Enamoured with false doctrine

Jacaranda Tree Australia

Eve beheld the beautiful fruit that was on the Tree of Good and Evil and succumed to its temptation. Similarly, many become enamoured with doctrines that are at first strange to them, but because their hearts are wayward, they entertain them and accept them more over time for reasons other than loving the truth.

Photo of a Jacaranda Tree, Napier, New Zealand.

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  • #791631

    Hi t8,

    It is hard for folks coming from a tradition of idol worship to read scripture with an open mind and without prejudice.

    It is spiritual though and the natural mind struggles.

    Confusion follows simplistic reading.

    Knowledge is better received as a grace of the Spirit after rebirth [2Peter 1]


    Hi t8,

    Men focus on the flesh.

    Flesh contributes nothing

    All is the work of God


    I wonder sometimes just what false doctrine is in terms of religion, when there are countless religions/beliefs in the Christian faith alone.And nearly all Christians damn one another even those within their own denominations,and it’s been that way from the beginning which even the bible testifies to.

    I also wonder about the prayer of Jesus in St.John 17 where he prays believers be one as he and the Father are one.Has that ever been answered? or will it ever be?

    Oh maybe only after the judgement or during a millennium?but I guess Satan will be released to deceive even during this supposed time of  millennial bliss?

    I just don’t Know these things and I’ve changed my mind on religious matters many times so maybe I’m damned by false doctrine too!

    Or perhaps i should just quit being so thoughtful/double minded, and decide that I do have all faith and understand all mysteries and am the elect and therefore damn all others who disagree with me.Maybe then i will have the true faith and truly know as I am known.


    Hi Andrew,

    Why not just starting with the revelation of God and learning by comparing verse with verse AND LET GOD TEACH YOU?


    Hi Andrew.

    Scripture is the template for the Doctrine of Christ in written form.

    Much scripture is clear and easy to understand.

    If it says something, then it is true unless it contradicts other scripture. In such a case, you dig deep to see what words the translators could have used.

    In most places it is not hard at all.

    e.g., “For us there is one God the Father”, or “Whoever believes on him shall not perish”, or ‘Salvation is a free gift of God” etc.

    Obviously you need to read in context and when you think you understand it, it cannot contradict other scriptures.

    In cases of contradictions, you can further study until the harmony of truth is revealed.

    What messes things up for many people is they are taught a predefined doctrine and once it is planted, they see through that lens. But we are told to crucify ourselves. So empty yourself and let God fill your mind with truth and your heart with love. If you do that, it is much harder to err. But those who seek will find, so be encouraged by that.


    Hi Andrew,

    The answer is very simple.

    God did these works through Jesus-Acts 2.22.

    Forget the fanciful ideas of men and come back to worshipping the God of Jesus and our God.[jn20.17]



    God is all.

    But there are differences in the vessels he uses and this is discussed in 2 tim 2.20f, 2cor 4.7

    But men have fallen into the trap of worshipping the vessel over the God who dwells within.



    Do not be distracted by the wordplays of the lost.

    True worshippers will worship the Father…


    Hi GB,

    False doctrine is that which is not soundly based on scripture

    Your rants fill that definition nicely


    Hi, Nick,

    I don’t think it is wrong to focus on the flesh.  The Bible affirms the innate goodness of teh temporal-material world. Unfortunately, Christianity too strongly identified with Hellenic metaphysical systems were the temporal-material order is seen as a inherently, a big illusion. Sin isn’t flesh, sin is insensitivity.



    Hello, t8.

    The truth of the matter is that there are around 100 major contradictions in Scripture.  These cannot be easily explained away simply looking at clearer passages.  For example, 2 Sam. 21:19, in Hebrew, says that Elhanan killed Goliath of Gath.  If you Bible  says he killed the “brother of” Goliath, that is not an accurate translation.  The “brother of” is a tampering with the text done  by later translators to gloss over this contradiction.   So why is this  contrition there?  The popular theory is that it is a major scribal error.  However, I believe David had puff pieces written about him which over exaggerated his role in the death of Goliath.  Somehow a truer account managed to creep in and reserve itself.  Either way, there is still a major contradiction here.   We have to remember that divinely inspired as it may be, Scripture was written by fallible  men, males, who lived in a sexist, racist, prescientific culture and who were then bound by those prejudices.



    The answer is not to fall back on human wisdom as a foundation

    but to know the voice of the Spirit that wrote scripture through men.



    The doctrine of Christ is clearly laid out in scripture. There is no contradiction.

    He is the son of the living God. God is his Father. God has a spirit by which he can be in all, even though our Father is in Heaven.

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