Ed J replied to the topic in the forum JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD? 4 years, 4 months ago
Hold firmly to the truth, encourage by sound doctrine.
The first thing that must be considered in John 1:1 is that John did not speak English, the Text handed down to us is in Greek.
John 1:1; En arché én ho lógos kaí ho lógos én prós tón theón kaí theós én ho lógos.
ho lógos =91
Spirit =91Ho Logos is God’s HolySpirit, not Jesus
I would agree to an extent. Jesus said that, “God is Spirit”, John 4:24; pneúma ho theós.
Logos comprises more than the physical aspect of YHWH, it also represents His entire range of faculties.
It is in Heraclitus’ writings that the theory of the Logos appears for the first time and it is doubtless for this reason that, first among the Greek philosophers, Heraclitus was regarded by Justin, (Apol. I, 46) as a Christian before Christ. For Heraclitus, the Logos, which he seems to identify with fire, is that universal principle which animates and rules the world.
In John’s time the term,’logos’, represented God, who is the seminal reason [logos] of the universe’