Eternal life is to know the one true God and his son


God made man in his image. Jesus is called the image of God. We are not the source. Jesus is not the source. Both are images of God. One made, the other begotten.

Further, an idol is the opposite. It is an image of God made by an image of God (man). All idols start of in the mind of man and not the Spirit of God. The Trinity Doctrine included. It creates a God from the mind and reasoning of man and abandons the teachings of scripture on who is the one true God.

Jesus said in John 17:3:
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

Do not ignore the words of eternal life my friend.

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  • #790454

    Saying God has given all power on heaven and earth does not make them God..

    Bodhitharta – the reason God is God is because He has all power on heaven and earth.. if you were given that power you would have to be God by very definition.

    Binding things on earth doesn’t make us God, just as manifesting the miraculous will never make us greater than Christ..


    You also made this Husband/Wife comparison is that the way you are believing in the trinity as 3 completely different beings with different abilities that simply have Unity of purpose but are not 1 BEING?


    …unity of purpose and singleness of being (just as two are one with God).. this comparison is simply an example that we can easily see showing two separate beings existing as one unit… (seeing there is confusion about this issue regarding the trinity).


    Another illustration is body, soul, spirit – each a complete entity in itself… combined to make one being – simple examples that show it’s not that illogical to expect God to exist in a similar fashion… especially when He said, “Let us make man in our image.”


    Trinity, trinity everywhere you look,

    But people are blind when they read the Book…


    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”


    Jehovah Witnesses re-interpret this verse to say, “…and the Word was a god” to suit their own teaching…. (that Jesus was really Michael the archangel)…


    If you don’t agree with this definitive verse, how would you re-word it to explain what you believe concerning the deity of Jesus Christ…?


    The Scripture clearly says, “with God – was God”…which is wording that perfectly describes and defines the trinity – separate yet the same.!



    Hi davidl,

    It is rather the intellectual vanity of those who claim to see what is NOT written

    Such is of the gnostic heresy.


    Where is your third PERSON in Jn 1??


    As soon as I find your trinity taught in the bible I could agree.

    Otherwise I would be following tradition.


    What I share comes from the Bible – please show me anything I have said that comes from tradition..?




    Hi davidl,

    Of course the trinity theory started as a binity theory.

    Are you preferring the latter?


    Or do you now realise God had a Son?


    Hi Davidl,

    The traditions of men are imbued in the trinity teaching.

    Jesus never taught this so it is a teaching of deceived men to whom the Spirit is foreign.



    The issue with the trinity is the deity of Christ – to deny the trinity (like the JW’s) is to grievously demote Jesus Christ..


    Hi davidl,

    ” Little children guard yourself from idols” 1 jn5

    Man prefers a trinity idol they can put in a box rather than the God of Israel Who sent His Son into the world filled with the Spirit.



    you’re hung up on the word ‘trinity’ because of your background… I believe in the deity of both the Holy Spirit and the Son as equal to the Father, this is refereed to in Scripture as the ‘Godhead’…


    Hi davidl,

    You would not suffer such confusion if you believed what Jesus said about himself.


    no confusion here…


    Hi davidl,

    Yes I have heard this man made GODHEAD is like a business with 3 partners.

    Godhead is found in the KJV and the two times the word is used it means things different from each other and different again to what you appoint.

    Check it out


    …so now you’re saying the Bible is confusing…?


    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”


    Jehovah Witnesses re-interpret this verse to say, “…and the Word was a god” to suit their own teaching…. (that Jesus was really Michael the archangel)…


    If you don’t agree with this definitive verse, how would you re-word it to explain what you believe concerning the deity of Jesus Christ…?


    The Scripture clearly says, “with God – was God”…which is wording that perfectly describes and defines the trinity – separate yet the same.!


    Hi davidl,

    Acts 10

    “..God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit..”

    Does this mean God anointed God with God??


    Hi davidl,

    So WAS GOD means IS NOT GOD?


    Hi davidl,

    If your faith basis is a god not seen in the bible how can your building stand?


    Hi Davidl,

    Why would God need to be anointed?[acts 10]

    heb 7.7

    “But without any dispute the lesser is blessed by the greater”


    3 equal persons??


    Hi davidl,

    Do you not realise that this theory about God is grossly insulting to him?

    Come out of her my people.

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