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    I did read what you wrote in the original post; I wasn’t going to spend the time commenting on your experience in your youth with the WWCG or derivative. What was given to Moses was for the Jews and not for the rest of the world. Your personal study experiences and what you found are very similar to mine and didn’t feel any commentary was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    This is in response to post #945224, finally have a moment to respond; sorry you are offended by saying to read the prophets of God. To also say, “sounds to me like once again you are speaking through assumptions that are false.” Explain how reading what the prophets wrote is speaking through false assumptions?

    You must remember, up unt…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: “First and foremost I am going to remain subject to MY WRITING FORMAT, since it is destroying you in a particular way!”

    Me: This tells me all I need to know about you…then I stopped reading.

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: PAUL CONFIRMED THAT JESUS IS GOD! NO? (copy and pasted in all your yelling glory)

    Me: Jesus isn’t God, glad you final realize it. Oh wait, it was a question; if Jesus is God and God cannot be tempted, explain the 40 days in the desert when Jesus was tempted. Oh wait, that was God taking on human form and was subject to the t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You CANNOT answer the question with the verse in question; I did answer you concerning the term “scripture” and the only scripture that was available in the first century the Jewish people would reference was the Tanakh (OT) or was Paul referencing some Roman or Greek writing? The fact you are making a HUGE deal of this tells me you’re j…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You can look at the OT and use it for a source of review and treat it like a fine piece of literature, but if you consider it “obsolete” what good is it to you? Why look at it; are you in need of a history lesson or as I said before, is the purpose of the OT for self service?

    If god is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, HIS words…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: “First and foremost, keep in mind that you have at least four of my post that you never replied for a reason only you know!”
    Me: How many questions have you left unanswered for me…tears of rivers flowing.

    Your response to Mark 4:11-12: “With your declaration, you simply confirmed that you are more than stagnated and still live…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    So you believe the words of God are confusing? Funny, what does God say about wisdom and understanding.

    Prov 3:13 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,

    You always quote NT verses to support your NT belief. Why is it you never quote an OT verses to support a NT idea; shouldn’t the NT be confirmed by t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Let’s say someone is teaching you how to skydive, but used words you didn’t understand, left out life saving instructions, wouldn’t answer questions in the simplest manner, and when it came time for the real jump told you good luck and shoved you out the door? Your view of this instructor would be positive or negative?

    Now explain Jesus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Then I propose the question to you again; but this time take a moment and answer it.

    What does the OT say about the Messiah; who will he be and what will he do when he arrives, does this match the Messiah of the NT? Is the Jewish Messiah the same as the Christian Messiah?

    You keep telling me by rejecting Jesus I have rejected God; this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    We can continue to debate what we believe is truth and write long explanations trying to prove our side of the “truth”; but the bottom line is what does the OT say about the Messiah; who will he be and what will he do when he arrives, does this match the Messiah of the NT? If you have found a passage to support the NT Messiah in the OT,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth



    “Hi Desiretruth,

    You: God was forgiving mankind without the need or help of a messiah figure.

    Me: THEN WHAT?

    You: God forgave without the need for “blood” since HE was looking for a truly repentant heart.

    Me: THEN WHAT?

    You: So the question still remains, what need does anyone have with Jesus?

    Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    In response to post #945105

    You quoted me:
    “God said he is our salvation, not that I have to go through another. God said to repent, turn from your wickedness, and your sin will be remembered no more. God said HE had no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desired they turn from their wickedness and live. What god do you s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Is it possible for the old testament to be wrong?

    Is it possible for the new testament to be wrong?

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    I hate when people misquote others; but when I am misquoted it allows me the liberty to have a little “fun.”

    What you are quoting is from post #944944 and maliciously left off the rest of what I said; I will quote for you the entire statement:

    “I came here to ask questions and present thoughts concerning those questions; hoping to b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    I seriously have no idea where you are going with this history lesson concerning Israel; both kingdoms where evil and subsequently dispersed (exiled). At the end of the age the Jewish people will be brought back to the land promised, united, and will be one people again.

    What’s your point?

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Not sure where you’re quoting (references are key) when you said “God said to them He would send a sword after ten wherever they went.” The closest I could find was in Jeremiah 24; but, God was speaking of destroying King Zedekiah and those left in Judah after being exiled to Babylon. God wasn’t speaking of destroying all of Israel since H…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: “Thinkers, like yourself, have got to commit intellectual suicide”

    Me: So I am suppose to give up my skills of reasoning when it comes to understanding what is said in the NT, this characteristic that God implanted in me – which God also has because I am created in HIS image – and blindly follow the words of man?

    You hit it last nig…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    The verse posted again for reference:

    Matt 10:23 “Whenever they persecute you in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

    You mention the House of Israel but not the House of Judah; this is the northern and southern kingdoms respectively. Yes…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    And you still can’t answer a question; your inability to answer what I have asked makes your silence deafening.

    All I have done is read words on a page and when the words don’t align, it creates questions. For you, it’s okay and you blindly accept them without question because someone told you it was “the spirit who wrote the scriptures…[Read more]

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