Denying the son of God

Peter denying Jesus

Scripture says that the Word existed with God in the beginning. In Genesis 1, the beginning means the point of creation. In other words the Word that was with God existed at least as far back as the point of creation and we are also told elsewhere that this Word became flesh and that God made all things through his Word. Further, it says that God made all things for and through the son and that after the son came in the flesh and died for humanity, he went back to the glory that he had with God before the cosmos. And indeed we read that he is seated at the right-hand of the majesty on high in unspeakable glory.

The view the Bible seems to point to is the same view that many early church fathers also taught. This was that God as the Father with the son coming from him. In other words the relationship is the same as we have with our sons/daughters. They come from us, and we have incredible love for them coupled with authority over them.

Jesus often said things like: “if God were your Father, you would believe that I came from God“. If Jesus or the Word did not come from God, then you could speculate that the son has always been in the same way as the Father. That would lend itself more to their being two Gods even if one of the Gods was greater than the other. In this case, scripture would be written differently. Instead of God being the gardener and Jesus the vine, both would be gardeners. Instead of the head of Christ being God, the head of Christ would be no one. Instead of God being the Father of Jesus, God would be more akin to Jesus brother albeit possibly an older brother.

Far be from it though, ‘Jesus is the son of God’. We are told in scripture (in a puzzling way) that those who deny the Father and the Son (such as what Islam does) that is the sign of the Antichrist. However, there are many other doctrines that deny the son more subtly than Islam. One is to say that Jesus is God and then by that definition, he cannot be his own son, thus indeed the doctrine itself denies the son.

I use to think it weird that the Antichrist spirit denies the son. I reasoned that surely there are much worse things than denying Jesus as the son. However, there are many religions, philosophies, and doctrines that deny the son and their fruit is not good when you look back in history. After all, Peter declared to Jesus that he was the son of the living God and the messiah after Jesus asked who do people say I am and then asked Peter who he was. Jesus commended his answer saying that this was revealed to him by the Father. Jesus then spoke the foundation of the Church into being. “Upon this rock, I will build my Church“. He then said, “and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it“. So it seems that Hell itself is the thing that is trying to deny this important revelation and truth.

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