The media uses subtle mind tricks every day to subvert the truth. This is how they do it.
Bible Doctrine
The Bible is a book containing history, prophecy, teachings, and ultimately doctrine. Biblical doctrine is a set of truths derived from the Bible’s teachings and indirectly from patterns and events recorded in scripture. This includes the Doctrine of Christ, which contain the direct teachings of the messiah Jesus Christ, and from the way he lived his life.
Political Correctness is a weapon used to silence people who tell the truth. – Ayaan Hirsi Ali
While we have a current lively discussion about the Flat Earth, I would like to introduce an obvious conflicting theory to not only the Flat Earth but also the widely accepted theory of Plate Tectonics. Called the Expanding Earth Theory, the premise is not as absurd as one might think on the outset. The theory’s mai...
What the story of David Goliath is really about
, , Bible Doctrine, Giants, Israel, King David, Video, 0It’s a classic underdog story, a young shepherd boy armed with a mere sling who takes down the giant Goliath, a mighty warrior dressed in armour. But do people really understand the story? This Ted Talk is about the biblical story of David and Goliath which has become a mainstream metaphor for the underdog triumphin...
What are the differences between the terms son of God and son of man? The speaker in the video below gives a good answer for this, but unfortunately appears to also support the Trinity Doctrine. Why is it that Trinitarians put ‘son of God’ and ‘God’ in same sentence? Why do Christians teach the Tri...
If you kick God out, then you are on our own. If you are on your own, then good luck. You are going to need it because… 1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
What does it mean to put your faith in God? This video explains what faith is about and how we can put it into things that are not God. // < !; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fj...
Is Jesus the Logos?
, , Bible Doctrine, Jesus, Logos, Trinity, Word, 25,959We know that God created all things through his Word. John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 1 John 1:1-3 That which was from the beginning, w...
The Holy Spirit is a spirit, but is the Father also a spirit? Well we know that the Father is God and God is spirit. The Father is the Father of all spirits and life. The Father is also the father of our Lord Jesus Christ? But the gospels tell us that the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and because of this, the child was to b...
Did you know that there’s a “forbidden chapter” in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh )? See what it says.
Basic logic
, , Bible Doctrine, God, Trinity, 247Basic logic is this: “If we accept God has a son, that means God is the Father.” & “If the Holy Spirit fathered Jesus, then the Holy Spirit is the Father’s own spirit.”
For many Christian denominations, the foundation of their faith is usually a version of the Trinity Doctrine in some form. But is this doctrine really the true foundation of the Church? Let’s take a look at the actual foundation that Jesus Christ built his Church on. Matthew 16:13-18 13 Jesus came into the country...
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- DesireTruth on Daily Devotions
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