Does a Creation Day = 24 hours?

A day to us is 24 hours. But is a day to God 24 hours too, like some argue? A day on Earth is 24 hours, but a day on Mars is not 24 hours or any other planet that we know of for that matter. So how long is a day to God then? ‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’ So this is explicit. A day to God is like a thousand years. It is not saying it is exactly 1000 years, but that it is a long period. It makes sense right. Why would an eternal God be subject to an earth day like we are? He isn’t. Further proof is some say God created the sun on the fourth day. If you believe that, then you contradict your own view as there was no 24 hour day for the first 3 days of creation. This view is of course riddled with contradiction. Now look at the third day. God created plants on day three. These were able to sprout, fruit, and seed and fill the earth. Once again, not 24 hours. BTW, you never gave an explanation for the seventh day already being ended due to your 24 hour view. Further, what about the seventh day where God rested. Where does it say that God stopped resting after 24 hours. The rest is still here. He is not creating in the sense that there is not an eighth day, ninth day, etc. So we are still in the seventh day, and this is clearly not a 24 hour period. But what about evening and morning, I hear you say. This simply means from darkness to light or the thing not being there to being there. In the 24 hour day, it means night to day which is how the Jews thought of a day. Remember, the bible uses idioms and parables all over the place. Ask yourself if Jesus is coming back with a literal sword in his mouth according to Revelation 1:16. Of course, you know that it is talking about the power of his words. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. In summary, if a day to God is like a thousand years, then the evening and morning in one of his days is not within a 24 hour period. Simple. Further proof of this statement can be found in the fact that Adam was suppose to die the day he ate the fruit and yet who believes he died 24 hours later. A day … Continue reading Does a Creation Day = 24 hours?