Proof that Jesus is the prophesied messiah

Jesus the MessiahNot all who read the Bible believe that Jesus of Nazareth is God’s sent messiah to mankind. Many Jews who read the Torah for example do not believe that he is the one prophesied about in the books such as Isaiah which predate Jesus birth. These prophecies clearly tell us about the messiah of which only one man in the history of the world has fulfilled. That man is Jesus the Nazarene.


Prophecies that Jesus fulfills regarding the messiah

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  • #808756

    Hi t8,

    Yes the prophesied Messiah born in Bethlehem but recognised by the woman at the well by his supernatural powers.

    Those came by his anointing at the Jordan.


    Nick. if Jesus was the Christ, then know that Jesus was born a baby and was the Christ then and recognised as such.

    If Jesus was not the Christ when he came in the flesh, then that is tantamount to saying that Jesus was not the Christ, but Jesus Christ is the Christ.

    (For the purposes of the reader, Nick was teaching in these forums that Jesus the man was not the Christ till the baptism of John. I think he still teaches this.)

    Now let the scripture rebuke and correct:

    By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God;

    Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. 


    Hi t8,

    Do you still deny his anointing was at the Jordan?

    Until you hear the Spirit in him that is all we can expect from you I guess.


    I haven’ denied anything. If you think that me believing that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is a denial of that, then you are relying on your own understanding. If you think that me believing that men came to honour the Christ at his birth when he came in the flesh, then you are again relying on your own understanding.


    Hi t8,

    This is how you see what happened at the Jordan.

    “What I mean by that is when he was born, he was rightly recognised as the Christ and the son of God. He was further recognised at John’s baptism. These were all signs that he was and is the Christ. Recognising this does not mean denial of other things. So please do not go down the road that Nick has with me. Speculating on what it means to believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and that he came in the flesh as a baby in Jerusalem shouldn’t be taken as a denial of other important truths. ”


    The one appointed for the rise and fall of many in Israel had to be born of course.

    Then he took up the appointment at age 30


    Nick this is your quote.

    “What I mean by that is when he was born, he was rightly recognised as the Christ and the son of God. He was further recognised at John’s baptism. These were all signs that he was and is the Christ. Recognising this does not mean denial of other things. So please do not go down the road that Nick has with me. Speculating on what it means to believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and that he came in the flesh as a baby in Jerusalem shouldn’t be taken as a denial of other important truths. ”

    These are other quotes:

    Hi t8, Acts 2 says the Jesus was made both Lord and Christ. He was named after his birth but you think he was already Lord and Christ when he was born? Why?

    Yes, it had been revealed a person that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.

    Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.

    Hi T,
    Yes he became the Christ, the Son of the Living God, at the Jordan

    Actually, he was born Jesus Christ, the Lord, and savoir. He did not become the Christ at the Jordan, he was recognised as such. He was born the Christ as testified by an angel of the living God.

    But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

    Jesus was born at Bethlehem and reborn from above at the Jordan of the Holy Spirit.

    Actually Jesus Christ was born at Bethlehem. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. You can say it was Jesus only who is but the vessel to you, but scripture says Jesus Christ.

    This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph,

    Of course Jesus was made both Lord and Christ so was not conceived or born as such.

    Again, he was clearly called Jesus Christ and recognised as the CHrist and was honoured as the Christ.

    When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was greatly troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it has been written through the prophet:

    Now let’s see if your dialogue with me has made you change in any way by taking some of your own quotes and making a comparison.

    • Hi t8, Acts 2 says the Jesus was made both Lord and Christ. He was named after his birth but you think he was already Lord and Christ when he was born? Why? – Nick
    • Yes he became the Christ, the Son of the Living God, at the Jordan – Nick
    • Jesus was born at Bethlehem and reborn from above at the Jordan of the Holy Spirit – Nick
    • Acts 2 says the Jesus was made both Lord and Christ. He was named after his birth but you think he was already Lord and Christ when he was born? Why? – Nick
    • Of course Jesus was made both Lord and Christ so was not conceived or born as such. – Nick
    • when he was born, he was rightly recognised as the Christ and the son of God – Nick

    Hurrah! This man whom you accuse of not having the Spirit just changed your view. Although you were not willing and came to this understanding by being dragged kicking and screaming, you got there. You opposed me and accused me day and night and now you admit it is true. Jesus was born the Christ and the Lord. This settles it right? This was never about me denying his baptism at Jordan for I have never done that, it was about you denying that he was born the Christ because you reasoned that the mere man Jesus was not the Christ till the Jordan. I then rightly questioned whether this was an admission from you that Jesus was not the Christ based on what and who you teach Jesus to be.


    Nick, I think we can move on from here now that you admit that Jesus was the Christ when he was born.

    Curious though, do you understand that one can be appointed a saviour and then actively save. Thus one can be born the Christ, the Lord, the King of the Jews, and do things as these titles describe. A saviour can be sent to save, the Lord can be sent to bring all things into submission to God, and a King can be sent to rule one step at a time even.

    Jesus was born all these things and Jesus Christ was not born at the Jordan. He was born in a manger in Bethlehem. We certainly know from his baptism that he was recognized by John as being the one as God told him that the one whom the Spirit descends is the one.

    This debate was always about you denying that he was born the Christ and the Lord. You seemed to think that came three or so years before his death. You were wrong, but now you confess he was indeed born the Christ and the Lord, and the King of the Jews.

    Took a while didn’t it. But we got there in the end.


    Hi t8,

    If you must be right then we will leave you to it.

    But somehow saying he was anointed at the Jordan but that was only recognition of his previous anointing seems odd.



    But who is saying that Nick? You are saying that, not me. Even though you accuse me of saying it. I have never said such a thing.

    Jesus was born the Christ, the King of the Jews, the Lord, and savior because God made him those things. He was then sent into the world to do that which he already was.

    God sent prophets into the world to prophecy. What came first, the prophecy uttered by the prophet or the prophet? A man is born a king, but to young to reign. Does that mean he is not the King or will reign when he comes of age?


    Hi t8,

    So you did not say that the Jordan was just a recognition of his previous anointing.

    Perhaps my memory is fading.


    That is correct. Yes it is possible that your memory is fading. Definitely didn’t say JUST that. I simply pointed out the truth that John was told that the one whom the spirit descended on would be the one. That is written and that is what I referred to.


    Be quick to check and slow to accuse.


    Regarding this post

    I just realised that what I thought you said is something I actually said.

    That is unfortunate. So you continue to state that Jesus was NOT born the Christ in Bethlehem, rather at the Jordan instead?


    Hi t8,

    The one we follow was reborn from above at the Jordan.

    We can follow that.

    But getting anointed prior to birth would be a problem


    Nick you seem to be a very confused man always drawing the wrong conclusions. Of course it could also be mischief that you are getting up to.

    No one is telling you that you need to be anointed prior to or during your birth. You are not Nick Christ. lol.



    Hi t8,

    Are we not to be one with the Master?

    Follow me he said.


    Yes he said that. Good boy Nick.


    Hi t8,

    Good boy?

    Perhaps you should respect your elders.


    True, I should respect those older than me. But you are acting way below your age you have to admit.

    Apologies if you are offended. But I suggest being a bit more mature in your dealings with others.

    You seem to be having a meltdown. Please think about what you are doing first and how you come across to the readers.

    I am almost at the point of laughing my head off. It is very funny seeing this.


    Hi t8,

    It seems you cannot stop judging.

    But are you secure?

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