Prophecy about Donald Trump 2007 & 2014

Before you listen to this prophecy, take note of the years these were delivered, 2007 & 2014.

These points stand out to me:

  • “And then I heard “gold.” I wasn’t sure if this was attached to his name, but He said to me, he will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance.”  Trump will restore the economy of America and notice that ‘gold’ is associated with the new leader. We know that the Trump brand is very much identified with gold.
  • “They will shout, “Impeach, impeach,” This has and is happening.
  • “And he will take a simple stone (remember the name)” Is this Roger Stone?
  • “Once you recognize the man that I have raised up, pray, for the enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House.” Is this Hillary?

More quotes about Donald Trump from Kim Clement.


“I am God and you have called to Me, and many from this Nation have said “enough, enough of religion, enough, enough of dead speech.” The Spirit of God said, this is a moment of resurrection. For the Spirit of God says, honor Me with your praise and acceptance of this that I say to you. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace if you wish, into the news media. Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say. Newsweek, what I want to say. The View, what I want to say. Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord! I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church, says the Spirit of the Living God!”


And then I heard “gold.” I wasn’t sure if this was attached to his name, but He said to me, he will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance.

I couldn’t quite see his face because that was not allowed because there was a mist that covered all the people and he was amongst them.   And the Spirit of God made me look at him, and He said, this man will throttle the enemies of Israel. 

This man will throttle the enemies of the West, and there are highly embarrassing moments that are about to occur for many, many politicians in this nation. There will be a shaking amongst the Democrats in the upcoming elections, but unsettling for the Republicans.

“They will shout, “Impeach, impeach,” but this shall not happen, and then, God says, highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises and people will become very afraid.”

And as Samuel stood before the brothers, and they had rejected David to come because of his age, take all these little remarks I’m giving you, they are gems. The name and the word “gold”, remember that. A man that is amongst them but is young.

And God says, these that shall reject him shall be shocked at how he takes the giant down.

Now hear me please. The giant of debt, the giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath, stand in glee watching America. “We will cripple you. You will lose your credit.” But God said, watch, I said 20,000. Look not to Wall Street; however, observe. And they shall say, “what is your plan for this giant?” 

And he will take a simple stone (remember the name) and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him, but the plan is so brilliant, says the Lord. It could only have been given by Me. 

Gold, stone, California and small of stature, and God says, once you recognize the man that I have raised up, pray, for the enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House.

The Spirit of God says, one more thing I want to talk to you about, that little dwarf in North Korea. I’m getting a little tired of him. I think I’m going to go and pay him a visit, says the Lord. You watch and see what I do and that will be a big sign that the man that I’m sending with the stone for the giant is emerging, says the Lord.

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  • #944884

    Political Persecution



    $20 Million is going to Churches, Faith Leaders, Universities, School Districts and Others to Help Identify Extreme Dissidents

    One of the signs of the end of times is when good is turned into evil and evil becomes good. What was once regarded as good and true is now being pushed to the margins of society. Bible-believing Christians who adhere to the literal word of God will be viewed as dangerous extremists. And since government agencies cannot regulate churches because our US Constitution calls for the separation of church and state, government agencies are now funding churches to help identify and report the so-called extreme and radical elements to the authorities.

    The Gateway Pundit reported the following on September 11, 2023:

    • “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced on September 6 that $20 million in federal grants (your tax dollars) will be handed out to 34 organizations to ‘prevent targeted violence and terrorism’.” [1]

    • “The $20 million is going to universities, behavioral and mental-health providers, youth services organizations, schools, churches and faith leaders, and state law enforcement agencies. Their job will be to identify political dissidents and foster interventions among those Americans considered to be ‘going down a path toward violence’.” [1]

    • “Whether it’s Covid and vaccines, the war in Ukraine, immigration, the Second Amendment, LGBTQ ideology and child-gender confusion, or the issue of protecting life in the womb, you are no longer allowed to hold dissenting opinions and voice them publicly in America. If you do, your own government will take note and consider you a potential ‘violent extremist’ and terrorist.” [1]

    Let this news sink in because it sounds so unbelievable, but it is beginning to happen. Instead of going after real criminals, some in law enforcement would rather target Christians who do not support the LGBT+ agenda, abortion, euthanasia, drag queen shows for elementary school, and a host of other anti-biblical ideologies.

    Our churches and schools are being weaponized by law enforcement to be used against our people. It is hard to imagine that a fragile little old lady who reads her Bible and has the burden to share the gospel will now attract the attention of our federal agencies. It won’t be long before law enforcement will begin flagging people of faith who believe that there are just two genders, male and female, distinguishable by biology. It is already happening in some places. Religious institutions are subjected to discrimination because they must either accept transgender students or forfeit privileges that are only available to those who support the LGBT+ agenda. [2]

    All you have to do to automatically qualify as a hate group is disagree with the radical liberal agenda, and federal law enforcement agencies will put you on a list of the extremists that must be monitored and investigated, just like communist countries do. The truth is that since the beginning, persecution has always been a part of true biblical beliefs.

    “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” John 15:19, 20.

    “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12.

    For a variety of reasons, persecution of the faithful has always taken place throughout history, and it still does in some parts of the world today. A time of trouble like never before is coming (Daniel 12:1). The good news is that we can always find comfort and hope in God’s word.

    “For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13:5, 6.





    God bless


    The Best Argument For President Trump’s Re-Election


    Trump is gaining support for 2024

    Hopefully it continues.


    Is this the reason why Donald Trump is censored and lied about in the media.

    Is it also the same reason why Christians and their beliefs are misrepresented?


    A recently listed property in Florida provides strong support for Trump’s position. Additionally, Kathy Hochul concedes that the ruling was influenced solely by the defendant’s identity as Donald J. Trump. Truckers are declining loads to New York, and businesses are relocating, indicating significant damage to the state caused by these actions.


    The Don’s NY Criminal Case Explained Without The Spin

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