Invasion of New Zealand

2002 – The dream Around the year 2002, I received a very vivid dream in which New Zealand would be invaded by China in the year 2020. Since that time, I have hesitated to write it down and share it mainly because the such an event was too far fetched to be considered plausible. But it has bothered me over the years because the dream came in a similar fashion to other visions I have received that did come to pass. Back in the the early 2000s, the idea that China would one day invade New Zealand would have been believed by no one. But since that time, the idea has become increasingly possible. Even today it is still a very far-fetched idea, but the possibility of such an event has significantly increased since the time I received the dream. I will share the dream with you, but I will not tell you how to interpret it. Whether that be a literal interpretation or a symbolic one, I leave that to you. It started with me walking down a street somewhere in New Zealand. But while I knew it was New Zealand, it looked nothing like it. The streets looked more like they belonged in Asia. I saw mostly Asians and the shop signs had some kind of Asian writing on them. Perhaps is was just a Chinatown which we really do not have on this scale, but it could have been a typical street in New Zealand in the 2030s, 40s, 50s? It was a very colourful scene with lots of lights and electronic signs. The shops in the scene were quite strange. They were very small and stacked upon each other with stairs and narrow corridors everywhere. While I was observing everything, I noticed some people carrying around these really large bottles of what appeared to be a drink of some kind, but they looked too big to carry comfortably, but nevertheless were being carried with ease. I was confused about what this was and cannot think what it could mean. The dream then changed where I was looking back from the time in the vision and talking about an invasion that took place in the year 2020 which I assume explained what I saw in the dream. I remember saying to someone that it was amazing New Zealand was  invaded by China in that year and how no one expected it. The thing about this dream was its clarity. The detail was amazing. Because of this, it made an impression on me, but the problem was not the delivery of the message but the message itself. It was just too hard to believe and too controversial to even think about. Since this dream, I have quietly contemplated it from time to time and whenever China was in the news regarding its relationship with New Zealand, I always took note. Below are some news stories that show a growing dependence on China and a growing threat. I also … Continue reading Invasion of New Zealand