Should we keep the Sabbath?

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    Christ came to save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21) not from the Law (Matthew 5:18).


    to be true Jesus came to free his people from its enemy ,but of course to the Jews this meant the Romans but to the truth of God it was to free them from the devil the god of this world the true enemy of all men ,

    the fact that he paid the price with his own blood this was so man could be reconciled with God their father because through his sacrifice God does no longer sees the sins of the righteous ,



    Sounds right.





    I can make that point faster than an hour and thirty-two minutes. I would not teach the Jews not to set aside Saturday as their Holy Day because that is a Jewish Tradition given to the children of Israel as a gift and God has not taken back his gift. It was never a gift to the Gentiles unless they lived in Jewish households.

    That is all that needs saying on the subject. Any discussion is merely people they are reading things in Scripture that are not written. I find that difficult to do.

    The problem with your statement kerwin is that it contradicts Jesus own words in Mark 2:27-28:
    “And [Jesus] said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath'”.

    I don’t see the word ‘Jew’ here. What I see is man/mankind?

    Also, the video has other interesting points to consider even if he makes one main point. I like to hear all sides of the argument, hence why I posted this video because you never know when iron sharpens iron. But if you reject other views without listening like some do here, then you have iron, but nothing to sharpen it against. This is a cause of blindness IMO. Some settle on a doctrine and then do not consider new evidence when it comes to light. I think a person who loves truth will seek and find and they will continue to do that and not give up. Also, they will be less critical because they will be considering all things and how they fit rather than condemning everything but their own view.



    Also, the video has other interesting points to consider even if he makes one main point. I like to hear all sides of the argument, hence why I posted this video because you never know when iron sharpens iron. But if you reject other views without listening like some do here, then you have iron, but nothing to sharpen it against. This is a cause of blindness IMO. Some settle on a doctrine and then do not consider new evidence when it comes to light. I think a person who loves truth will seek and find and they will continue to do that and not give up. Also, they will be less critical because they will be considering all things and how they fit rather than condemning everything but their own view.

    this argument I can argue for it would depend greatly on the strength of the person faith , many think they have a faith strong enough to resit the storm of the devil ,but in reality they do not ,

    so picking up much scrap info or looking for crumbs in the haystack of junk is not a good way to reinforce our faith,

    a mature person has learned to see quickly what is important and what is not in God’s view,


    With regards to the Sabbath, I think it needed to be tested because some claim that we should observe it and others do not think it is relevant. Hence I want to hear the views. If I didn’t care about my faith in God, I would not embark on such things. My desire is to do the right thing. “Seek and you will find” someone once said.


    we first should understand what the sabbath stand for ,then we can ask what Christ did and said about the sabbath and then also follow Paul and other writers on the sabbath ,then understand it in truth has it present it from scriptures not from religion views or man views

    once it is firmly establish truth does not change ,if it does it was not the truth from the beginning ,


    I agree. So what is your problem with this thread exactly?



    “And [Jesus] said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath’”.

    It was made for a section of humanity but not all of them while is chief son of that section, and through Adam all humanity. God literally states the Sabbath is a sign between him and them with the words:

    Exodus 31:13-18New English Translation (NET Bible)

    13 “Tell the Israelites, ‘Surely you must keep my Sabbaths, for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you. 14 So you must keep the Sabbath, for it is holy for you. Everyone who defiles it must surely be put to death; indeed, if anyone does any work on it, then that person will be cut off from among his people. 15 Six days work may be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord; anyone who does work on the Sabbath day must surely be put to death. 16 The Israelites must keep the Sabbath by observing the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between me and the Israelites forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’”

    18 He gave Moses two tablets of testimony when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, tablets of stone written by the finger of God.

    He also states it is a sign between him and the Israelites forever.



    I listen to other views which is why I am here but my attention span is relatively short as I am easily distracted.



    not good ,you have to learn to focus


    It was made for a section of humanity but not all of them while is chief son of that section, and through Adam all humanity. God literally states the Sabbath is a sign between him and them with the words:

    And yet, way back when God created the heavens and the earth, that day was sanctified.

    Genesis 2:3
    By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

    To whom was this seventh day sanctified? To himself?


    I listen to other views which is why I am here but my attention span is relatively short as I am easily distracted.

    Thanks for being honest, we need more of that here. And I did wonder about that. Sometimes I feel you reply to a post, but haven’t really read the post properly.

    If I read part of a person’s post, I usually quote that part when making a response, to rule out the part I may have not read.



    The Ten Commandments are God’s eternal laws written with the finger of God in Stone. These commandments do not change. These laws are now written on our heart if we are born again and obeying the Word of God.

    All of God’s Word to us is given to us out of God’s love for us, and this principle of working 6 days and resting on the seventh day is a principle. It is not about the day. All of God’s days are equally important. Our body, which is really not our own because God has purchased it with a price, needs rest.

    But although I do not believe that it matters whether we rest on Saturday or Sunday or another day during the week, I believe that in order to bring the church into unity the church should observe the Sabbath day on Saturday as they did in the scriptures in order to stop bickering about who is right, and causing division in the church. God began His work week on Sunday, and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday, but for most of us, our work week begins on Monday, and there are those in professions like Doctors, nurses, policemen who would not fit into this routine,

    Jesus stated that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”. It is intended as a day of rest.

    Love in Christ,



    Jesus stated that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”. It is intended as a day of rest.

    could you show a few verse that said this ? rest of what for what ? sleeping in , go to the movies ?


    In the bible, it is said that the sabbath and the holydays shall again be practiced.  why ?

    A car cannot go from 0 to 100 mph in 1 millionth of a second  without a miracle happening

    A babe in christ is likewise the same, there needs to be a normal acceleration   and the tool , like a car is the sabbath AND the holydays,  to teach and mature in the mind and heart, the babe christian into an adult, led by the spirit, fully furnished into all good works



    But what happened to the 7th day ?  Who thought to change the day?  By whose authority?  Blastphemy ! And where did the incredibly deep teaching tool of the holydays go?  Did they go to the PAGAN, fleshly, corrupt  HOLIDAYS ?



    I do not believe the Sabbath day was ever for Gentiles except for those that took part in Jewish households.

    The Seventh Day is Saturday; even to this day.

    Some celebrate Sunday and possibly Friday as the Sabbath but that developed from pre-Catholic theological thoughts or from Islamic thought respectively. The same is true of Easter.



    I agree that it is not good and that I need to focus but my brain does not cooperate with my mind.



    Thank you for your advice.

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