. Just the same way that the theory of Evolution came from a mind. The differences being that the first mind is eternal and right and Darwin wasn’t . That said, the idea that Evolution creates morals is a joke. Adolph Hitler did everythin...
“When an animal or plant kind comes from another the mutant has no one to reproduce with, so end of the line. In other words, when a being belonging to a species can no longer mate with its parent species, then it has to be lucky enough to come across a mate that mutated in the same way in the same location, and at ...
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