The subject of God’s existence is discussed in a debate between John Lennox & Richard Dawkins. John Lennox makes a great argument about the existence of God and faith. He even stumps Richard Dawkins on the subject of faith at one point. The commentator in this video also provides some pearls of wisdom such as: &...
Apologetics is the defence of biblical doctrine and teachings. Since ancient times, Christians who preached the faith often had to defend the faith too. Such became known as Christian Apologetics. Apologetics is a response to a skeptical world where challenges regarding God’s existence and the teachings of Jesus Christ are poorly understood.
The Ethiopian Bible, written in Ge’ez, an ancient Ethiopian language, is considered the oldest and most comprehensive bible in the world. It is believed to be the earliest complete illuminated Christian manuscript that has survived. With 81-88 books, it predates the King James Version by nearly 800 years and include...
The “problem of evil” has been the primary argument against the existence of God throughout history. The question is, if God is real, why does he permit so much suffering in the world? Recently, atheists have countered the argument from cosmic fine-tuning by suggesting that the properties required for life in ...
Two highly educated and articulate individuals engage in a profound philosophical debate on the existence of God.
The origins of the universe and all it contains have long been a topic of discussion and disagreement. Some individuals hold the belief that a higher power, commonly referred to as a deity, was responsible for the creation of the universe. Others believe that the universe has always existed, rendering the notion of a crea...
Is the flood account in Genesis a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh?
, , Apologetics, Babylon, Flood, Video, 0Sceptics claim that the flood story in Genesis was sourced from the Babylonian story, ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ (The Epic). Yes, there are similarities, but there are also many differences. The Epic is an evolved text that has changed over the centuries to suit the culture of the day. Further, both Genesis and T...
Tom Holland explains why he was wrong about Christianity. “It took me a long time to realise my morals are not Greek or Roman, but thoroughly, and proudly, Christian.“ “While studying the ancient world, Holland writes, he realized something. Simply, the ancients were cruel, and their values utterly forei...
While atheists lack a belief in God, everyone including atheists have the burden of proof or evidence as both atheism and theism are beliefs. One believes there is a God and the other believes there is no God. Both are beliefs. Too often atheists hide behind the idea that their lack of belief in God means they do not have...
This is a truly powerful testimony from David Wood, a former Atheist. A must watch. The video discusses his conversion and explains why he left atheism and became convinced that Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead.
Why is there chaos and disorder in the universe if there is an intelligent designer? The answer is that chaos is actually order in disguise. Watch this video to learn about the order that you never noticed before.
Scientists have come to the shocking realization that the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe have been carefully tweaked to an astonishingly precise value that falls within the smallest of life-permitting perimeters. If any one of these values were altered by the tiniest of margins, no physical life woul...
The Kalām cosmological argument is a modern cosmological argument for the existence of God. Popularized by William Lane Craig in his The Kalām Cosmological Argument (1979), the argument is a variant of the unmoved mover in Aristotelianism.
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