Should there be a recount if it is close?

Q: Should there be a recount in the 2020 elections? A: Yes. Q: Why should there be a recount? A: To rule out corruption. And if there is no corruption and Biden still wins, then the opposition will accept the result despite not being happy about it. Q: What would happen if there is no recount? A: Then the opposition will feel that they were robbed and this will not bring the nation into unity. Further, if the election was rigged and there is no recount, then that will encourage corruption from this day forward with every election. The consensus being, if you do not cheat, you will lose. Q: But the stated winner by the media is the winner right? A: No. They have no power to make anyone the president. Q: If the stated winner doesn’t want a recount, then why should the stated loser get one? A: They wouldn’t want a recount if they were not confident that they really won. If they were, then allowing a recount would convince the public at large that they indeed won the election and people would be more likely to accept the new leader. Q: Has there ever been recounts before? A: Yes. Al Gore actually won Florida in 2000 on a recount, but ultimately lost the presidency because of a pre-emptive surrender. Q: Why bother with a recount even if Trump won the electoral college vote? A: The truth always matters and recounting will to some degree discourage election corruption in future and encourage it if there is no double checking.