The Divided States of America

I have been thinking for some time now that the United States of America is really the Divided States of America. And I just don’t see a reconciliation happening anytime soon. Short of a common enemy, I cannot see the two Americas ever uniting again. The hostility toward each other is so bad that it seem that a divorce is on the cards. Maybe even a second civil war. Actually I started noticing this division shortly before Trump became president and when I heard a strange prophetic word about two presidents at once from Kim Clement. It didn’t make any sense to me at the time, but started to once Trump became president and the reaction from the Left and those that voted Democrat became louder and louder. Trump exposed the true extent of the rift in America It seems now that the more time rolls along, the more I can see that there will be two presidents of America one day. For such a thing to happen, one or the other would need to secede from the union. Whatever happens, it seems clear that the differences are just too big for Americans to overcome. Perhaps America will be better as two countries. One part will have Biden or a president like him and they will be happy. They would be free to be more Socialist, with open borders, and let big government become even bigger. The other half would have Trump or a president like him. It would be more like the old USA. Still capitalistic, freedom loving, a strong voice in the world, and strong borders for protection within. Such a split would be interesting too. The rest of the world could see which of the two systems works better. Other countries could learn a lot from this experiment if I can call it that. But how would this effect the world order? It may actually be better for the world if there are two happy Americas rather than one divided and unhappy America. The two countries could trade with each other and they would be free to strike trade deals with whomever else. Perhaps states could even vote to leave one union and join the other. There could be some kind of system where states could join the country that is offering them the best deal or abandon the union they belong to if it starts to fail. Who knows if such a thing will take place. Or if America’s division will lead to some other outcome or solution. Maybe they will become united again because of a common enemy or threat from China or Russia. I can only speculate. What do you think. Is it a good idea? Will America be better off splitting into two different unions? In the video below, Russell Brand talks about a split in America with nearly half of Trump and Biden supporters thinking a split to be a good idea.